中考完型练习Chapter 4 科普文化 下载本文

Chapter 4 科普文化

Text 1 团队运动

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. Vice Premier Wang Qishan has encouraged foreign investors (投资者) to believe in China’s


2. The consumer price index (消费价格指数) in China is expected to rise 1 percent this year,

according to the l__________ report of the National Bureau of Statistics (国家统计局).

3. Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson (前重量级拳王泰森) visited the

memorial Hall dedicated to late Chairman Mao Zedong (毛主席纪念堂) in Beijing’s Tian’anmen S__________ during his three-day visit to China. 1. d__________ 2. 1__________ 3. S__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

Yes, Team Sports

We all know that it is important to get exercise. But how can we get enough exercise and have fun as (1) w_________?

The answer is: team sports! Team sports are great. When we’re playing, our friends will (2) e__________ us if we are doing a good job, and there will be friends to give us cool (3) a__________ on how to play the sport better. Many times, we get to meet and make some new friends!

We play team sports for fun and good (4) h_________. We play team sports to learn about the team spirit. However, some teams try hard to win every game and become very competitive. If we are on such a team, we will have too much pressure. And we may even get (5) h__________.

Sometimes it can be hard to find a team that works for us. But we can always start one! Start a team with some of our best friends; finding (6) o__________ what kind of sports we like. It could be swimming, basketball, football, dancing, or something else.

And while we’re playing team sports, we should remember to play safe, too! We need to listen to our parents and teachers (7) b__________ we have fun! 1. w__________ 2. e__________ 3. a__________ 4. h__________ 5. h__________ 6. o__________ 7. b__________

美言金句 运动给我们带来健康,带来欢乐,也可以培养我们的团队合作精神。

Sport enriches us with good health and much fun and it develops the team spirit.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. How can we get enough exercise and have fun, too?


2. If all the members in the team are competitive and their aim is to win every game, what may

even happen to us?


3. Does the writer give us any suggestions about how to play team sports? If YES, what are



Text 2 毛毛虫

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech. 1. The Expo Axis Project (世博轴) is the 1__________ building of all.

2. Fireman David Tree shared his water with an injured A__________ koala after wildfires (森

林大火) swept through the state of Victoria on Monday.

3. The average vegetable price is expected to r__________ by ten percent at most during the

Chinese New Year. 1. 1__________ 2. A__________ 3. r__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (毛毛虫)

In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.

One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and — Pop! — out of the egg (1) c__________ a tiny and hungry caterpillar.

He started to look for some food. On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.

On (2) T__________ he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.

On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.

On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one lollipop, one sausage and one slice of watermelon.

That night he had a (3) s__________! He couldn’t sleep at night. The next day was Sunday again.

The caterpillar ate through one nice green (4) 1__________, and after that he felt much better.

Now he wasn’t hungry any more — and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, (5) f__________ caterpillar.

He built a small house, called a cocoon (茧), (6) a__________ himself. He stayed (7) i__________ for more than two weeks. Then he made a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and...

He was a beautiful butterfly! 1. c__________ 2. T__________ 3. s__________ 4. 1__________ 5. f__________ 6. a__________ 7. i__________

美言金句 美国原版儿童读物。轻松阅读,回味童年。

Thoughtful American reading material for children. Recall your own memories and enjoy reading.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. Where did the caterpillar lie before he came out?

______________________________________________________________ 2. What did the caterpillar do for the whole week?

______________________________________________________________ 3. What did the caterpillar become at last?


Text 3 地震常识

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. Shanghai joined more than seventy cities across China in 2007 to promote (提倡) a no-car day

and encourage people to use bikes or other forms of p__________ transportation.

2. The search of The Yangtze River Dolphin by an international team of scientists is reaching the

conclusion that the Yangtze River Dolphin may no 1__________ exist.

3. Larry Bird (大鸟伯得) is one of the greatest basketball p__________ in the world. 1. p__________ 2. 1__________ 3. p__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.


The earth beneath our feet usually feels solid and firm. Yet a million times each year – an average of (1) o__________ every thirty seconds — somewhere around the world the ground shakes and sways. We call this an earthquake.

An earthquake is a shaking, rolling, or sudden shock (摇摆) below the earth’s surface. They can be felt over large areas although they usually last (2) 1__________ than one minute. An earthquake can not be predicted — although scientists are working on it.

Most of the time, you will notice an earthquake by the (3) g__________ shaking of the ground. You may notice things moving on shelves, but (4) s__________ you may feel a sharp jolt (强烈的晃动) or hear a low rumbling noise (隆隆作响).

The intensity (强度) of an earthquake can be measured (测量). One measurement is called the Richter scale (里氏震级). Earthquakes below 4.0 on the Richter scale usually don’t cause damage. And earthquakes below 2.0 are too small to be (5) n__________. Only sensitive scientific instruments record their passage. Earthquakes over 5.0 on the scale can cause damage. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake is considered (6) s__________ and magnitude 7.0 is a major earthquake. The Wenchuan Earthquake, which (7) h__________ Sichuan some time ago, was magnitude 8.0. 1. o__________ 2. 1__________ 3. g__________ 4. s__________ 5. n__________ 6. s__________ 7. h__________

美言金句 科普读物,地震知识。

You can learn something about earthquakes from the passage. The passage contains some basic information about earthquakes.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. What is an earthquake?

______________________________________________________________ 2. A magnitude 4.0 earthquake usually doesn’t cause damage, does it?

______________________________________________________________ 3. What do you think of an earthquake?


Text 4 生物链

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. You can take e__________ half of the cake, for they are exactly of the same size. But you

can’t take the whole cake.

2. To finish building this supermarket needs lots of money and p__________ of time.

3. Former South Korean President Kim Dae Jung (韩国前总统金大中), a Nobel Peace Prize

winner for his efforts to improve Seoul-Pyongyang relations (朝韩关系), died at the a__________ of 85 on August 18, 2009. 1. e__________ 2. p__________ 3. a__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

Ecological Chains

For many years, a white oak tree (橡树) grew in a woods near a farm. It grew in a wet place, where white oaks grow ___1___.

The white oak became a tall tree, 24 meters high. It became a good home for other living things, for animals and small plants. It was a home for birds, for insects, and for a family of raccoons (浣熊). It gave shade to deer.

The white oak ___2___ gave shade to many plants that need shade to grow, such as ferns and mosses (苔). These plants cannot live in bright sunlight. The white oak received the bright sunlight and sheltered (遮蔽) the plants ___3___.

One day, the white oak was ___4___ by lightening and fell. The farmer did not remove the tree. He left it there ___5___ a shelter for the small animals that he knew lived in this woods.

Perhaps the fallen oak would shelter some toads (蛤蟆) or harmless snakes. These animals eat insects that hurt crops. Farmers ___6___ these animals.

Sooner or later, the oak tree decayed (腐烂). It broke down into ___7___ parts. This rotting returns important nutrients (养分) to the soil. It helps other plants grow in rich soil.

Each change in nature causes other changes to happen. Even after it has died, a plant plays an important role in nature. 1. A) well B) immediately C) beautifully D) heavily 2. A) hardly B) also C) never D) always 3. A) above B) over C) under D) below