我国光伏产业发展现状、问题及对策研究大学本科毕业论文 下载本文

长期来看,加快技术研发进度、提升技术创新能力,利用新技术不断降低光伏发电的成本是中国光伏发电企业应负的责任;另外,政府应该尽快出台合理的并网发电政策,如通过设定阶梯化的上网电价,鼓励品质好,高效率的光伏产品的应用和规模化。尽快制定公平高效的结算政策,给予设备制造商、生产企业和用户适当的补贴。在研发上,政府还应进行合理的引导,对于关键技术项目进行适当补贴。 (四)加强行业组织建设,制定行业标准,加强监督管理







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Development Status, Problems and Solutions of China's

Photovoltaic Industry

Liu Yang

Business School International Economics and Trade Major

No.091544064 Tutor: YAN Hong-Juan

Abstract: At present, many countries around the world regard the development of new energy, new energy, the rapid development in the world as a national strategy. Among them, solar its clean non-polluting, high-value features favored. China's solar photovoltaic industry started in the beginning of this century, in 2004 developed into the fast lane, has been dominant in the international market by 2011. However, the photovoltaic industry in the process of rapid development also produced a series of problems: excess capacity, dependent on foreign markets, lack of core competitiveness, these are restricting the further development of China's photovoltaic industry. Therefore, the government and enterprises should strengthen research and development, industry consolidation, improve laws and regulations, expand domestic application market aspects to enhance the overall competitiveness of China's photovoltaic industry, to promote better and faster development of China's photovoltaic industry.

Key words: PV industry; trade barriers; solar; international market