2019届二轮复习阅读理解专题训练之一:细节理解之事实认定型(21页10篇Word版含解析) 下载本文

it the best business book he has ever read.”可知,Business Adventures这本书是最受比尔·盖茨称赞的,故C项正确。]

3.Gates once had a personal discussion with the author of ________.

A.Capital in the Twenty-First Century B.Business Adventures C.How Asia Works

D.Making the Modern World:Materials and Dematerialization

A [考查细节理解。根据第五段的第二句“Gates also got to sit down with Piketty himself after reading the non-fiction work to discuss the topic.”可知,比尔·盖茨和Capital in the Twenty-First Century这本书的作者坐下来交谈过,故A项正确。]

4.In How Asia Works,the author analyses ________.

A.why African agriculture cannot develop fast

B.how they can apply Asian economic model in African countries C.why Asia is slow in agricultural development

D.how some Asian countries have rapidly grown in economy

D [考查细节理解。根据第七段中的“addresses how countries such as Japan,South Korea and China have continued to achieve high growth”可知,How Asia Works主要介绍了一些亚洲国家如日本、韩国和中国是如何快速发展经济的,故D项正确。]

People who possess high self-esteem are able to commit better and produce a greater bond in relationships with others. Dr.Douglas feels that most people do not value themselves,but with love and self-respect anyone can be above normality and grasp success with the family,the office,or others.

We have become too reliant on intelligence,beauty,and money for our own self-esteem. The loss of esteem reduces the will and ability to set and reach goals.In a series of reading Douglas teaches how to avoid negative statements,how to change them into self-facing behavior,and how to take charge of your mental attitude. Where other motivational and self-help work stops with the theoretical

plan for success,Douglas takes everyday examples and puts them into his books.From raising children who believe in themselves to using self-esteem to help bridge the gap in the workplace,he gives readers concrete solutions to the problems that might ruin their interpersonal relations.

Self-esteem building comes from filling your thoughts with positive affirmations(肯定)and learning to react to failures with motivation instead of self-destruction. These lessons are valuable for anyone who feels that life is even slightly out of control. People who feel they have adequate esteem can learn to use it to make their success grander,faster,and more beneficial for others.Douglas approaches this process of self-development as a means of more than creating good things for the individual but also for setting up keys for influencing good things for others.

For more than thirty years,Dr.Douglas has addressed more than two million people on topics from time management to speaking effectively to raising drug-free children. He is the author of fifteen books, including How to Make a Habit of Succeeding.

【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了自尊心强的优势,以及如何培养自尊。 5.What can we infer from Paragraph One?

A.Most people behave well enough. B.Self-respect means being above normality. C.Self-esteem matters much.

D.Committing better equals greater success.

C [考查推理判断。根据第一段第一句“People who possess high self-esteem are able to commit better and produce a greater bond in relationships with others.”和第一段的整体内容可推知,自尊心很重要,故选C。] 6.Why does Douglas put everyday examples into his books?

A.To be reliant on self-esteem. B.To set and reach goals. C.To avoid negative thoughts. D.To offer concrete solutions.

D [考查细节理解。根据第二段的最后一句“From raising children who

believe in themselves to using self-esteem to help bridge the gap in the workplace,he gives readers concrete solutions to the problems that might ruin their interpersonal relations.”可知,Douglas把日常的具体案例写进自己的书里是为了给出具体的应对方法,故选D。]

7.What does the author advise those whose life is slightly out of control to do?

A.Learn to be positive. B.Face it unmotivatedly. C.Admit self-destruction. D.Ask for help.

A [考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“Self-esteem building comes from filling your thoughts with positive affirmations(肯定)and learning to react to failures with motivation instead of self-destruction.”可知,对于那些感觉生活有些失控的人作者建议他们肯定自己,积极应对,故选A。] 8.What's the most important to be self-development?

A.Influencing the individual. B.Influencing more people. C.Gaining more benefits. D.Speaking more effectively.

B [考查细节理解。根据第三段的最后一句“Douglas approaches this process of self-development as a means of more than creating good things for the individual but also for setting up keys for influencing good things for others.”可知,自我发展最重要的是影响更多的人,故选B。]

While the world is still debating the safety of self-driving cars,Dubai is preparing to launch an autonomous flying taxi. Starting in July,the world's first passenger drone(无人机),the EHANG 184,will be available to passengers.

The shuttle,released in Las Vegas in January 2016,weighs 440 pounds and can fly at heights of up to 11,500 feet. The egg-shaped vehicle has room for a single passenger weighing up to 220 pounds and a small suitcase. Though the flying taxi can reach speeds of up to 100 mph,it will typically operate at about 62 mph.

Passengers can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from appointed zones using a smartphone app. Passengers strap into the seat,select a destination on the touch screen,and enjoy the flight. To ensure the passenger's safety,all flights are monitored remotely by a control room on the ground.

In the unlikely event that any of the components malfunction or disconnect,the drone will make an emergency landing to ensure the customer's safety. It's also programmed to ensure its route won't affect that of another drone. While having no control over the remotely piloted vehicle may appear scary,the producer,China-based EHANG,says,“It is the safest,smartest and eco-friendly low altitude autonomous flying vehicle.”Any drawback?The EHANG 184 has a battery life of 30 minutes and a flight range of just 31 miles. Also unknown is the cost of each ride.

Though the flying taxi seems advanced,it is not the first driverless transportation option available to Dubai's residents. As part of its goal to have 25%of the public transportation automated by 2030,the authorities have built the world's longest driverless metro and introduced self-navigating shuttles. Officials recently also partnered with a US company to build supersonic speed pods to carry passengers between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇科普说明文。介绍了一种迪拜正准备投入使用的无人驾驶低空飞行器——EHANG 184。 9.What can we learn about the flying taxi?

A.A passenger can call for a flying taxi online. B.It can carry a weight of 220 pounds at most. C.A passenger can touch the screen to control it. D.It usually flies at a speed of 100 miles an hour.

A [考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“Passengers can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from appointed zones using a smartphone app.”可知,乘客可以使用智能手机中的软件从指定地方乘坐EHANG 184,故A项正确。] 10.How can the shuttle guarantee the passenger's safety in an equipment failure?

A.It lowers its flying speed. B.It changes to another route. C.It gets help from the control room.