2019年中考英语《完形填空》专题强化训练附答案详解 下载本文

11. A. alone B. sadly C. together D. instead 12. A. safe B. tasty C. famous D. expensive

13. A. tradition B. standard C. happiness D. background 14. A. live B. agree C. work D. share 15. A. meat B. bread C. fruits D. drinks


根据短文内容,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A. Each part has a different meaning. B. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. C. That’s because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world. D. Also, mobile phone numbers can be recycled. E. The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world.

Have you ever counted the number of digits(数字) in your mobile phone number? Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number.___46___Why is that? The 11 digits can be divided into three parts.___47___The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider you are using. For example, 135 is for the China Mobile Communication Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you which area the number is recorded in. And the last four digits are random (随机的).

___48___We once had 10 numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999.

Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers, according to the Xinhua News Agency. That’s enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China.___49___Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven’t contacted (联络) for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.

Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11-digit mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0.___50___Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with l0 digits. Canada’s mobile phone numbers are perhaps the world’s shortest: they use seven digits.



16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. A


16. 她打开它,发现里面有很多钱。考查名词辨析题。根据下文After class, she told her friend, Mary, about the money that she found. Then, her greedy friend took away the bag.,袋子里面是钱,选B。

19. 下课后,that she found作the money的后置定语;她把找到的钱告诉了她的朋友玛丽。考查动词辨析题。根据前文One day she found a pink paper bag on the way to school. She opened it and saw there was a lot of money in it.,选A。

20. 放学后,凯特又想去老师的办公室,但她发现钱不见了。考查名词所有格辨析题。again又,再;根据前文When she went to the teacher’s office, her teacher wasn’t in.,结合句意语境,选C。

21. 其他的孩子都站在她身边,不知道该做什么。考查宾语从句引导词。A. how怎样,问状况/方式,do后要有宾语;B. what什么,问事/物,做do的宾语;C. when什么时候,问时间;D. where在哪里,问地点。由连接代、副词引导的宾语从句可以和“疑问词+不定式”结构转化。本句是宾语从句的简略形式,what做do的宾语;根据句意结构和语境,选B。

22. 她告诉其他人去找老师帮忙。考查名词辨析题。A. help帮助,帮忙;B. treatment治疗,对待;C. action行动,作用;D. leave辞别,许可。根据下文Soon a teacher took Mary to the hospital and the doctor examined her carefully.,结合句意语境,有老师帮助了她,选A。

25. 现在我决定告诉你真相。考查名词辨析题。A. lie谎言;B. story事;C. truth真相;D. result结果。根据句意语境,truth符合语境,选C。

26. 所以请不要把这件事告诉学校!考查连词辨析题。A. And和,表并列;B. But但是,表转折;C. Or或者,表选择;D. So所以,表因果。本句前后是因果关系,需用so连接;根据句意语境,选D。

27. 你现在很诚实,但你做了错事。考查形容词辨析题。根据句意语境,玛丽讲出了真相,是诚实的,选D。 28. 虽然我不会告诉任何人,但我希望你不要贪婪,不要做任何错事。考查副词辨析题。A. never从不,表完全否定;B. seldom很少,表(不完全)否定;C. sometimes有时;D. usually通常。and连接并列结构,根据句意语境,never符合句意,选A。

29. 这个女孩A. got up起床;B. woke up醒来;C. gave (玛丽)感谢凯特并欢呼起来。考查动词短语辨析题。

up放弃;D. cheered up欢呼。根据句意语境,前面三个选项都与句意不合,选D。

30. 学期结束时,A. prize奖励凯特因为在学校里是一个非常乐于助人的女孩而获奖。考查名词辨析题。(品);B. laugh嘲笑;C. joke玩笑;D. reply答复。根据句意语境,prize符合文意,选A。


9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. C

这篇说明文通过对比和举例,介绍了紫色的来历和发展,说明紫色曾经是是一种非常昂贵和不寻常的颜色,但在科学家Perkin的努力下,用两种化学混合物制造紫色染料,终于使紫色成为当今最流行的颜色之一。 11. 5亿多年前出现在地球上的第一批植物可能看起来是紫色的,而不是绿色的。考查副词辨析题。A. gradually渐渐地;B. especially尤其;C. exactly真地;D. probably可能。本句表推测,需用probably;根据句意语境,选D。

12. 今天的植物是绿色的,因为它们用绿色的叶绿素产生能量。考查代词辨析题。空格指代上文的plants,复数形式,需用they;根据句意语境,选B。

13. 但是这些早期的植物可能使用了一种叫做视网膜的东西,它是一种深紫色。考查连词辨析题。空格前后是现在的和早期的对比,属于转折关系,需用but连接;根据句意语境,选C。

14. 在罗马帝国时期,很难制造紫色染料。考查形容词辨析题。根据下文The dye came from sea snails. But 10.000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye…10只死海蜗牛只得到一克紫色染料,很难得,选C。 15. 染料来自海螺。A. got得到;B. passed但是10000只死海蜗牛只给了你一克紫色染料。考查动词辨析题。通过;C. wasted浪费;D. cost价值。根据句意语境,后面三项意思都与句意不合,选A。

16. 这种特殊的紫色染料被称为提利紫色,它是皇帝的首选颜色。考查形容词辨析题。根据前文The dye came from sea snails. 染料来自海蜗牛,很特别,选C。

17. 它是皇帝的首选颜色。考查名词辨析题。根据上文was called Tyrian purple,是颜色,A. basic基础的;B. harmful有害的;D. perfect完美的,均不合句意,可排除。选A。

20. 1856年,18岁的理科学生William Perkin在做实验时注意到一些奇怪的东西。考查名词辨析题。根据下文The chemicals he used to clean his instruments mixed with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color.,两种化学药品混合产生了反应(产生紫色),做的是科学实验,选B。 21. 他用来清洗仪器的化学药品与他在实验中使用的化学药品混合,产生了明亮的紫色。考查动词辨析题。mix with(使)与……混合;根据句意语境,选B。

22. 这一发现使Perkin创办了一家用这种化学混合物生产紫色染料的公司。考查名词辨析题。根据上文William Perkin, noticed something strange while doing an experiment. Perkin是在做实验时注意到的,所以是他


23. 这种染料比海螺染料便宜得多。考查形容词比较级。根据下文Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes. 任何人都买得起紫色衣服,更便宜,选C。


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B

2. 这个男孩告诉这个女孩,他给她他所有的球换她的糖。A. lend借; B. buy买; C. give给;根据in exchange for (交换) her candies.是给;选C

3. 这个小女孩认为那是个好主意。A. answer 回答; B. idea 主意; C. reason原因;根据The boy told the girl that he would____2____her all his balls in exchange for (交换) her candies. 这个男孩告诉这个女孩,他给她他所有的球换她的糖。是主意;选B

4. 但是这个男孩没把他所有的球给这个小女孩。A. all 都,所有的; B. most 最多; C. some一些;根据He kept the biggest and the___5___ball in his pocket and gave the others to the girl他在口袋里留了个最大最漂亮的,把其他的给了小女孩。是没给所有的;选A

5. 他在口袋里留了个最大最漂亮的,把其他的给了小女孩。A. ugliest 最丑; B. cheapest最便宜; C. prettiest最漂亮;根据句意应是最大最漂亮的留下了;选C

8. 他一直在想小女孩是否藏了一些糖。A. borrowed 借; B. stolen 偷; C. hidden藏;根据上文He kept the biggest and the___5___ball in his pocket and gave the others to the girl他在口袋里留了个最大最漂亮的,他也认为别人和他一样,是否藏了一些;选C

9. 你总是一直想其他人是否给了百分百。A. always总是; B. never 从不; C. seldom很少;根据but the boy didn’t sleep well. He kept thinking whether the girl had ___8___some candies from him.小男孩没睡好,一直想小女孩是否和他一样也藏了一些糖;选A

10. 你将会发现你会得到很多幸福。A. lose 失去; B. get 得到; C. want想要;根据文章小女孩付出百分百,睡得很好,小男孩没有付出百分百,睡得不好,如果你百分百付出,你就会得到很多幸福。选B


1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A 本文讲述了两个人之间令人感动的友谊事。

3. 她们的友谊来自一次比赛。A.从…B.在…下面C.到D. 在…。come from意为“来自…”,在描述友谊的缘起,选A。

4. 他几乎没有时间或金钱去玩音乐。这里是在描述过去的事情,讲述他过去“没有”…,所以使用hardly had,选B。