2015-2016学年牛津沪教版初中七年级英语上册全套复习提纲 下载本文

I had some milk and bread for breakfast this morning. 今天早晨我早餐喝了些牛奶,吃了些面包。

They usually have rice meat and vegetables for supper. 他们晚餐通常吃米饭,肉和蔬菜。 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 change my lifestyle 改变我的生活方式 plan to do sth 计划做某事,打算做某事 I plan to walk to school tomorrow.

swimming pool游泳池 near my home 我家附近 do sports 做运动 锻炼身体

数词+量词(名词) of 不可数名词(可数名词复数)

a bag of rice 一袋大米 five bags of rice 五袋大米 a bag of apples 一袋苹果 three bags of apples 三袋苹果 a kilo of meat 一公斤的肉 four kilos of meat 四公斤的肉 a kilo of books 一公斤的书 ten kilos of books 十公斤的书 less than?? 少于 more than??多于,超过

have a look=take a look 看一看 单独使用,后面不加名词

have a look at??. =take a look at??. 看一看??.. 后面要加名词 Please come in to have a look. There are many beautiful dresses in our clothes shop.


Can I have a look at your photos? 我可以看一下你的照片吗? taste吃起来,是连系动词,后面可加形容词

The food in that restaurant tastes very delicious. 那家饭店的食物吃起来很美味

on the tree在树上 , in the tree在树上,

树本身的东西用on the tree, 树之外的东西in the tree There are some apples on the tree. 树上有一些苹果 There are some birds in the tree. 树上有一些小鸟

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on the bus 在公共汽车上

play football to keep fit 踢足球来保持健康

help me start the day well 有助于我好好开始新的一天 give me energy for the whole afternoon 给了我整个下午的能量 need them to keep healthy 需要他们来保持健康

7A unit 7 知识梳理

1.down the street 沿着这条街 2.here is my wallet 这儿是我的钱包 3.come with me 跟我来

4.need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事

need you to carry all the bags 需要你拿所有的包 5.clothes shop 服饰店 6.sports shop 体育用品商店

7.ask Millie for help 向Millie寻求帮助 8.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买某物

buy him a present=buy a present for him 给他买件礼物 9. be sure+句子,确信,确定,有把握

I am sure our football team will win. 我确信我们的足球队会赢的。 Are you sure he is in the classroom? 你确定他在教室里吗? 10.be interested in……. 对…….感兴趣

I am interested in watching basketball matches. 我对看篮球比赛很感兴趣。 11.that’s a good idea 那是个好主意 12.you’re welcome 不用谢

13.Can I help you ? = What can I do for you ? 我可以帮你吗 14.just a minute=wait a minute稍等片刻 15.take a look / have a look 看一看

take a look at……./ have a look at…… 看一看.......

16.sth cost sb+金钱 某物花了某人……钱 (注意主语是东西,宾语是人) sth cost +金钱 某物值……钱

This book costs me 10 yuan=I spend 10 yuan buying this book.

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That beautiful dress costs 200 yuan. 那件漂亮的裙子值200元。 17.How much 多少 表示数量 后面加不可数名词 How much 多少钱 用来询问价格

How much milk is there in the fridge? 冰箱里有多少牛奶?

How much do the cards cost ?= How much are the cards ? =What is the price of the cards? 卡片多少钱?

18.different kinds of hair clips 不同种类的发夹 19.go well with …= match 与…… 相配 20.pocket money 零花钱 21.in poor areas 在贫穷地区

22.talk to his mother about the children in poor areas 和他的的妈妈谈论贫困地区的孩子 23.write a letter to sb或write to sb 写信给某人

write a letter to his classmate=write to his classmate 写了一封信给他的同学 24.ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事,要求某人做某事 ask your friend to help me 叫你的朋友来帮我一下 The teacher asks us to study hard. 老师要我们好好学习。

25.use our pocket money to buy them these things 用我们的零花钱给他们买这些东西 26.learn from sb 向某人学习

We should learn from Lei Feng. 我们应该向雷锋同志学习。 learn from each other 互相学习 learn a lot from them 向他们学到了很多 27.what’s your size? 你的尺寸 28.a pair of shoes 一双鞋子

29.try......on 试穿….. (代词放中间,名词可放中间,可放后面) try them on 把他们试穿一下

try this skirt on=try on this skirt 把这件短裙试穿一下 30.speak quite quickly 说话说的很快 31.five floors of shops 五层楼的商店 32.one floor of restaurants 一层楼的饭店

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33.food from different areas 来自不同地区的食物 34.watch films=watch a film 看电影

35.a good place to meet friends 一个和朋友见面的好地方

7A Unit8 知识梳理

1.think about 想,考虑

He is thinking about going to England for a holiday. 他正在考虑去英格兰度假。 2.特殊疑问词+to do

Please tell me how to get to the bus stop. 请告诉我怎样到达车站 He doesn’t know which coat to buy. 他不知道买哪件外套 I asked her how to learn English well. 我问她如何学好英语 3.Sb spend 时间/金钱doing sth 某人花费时间/金钱做某事

He spends an hour playing computer games. 他花了一个小时玩电脑游戏。 Sb spend 时间/金钱on sth 某人花费时间/金钱做某事

I spend 50 yuan on this pair of jeans. 我花50元买了这条牛仔裤。

Sb spend时间doing sth=It takes sb 时间 to do sth. 某人花费时间做某事。 He spends 15 minutes walking after supper.=It takes him 15 minutes to walk after supper. 他会花15分钟在吃过晚饭后散步。

Sb spend金钱on sth=Sth cost sb 金钱. 某人花费…钱买某物。 She spends 150 yuan on these books.=These books cost her 150 yuan. = She spends 150 yuan buying these books. 他花了150元买了这些书。

4.数词+more+名词=another+数词+名词,意为再,又,还,表示在原有基础上的增加 He is still hungry. He wants to eat another two cakes. 他还饿,还想再吃两块蛋糕 We need three more hours to finish the work. 我们还需要3个小时才能完成这个工作 I can spend 10 more minutes in bed. 我可以在床上再睡10分钟 5.so + 形/副.如此....,这么....., so lazy 这么懒 so quickly 如此快

6.have a fashion show= hold a fashion show= give a fashion show 举行一场时装表演 7.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人

lend me your new bike=lend your new bike to me 把你的新自行车借我用一下 8.What size 什么尺寸

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