广东省湛江二中2014届高三第二次月考(英语)2 下载本文

B. Professional Financial Planning Course(PFPC)

The objective of PFPC is to fulfill the educational requirements for the Professional Financial Planning(PFP)designation. This course will assist students to enter this demanding and expanding field by becoming qualified professional financial planners. The PFP fosters an independent and multi-disciplinary approach to financial planning. C. Registered Health Underwriter(RHU)

The RHU program is designed to provide students with the knowledge they need to become an expert in the area of living benefits. The program provides an overview of the historical development of living benefits. It covers the future trends in this field and how to take advantage of them. The RHU designation is the premier credentials in the health insurance market. D. Elder Planning Counselor(EPC)

The goal of the program is to enrich the knowledge and understanding of professionals including insurance and financial advisers, estate agents, lawyers and accountants, caregivers, medical personnel and generally people who work in the 50+ age group through education on topics focusing upon the evolving and specialized needs of Canada’s citizens as they age.

E. Canadian Securities Course(CSC)

If you are just entering the financial service industry, CSC will give you the knowledge and skills that employers demand. If you are currently working in the field, the CSC will enhance your skills, ensuring that you are able to provide the most complete services for your clients, and help you excel in your career. F. Distance Learning Course(DLC).

With courses that are either instructor-led or self-paced, with or without a live chat or web conferencing component, AACC can assist you with your educational needs. Online courses at Anne Arundel

Community College offer students an opportunity to take classes that fit their schedule and learning style. Distance learning students

work more independently than students taking regular in-class courses do.


56. Coco would like to enter a distance learning course which provides a convenient, standardized and economical approach for herself to learn. She attempts to attend class from anywhere – in the office, at home, at school, or on the road, and study at a pace that’s right for her.

57. Tom would like to enter a course which allows him to apply for the licence as a mutual fund salesperson. It is also the first step towards the licence for trading stocks and bonds and allows him to proceed into the Canadian Investment Manager or Financial Management Advisor designation streams.

58. John wants to enter a course which is involved in living benefits, including income replacement and risk management solutions for individuals, business owners and professionals.

59. Mary prefers a course that is the first all-Canadian elder

educational designation program in Canada designed by Canadians for Canadian professionals.

60. Jimmy prefers a course which allows him to meet the regulatory requirements as a newly registered investment adviser and qualifies him to take the Certified Financial Planner exam. Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

假如你校于5月4日举行了五四青年节庆祝大会,请你写一篇关于此次大会的广播稿,投给学校广播站。 【写作内容】

时间 地点 主题 内容 评价 五月四日下午三点至五点 学校大礼堂 五四青年节庆祝大会 两位同学介绍了参加北京奥运会志愿者工作的情况 校长对这一年来学习进步最快的同学进行了表彰 学生表演 ?? 【写作要求】

1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容(广播稿的开头已给出,不计入总句数); 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 Ladies and gentlemen,

Now it’s time for the English broadcasting of the latest school news. _______________

第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


Nowadays teachers are faced with a difficult situation. Not only do they have to learn how to teach materials effectively, but also they must pay attention to whether their teaching is popular with their students. Although teaching is a difficult job, educational experts say it is important for schools to ask students to uate their

teachers. It encourages teachers to try their best, and it also gives students the opportunity to express their opinions.

First of all, the teacher would be driven to do a very good job if he or she knows that the students will be uating his or her work at the end of the term. If there is no pressure from uation, a teacher might do a less-than-perfect job.

Besides, a study shows that teachers benefit most from students’ uation when they have helped to shape the questions posed and when they understand the feedback(反馈)that is provided.

Yet some people say that students are not qualified to do uations because they are too young or even innocent to do it.


学校即将召开外教老师和学生代表的座谈会,就“学校应不应该让学生来评价老师”这个问题进行讨论。你要参加座谈并准备一份发言稿,内容要点包括: 1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容要点:

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对学校让学生来评价老师的看法,内容包括:


(2)列举至少两条理由或以实例来支持你的观点; (3)给出你的建议。 【写作要求】

1.在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。