大学英语4课程设计教案 下载本文


课程名称 课程编号 授课年非英语专业 2008级 专级 业 校级公共课(√);基础或专业基础课( );专业必修课 课( ) 选修课 限选课( );任选课( ) 培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高文化素养。 课堂讲授(√);实践课(√) 考核方式 考试(√);考查( ) 大学英语(4) 72 学分数 课程类型 教学目标 授课方式 课程教学总学时数 学时分配 课堂讲授72学时;实践课72学时 出版上海外语教育《全新版大学英作 社及教材名称 李荫华等 出版社 语系列教程》 者 出版2002年1月 时间 《英语世界》 (月刊) 商务印书馆 《新东方英语》 (月刊) 出海外文摘杂志社 《英语沙龙》 (旬刊) 版英语沙龙杂志社 指《大学英语》 (月刊) 社《大学英语》编定 及辑部 参作者 《英语文摘》 编辑部 (月刊) 出《英语文摘》考《英语角》 (旬刊) 版《英语角》杂志社 书 《英语学习》 (月刊) 时北京外国语大学 《今日中国China Today》 杂志社 (月刊) 间 《今日中国》《法律英语基础听说》 法律出版社,2004 宋雷等 职 单 授课教师 杨新如 高级讲师 高职教学部 称 位 授课时间 2010年2月—7月 注:表中( )选项请打“√”。 1


周 次 章节名称 第1周,第1次课 编写时间 2010年1月1日 Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of the Nature 2 时间分配 授课方式 课堂讲授(√),实践课(√) 教学时数 Objectives: Students will be able to 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text; 2. do a comparison and contrast between Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of Soviet Union; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. Conduct reading, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. Lead-in: 1. Watch: Ss watch a short clip of a movie about World War II twice with the help of the key words provided by T and try to catch its main idea. 2. Speak: (1) T presents in PPT (PowerPoint) some pictures of natural disasters and asks Ss to tell their English names. (2) T asks the class the following question: “Which is more powerful, man or nature?” then divides the class into two groups. Group 1 are to list instances where man conquers nature, while group 2 list the cases where the forces of nature are too powerful to be resisted. Focus on (I): 1. Comprehension: (1) Global understanding: 1) Prediction: T tells Ss to read the unit title, text title, subtitles and lead-in to predict what the text would be mainly about by answering the following questions: a. How is the text related to the theme of this unit, i.e. fighting with the force of nature? b. Who or what is the icy defender? c. How is Napoleon and Hitler related to the icy defender and nature? 教学内授容课的要重点 点和难点 20 minutes 60 minutes 2

教学内容的深化和拓展 2) Main idea: T tells Ss to read Part 1 (the beginning 2 paragraphs) to get the main idea of the text and see whether their prediction beforehand is right. 3) Questions: T tell students to skim the rest parts and decide whether the following statements are true or false: a. The “icy defender” refers to the Russian river. b. Napoleon and his troops gained the quick victory in Russia as they had expected. c. Napoleon didn’t capture the capital of Russia. d. Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union that was the largest military land campaign in history. e. German troops adopted scorch-earth policy when they entered Russia. f. Hitler failed to capture Moscow because of the strong resistance from Russian people. (2) Detailed understanding: 1) March routes: T asks Ss to scan the text and figure out the march routes of both Napoleon and Hitler’s invasions. T then presents in PPT the two maps of both Napoleon and Hitler’s invasions of Russia. 2) Comparison and contrast: T asks Ss to compare the attacks launched respectively by Napoleon and Hitler by filling in the table (T presents the table in PPT). 2. Language study: (1) Language points: 1) Part 1(Paras. 1-2): T explains the following language points (presenting in PPT): Words and phrases: fierce, defend, devastate, bitter, launch, unequaled Sentences: a. But he was not prepared… (line 4) b. Hitler expected a short campaign… (line 10) 1. Cultural notes: T presents in PPT the background information about Hitler, Napoleon and World War II. 10 minutes 3

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the 本单元的教学communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should 手段(采用启be paid to classroom interaction. More encouragement is needed 发式、讨论式、and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular 研究式等教学study. Use the multi-media device where necessary. 方法情况及教学仪器设备) 1. In the lead-in phase: (1) T introduces the topic by letting Ss watch a clip of a movie; (2) T draws Ss’ attention to some pictures of natural disasters; Ss work in pairs to provide names for those disasters; (3) T divides Ss into two groups; Ss in each group work in pairs to list instances where man conquers nature or cases where the forces of nature are too powerful to be resisted. 师生活动设计 2. In the focus-on phase: (1) T explains the requirements for each reading task; (2) Ss work individually to finish the reading tasks assigned by T; (3) T presents in PPT the language points; (4) Ss take notes, answer questions raised by T, translate the example sentences, work in pairs to finish the exercises concerning a certain language points, etc. 1. Ss read aloud or recite the items presented in “Language Sense 思考题 Enhancement” (pp12-14). 或 2. Ss find more information about Hitler and Napoleon. 作 业