四川省内江市2019年中考英语试卷(word版,有答案) 下载本文


The Greens got a rather unhappy surprises when they tried to fly form Cardiff to Lanzarote last weekend. Because of a bad mistake at the airline check-in desk, the Greens got on the wrong flight(航班) and ended up in Ankara. So hwo did the mix-up happen?

It was five o’clock on Sunday morning when Charlie and Kate Green arrived at Cardiff airport with their nine-year-old daughter Tina. They checked in properly for their flight to Lanzarote, but the check-in attendant(服务员) made a mistake with their boarding passes and also sent them to the wrong boarding gate. Unluckily, it was so early and the Greens were feeling os tired and they didn’t notice anything wrong. What was worse, there weren’t nay announcements in the boarding gate area.

When the Greens finally got on the plane, Charlie and Kate Green fell asleep at once, though there were interesting films, magazines, newspapers and music for them to choose to spend the boring time. Little Tina took out s history book about Rome and read. Two hours later, she fell asleep, too. The didn’t wake up until six hours later, when the plane was landing. Suddenly, the flight attendant said. “Welcome to Ankara!” The Greens couldn’t believe it, and little Tina was quite unhappy. The family had to get of the plane and then pay £ 10 for tourist visa(签证). In the end, they decided to get back home, arrive at 5:00 p.m. on the same day. 50. Where did he Greens plan to spend their weekend?

A. In Cardiff. B. In Lanzarote. C. In Rome. D. In Ankara. 51. What did little Tina do first on the plane?

A. She saw a film. B. She went to sleep.

C. She listened to music. D. She read a history book.

52. How did the Greens feel when they arrived in Ankara?

A. Bored. B. Excited. C. Interested. D.Surprised. 53. What’s the best title ofr the text?

A. What a Wrong Trip B. A Trip to Ankara

C. The Greens’ Trip D. How long a Trip


Joe Connor comes from Kinsley and works in an office in Kansas City. His job is a typical nine-to-five, Monday-to-Friday job. So at the weekend, he does something different. He likes traveling but he works as a volunteer too. He helps different people for free. Every weekend, there’s a new project.

This weekend, Joe is helping to build a house. You can see him in the photo. He’s movinga large blue panel(). It’s part of a wall. Joe isn’t a professional builder, but that’s the interesting thing about this project. The other people are “weekend builders” too. There “weekend builders” are from the small town of Greensburg in Kansas. A year ago, a tormado() hit their town. After the tornado, the community started a project to build new homes. The project is for 30 new homes. They get some help from a building company and a group of volunteers. Joe says, “I heard about the tornado and the new project. I knew some people in Greensburg. I wanted to help,” Joe’s friends are here this weekend too. They’re working with Jill and Scott.

Jill and Scott are both from Pratt, and they are building their “dream house”. Jill (on the right) is standing near his new house. He’s holding a part of the new wall. They’re making the house that can fight against tornadoes—that’s why it has an unusual shape.

Their house is almost ready, so next weekend, Joe is moving to a different project. Why does

he do so? “Though busy, I can help people, I can make friends and that is fun! So, why not?” he says.

54. How long does Joe work every workday?

A. 7 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 10 hours. 55. Which place did the tornado hit?

A. Kinsley. B. Kansas City. C. Pratt. D. Greensburg. 56. Why does Joe choose to work as a volunteer?

A. He can make money to travel. B. The work brings him pleasure.

C. He always has lots of free time. D. He is good at building houses.

57. What’s the writer of the text doing?

A. Showing different projects. B. Introducing a tornado.

C. Talking about a photo. D. Helping build a house.


Students in Kenya are returning for their third term. They begin their school year in January and it is broken up into three terms. In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school an the education was not free, either.

I taugth math, English and physics at Chamasiri Secondary School whiel I was a teacher in Kenya. This school had four classrooms—one for each grade, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are equivalent (对等) to our 9th ,10th ,11th, and 12th grade. Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going from room to room. The Form 1 class had 60 students, Form 2 had 45, Form 3 had 30, and Form 4 about 12 students. The class sizes became smaller as the grades continued on. Why did this happen? Many families were very poor and couldn’t afford the school fees(学费).

Most countryside schools in Kenya did not have a lot of money. As a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use. I had seven math texts for my Form 2 class and 14 for the Form 1 class. Anything the students needed to know was put up on the blackboard and the students copied it down into their noetbooks. The notebooks became the students’ textbooks.

Kenya students study ten different subject areas. Some of the students spend over an hour running home. They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most familes do not have electricity and may not even have candles for their children to study by.

Luckily, Kenya education has been becoming better and better in the past few years. I’m sure it will have a good future.

58. Which grade does Form 3 refer to (指的是) in ther writer’s country? A. Grade 9. B. Grade 10. C. Grade 11. D. Grade 12. 59. Why did the notebooks become the students’ textbooks?

A. The students did not pay the schools.

B. The schools couldn’t afford the textbooks. C. The students preferred to use their notebooks. D. The teachers asked the students to take notes. 60. Why do some students run home from school?

A. They aren’t allowed to stay at school. B. They don’t like studing in the school. C. They hope to have more time to study.

D. They want to get candles in the stores.

61. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. In Kenya, a school year has three terms. B. The Form 1 class had the most students. C. Each family has electricity in Kenya. D. Kenya education has been improving.


For thousands of years, humans have explored(探索) the Earth. Nowadays, we are exploring space. Astronomers (天文学家) are modern-day explorers. Now, many astronomers are looking for new planets and new places of humans to live in the future. But where do astronomers start looking?

First of all, astronomers look for a star. That’s because our own Earth moves around a star (the Sun). More importantly, it is the correct distance(距离) from the Sun for heat and light. So when astronomers have found the star, they look at the planets around it. In recent years,

astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars. However, many of these planets are either too near to the star or too far away.

However, if the planet is in a good position, astronomers look for three key things: water, air and rock. Water is important because all life needs water. Humans can drink it and they can also grow plants with water. And plants produce air for humans to breathe and food to eat. Rock on a planet is also important. That’s because there is often water under the rock.

After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth. It’s Gliese 581g and it’s near a star. The astronomers think it has water and rock and the average(平均的) temperature is between-310C and -120C. That’s cold,but not colder than Antarctica or Arctic Circle, for example, Gliese 581g is bigger than the Earth. A year on Gliese 581g is only 37 Earth days instead of 365. But astronomers do not think there are big differences and some them thing Gliese 581g will be a new Earth. However, Gliese 581g is twenty light years from the Earth.

62. What do astronomers have to find first before starting to look for a new place for humans to have?

A. A new star. B. A new planet. C. Some heat. D. Some light. 63. What does the rock on a planet tell us?

A. The star is a right position.

B. We may discover water under it. C. The planet is too near to the Sun. D. There can be air around the rock.

64. What does the underlined word “scrutinizing” mean in the last paragraph?

A. discussing B. waiting C. looking D.traveling 65. What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Gliese 581g is already a new Earth. B. There are planets similar to our Earth. C. Water, air and rock are important.

D. Astronomers are looking for a new Earth.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。

第四部分 句子成分(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


66. It’s getting colder and colder these days. A. 表语 B. 定语 C. 状语 D. 宾语 67. There are some volunteers in the park. A. 表语 B. 宾语 C. 主语 D. 定语

68. I go to the movies once a week. A. 宾语 B. 状语 C. 表语 D. 定语 69. It is fair to give Anna the prize in the painting competition. A. 形式主语 B. 直接宾语 C. 间接宾语 D. 真正主语

70. We’d like more students to join the story telling club. A. 状语 B. 直接宾语 C. 宾语补助语 D. 谓语

B卷 (非选择题,共三节,满分60分)



2.用0.5毫米签字笔答在答题卡上,在试卷上答题无效。 第一节任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下列短文,按照每题后的单词要求数量回答问题。

The Seed Vault(种子地窖)

A lot of countries need different kinds of seeds so that they can plant them again. There is an important reason for this. Sometimes plants can’t grow in a country because of bad weather or disease, so farmers need new seeds.

You can keep seeds in a “seed vault”. It’s a place at a special temperature. The seeds don’t grow, but they can live for a long time. Norway has the biggest seed vault in the world—the Svalbard Global Seed Vault —and it has seeds from a lot of different countries.

The vault is on the island of Spitsbergen. The island is about one thousand kilometers from the North Pole. It’s a very cold place so it’s good for seeds. Above the ground, the doorway is small, but inside, the building is huge. You walk down a long corridor(走廊), which is one hundred and thirty meters inside a mountain. At the end of it, there are three large areas with seeds.

There are about half a million kinds of seeds inside the vault. For example, there are kinds of seeds for nice from Asia and Africa, 32 kinds of seeds for potatoes from Ireland and seeds for different tomatoes from the USA.

The seed vault has space for a lot more seeds. You can put about 2.2 billion(十亿)seeds inside. The seeds can live here for thousands of years because of the cold temperature of -180C. So, in the future, humans can grow any seed they want. In other words, the seed vault is the difference between life and death.

71. Why can’t plants grow in a country?(within 6 words)

72. Where is the biggest seed vault in the world?(within 2 word)

73. How far is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault from the North Pole?(within 4 words) 74. How many seeds can be put in the seed vault? 75. What place is seed vault? (within 12 words)

第二节 汉译英(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 将下列句子翻译成英语。

76. 这个星期天下午我与Mike去购物了。 77. 他的梦想将会实现。

78. 在我们学校,学生不允许使用手机(mobile phone)。 79. 这位老人习惯于早上7点起床。

80. 你读得越多,你就会学得越多。







(1)所写内容必须包括以上要点和自行补充要点; (2)文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; (3)内容连贯并进行合理拓展;

(4)100词左右;题目已经写好,不计入总词数。 My Favorite Day

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

参考答案 1-20、听力答案略


31-45、BACDA BDABC DACDC 46-49、ABCD 50-53、BDDB 54-57、BDBC 58-61、CBCC 62-65、ABCD 66-70、ACBDA

71、Because of bad weather or disease 72、In Norway

73、About one thousand kilometers 74、About 2.2 billion

75、It's a place you can keep seeds at a special temperature./It's a place to keep seeds. 76、I went shopping with Mike this Sunday afternoon 77、His dream will come true

78、In our school,students are not allowed to use mobile phones 79、The old man is used to getting up at 7 a.m 80、The more you read,the more you will learn 81、书面表达略