508 选择 国家的进出关境监督管理机关是: A. 商检 B. 海关 C. 港务局 D. 海事局 B
509 选择 船舶艏艉及中部的公制水尺标志数字, 每个数字的字高和两数字之间的间隔均为: A. 10 cm B. 10 in C. 6 cm D. 8 cm A
510 选择 船舶从海水水域进入淡水水域时,在总重量不变的情况下,吃水将: A. 减少 B. 增加 C. 不变 D.以上情况都有可能 B
511 选择 根据SOLAS公约1974规定,凡载客超过多少人的船舶定义为客船?A.12人 B.24人 C.36人 D.48人 A 512 选择 根据国际航运惯例,当托运人口头或通过订舱函电向船公司或其代理人预订舱位后,在办理货物出运手续时,是否仍需要提交托运单(订舱委托书)? A. 需要 B. 不需要 C. 应递交其他单证 D. 递交装货单 A
513 选择 货物实际装船后,应在装货单上填写货物装船完毕的日期、装舱位置、实装货物数量等内容。负责记载这些内容的人的是: A. 船员 B. 货主 C. 理货人员 D. 以上都对 C
514 选择 由经营班轮运输的船公司自行制定、公布并调整、修改的运价一般称为: A. 班轮公会运价 B. 班轮公司公布运价 C. 双边运价 D. 协议运价 B 515 选择 以下哪一项不是班轮运输所具有的特点? A. 因运输成本较高,故运价水平相对也较高 B. 所运输的货物对运费的承受能力相对较强 C. 运价相对较为稳定 D. 可以讨价还价,随行就市 D
516 选择 在班轮运输情况下,运输合同的条款主要载明于: A. 提单中 B. 航次租船合同中 C. 包运合同中 D. 期租租船合同中 A 517 选择 在货物装船且已签发了正本提单后,托运人再提出更正提单内容的要求,因更
正提单所产生的费用,应由: A. 承运人承担 B. 提出更改要求的托运人承担 C. 承运人和托运人各承担一半 D. 造成更改的其他责任方来承担 B
518 选择 船舶开航后如托运人提出更改提单的要求,核准这种更改的程序应该是: A. 只要承运人同意即可,无需通知船长 B. 需经承运人同意并应通知船长 C. 需经船长同意后再通知承运人 D. 需经船长与承运人共同确认 B 519 选择 在FIOSTL条款下装运大件货物时,负责大件货绑扎的是: A. 承运人 B. 托运人 C. 承租人 D. 出租人 C
520 选择 对承运人来说需要承担较大风险的运费支付方式是: A. 到付运费 B.预付运费 C. A和B都对 D. A和B都不对 A
521 选择 根据我国船舶安全检查规则的规定,当船舶存在危及水上交通安全的缺陷时,执行检查的港监经批准后有权: A. 令其离港 B. 令其加强安全措施 C. 禁止其进港 D. 禁止其离港 D
522 翻译 作为贵轮代理,我们深感荣幸。 It's a great honour to be your ship’s agent.
523 翻译 船舶在港期间,我和我司同仁将竭诚为您服务,全力协助贵轮完成本航次的任务。 When your ship stays in port, my colleagues and I will do our utmost to assist you in completing your work. 524 翻译 秉承“专家型代理,人性化服务”的经营理念,外代将凭借专业化的员工队伍,丰富的业务经验和先进的硬件设施,为客户提供更优质的服务。 Sticking to the business concept of \agent with personalized service\with specialized staff, rich experience and advanced equipment, PENAVICO will serve every customer better.
525 翻译 中国外代成立于1953年1月1日,是中国最大的国际船舶代理企业,同时在国际货运代理和综合物流服务方面有独特的优势。 Founded on January 1, 1953, China Ocean Shipping Agency is the biggest international shipping agency in China, meanwhile it has unique advantages in freight forwarding and logistics service. 526 翻译 当今外代在中国船代市场占有50%的市场份额。 PENAVICO today has a 50 percent share of China’s shipping agency market.
527 翻译 中国外代主要经营国际经济贸易运输代理业务,包括船舶代理、货运代理、客
运代理、集装箱运输代理、海陆空国际多式联运及其他有关业务。 China Ocean Shipping Agency specializes in shipping business of international trade and transportation, it has been engaged in shipping agency, freight forwarding, passenger service, container transport, intermodal transportation and other relative business. 528 翻译 中国外代至今拥有87家子公司,并在香港、日本、韩国、新加坡和希腊设立了五个海外代表机构。 PENAVICO has now set up 87 subsidiary companies and five overseas representative offices in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Greece. 529 翻译 经过50多年的发展,外代已成为国际航运界公认的可信赖的知名品牌,它拥有全球服务网络,并与世界上180多个国家和地区的数千家航运、经贸企业有着密切的业务关系。 With more than 50 years’development, PEVAVICO has become a world famous brand recognized by the international shipping industry. It has built up a global service network and established close business ties with thousands of shipping and trade enterprises in over 180 countries and regions.
530 翻译 “做最强的物流服务商,做最好的船务代理人”是我们的宏伟目标。 “To be the most competitive logistics provider and the best shipping agency” is our mission.
531 翻译 由于港口拥挤,请在以北纬38度53分0秒、东经122度2分0秒为中心,3海里为半径的圆形区域内抛锚,等候进港许可。 Due to port congestion, please drop anchor to wait for entry permission within the area of the circle with geographic point in the position of 38/53/00N 122/02/00E as its center and 3 miles as its radius. 532 翻译 贵港有浮吊吗? Are floating cranes available at your port? 533 翻译 起重机伸出的最大距离是多少? What's the maximum reach of the crane? 534 翻译 谷物输送机/矿砂机的装卸能力是多少? What's the handling capacity of the grain elevator/ore loader?
535 翻译 有专用平舱机吗? Are bob cats available for trimming?
536 翻译 请通知理货组长给一舱和五舱留200吨货,以便在装完货前调整船的吃水。 Please inform the chief tallyman to reserve 200 tons of cargo for hatches No.1 and No.5 with a view to adjusting the ship’s drafts prior to completion of loading. 537 翻译 请派人与理货员共同核实残损货物,以免在签署单据时发生争议。 Please send someone to check the damaged cargo together with the tallyman so as to prevent disputes when signing the documents.
538 翻译 我想知道有关隔票、货损、天气、争议及批注的情况。 I want to know something about separation, damage to cargo, the weather, dispute and remarks. 539 翻译 请派船员协助系解缆工作,并保持足够缆绳,确保过驳作业安全。 Please assign crew members to assist in mooring and unmooring and sufficient mooring ropes are required to ensure the safety of lightering operation.
540 翻译 在拆卸油管前,请你协助清扫输油管,防止残油污染海域。 Please
assist in cleaning the oil hoses before disconnecting them to avoid resid pollution of the sea water.
541 翻译 过驳作业期间,请你轮将消防器材处于戒备状态,接驳油管处须放置灭火器材。 During the process of lightening you are requested to make the fire fighting equipment on the alert and the fire extinguishers should be placed near the connecting hose.
542 翻译 对外轮实施强制引航。 Pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels. 543 翻译 引航员提供24小时服务,但需提前1天申请引航。 Pilot service is available for 24 hours a day, but application shall be made one day before. 544 翻译 船舶不允许在日出之前、日落之后系解浮筒。 Vessels are not permitted to moor on/unmoor from buoys before sunrise or after sunset. 545 翻译 外轮船员登陆需获得边防检查站签发的登陆证并经海关闸口进出港。除经有关部门特别批准,船员须在24点之前回船。 Foreign crew going ashore should obtain shore passes issued by the Frontier Defence Inspection Station. All landing crew
must go through customs channel and return to vessel before 2400 hours if no special permission is granted.
546 翻译 船舶在靠泊和抛锚期间需修理主机及烧焊,必须得到有关部门批准。 Permission must be obtained from the parties concerned for ship’s main engine repair and welding when the ship berths alongside the wharf or at anchorage. 547 翻译 船舶污油水处理须通过代理办理有关手续,压舱水排放须得到有关部门批准,否则船舶将受到港口当局的严厉处罚。 Disposal of oil sludge to be arranged through agent, permission must also be obtained from the parties concerned to pump out the ballast water, otherwise heavy penalties will be imposed on vessel.
548 翻译 外国船员来华上船须在离开前到我国驻当地大使馆或领事馆办理签证,离船的船员办理过境签证需要5个工作日。 Foreign sign-on crew must obtain visas in local Chinese embassy/consulate before departure. Meanwhile it will take 5 working days to obtain transit visas for sign-off crew.
549 翻译 备件转递约需3个工作日办理海关手续。 Spare parts transit will take about 3 working days to go through the customs formalities.
550 翻译 港务费按船舶登记净吨计收。 The harbour dues are collected on ship's NRT.
551 翻译 It's expected to complete loading/discharging on the 10th of March. 预计3月10日装货/卸货完毕。
552 翻译 Please point out those questionable bags, which shall be changed or re-packed immediately, during loading operation so as to avoid unpleasant results. 在装货过程中,请指出有问题的水泥袋子,立刻进行更换或重新包装,以免发生不愉快的结果。
553 翻译 We accept only clean bill of lading without any remarks. 我们只接受没有批注的清洁提单。
554 翻译 We shall be very much obliged if you would grant us the permission of shipside chipping and painting whilst vessel staying at anchorage and alongside without any interference of discharging. 本轮申请在锚地和靠泊后做船外清锈及油漆工作,以不妨碍卸货为原则。希予批准,不胜感谢。
555 翻译 Subject to owner's and charterer's approval. 以船东和租方同意为准。
556 翻译 All terms, conditions and exceptions as per C/P. 所有条款,条件和例外按租约办理。
557 判改 M.V.“Orient Glory” is a cargo vessel. Its engines work on diesel oil and it has a service speed of 18 knots. 错。Its 应改为 Her,it 改为 she。航运上船舶习惯用 she 代替,she 还可用来代替 country, earth, moon 等。
558 判改 At the end of the business forms or documents we have the Captain's Signature . 错。Captain's 应改为 Master's。业务单证表格的船长签字应为 Master’s Signature 。通常 Captain 用于称呼,Master 用作职务。
559 判改 Good morning, Mr.Captain, How are you today ? 错。Mr.应去掉。在姓氏前可用 Captain or Mr. 称呼某某船长,例如,Captain Jones or Mr. Jones , 但不能称 Mr. Captain。
560 判改 To Messrs. China Ocean Shipping Agency. 错。不能加 Messrs. Messrs. 是 Mr. 的复数,英美国家习惯在以人名作为公司名称时冠以 Messrs. 一词,表示对该公司的尊称。例如,Messrs. Smith & Co., Ltd.,不是用人名作为公司名称,即在非人格性(impersonal nature)公司名称前不能冠以 Messrs. 一词。 561 判改 Hello, what do you want ? 错。因为这是一种非常粗鲁的说法。询问别人有何贵干,可以说:What can I do for you? May I help you? Anything I can do for you? 562 判改 (Picks up the receiver) Hello, are you Mr. Huang? 错。打电话时,请找黄先生接电话,习惯用语为 May I speak to Mr. Huang, please? 较有礼貌,不要说:Are you ?? or I want to speak to?.
563 判改 Lily, he is Mr.White, an old friend of mine. 错。he 应该改为 this。介绍某人时,除姓名外,一般还应介绍与本人的关系、职位或其他有关情况 564 判改 We look forward to hear from you soon. 错。hear 应改为 hearing。 本句中 to 是介词,不是动词不定式,故 to 后面应接名词或动名词,应改为 We look forward to hearing from you soon.
565 翻译 涉及航次租船合同向承运人提起索赔的时限为二年,自原告知道或者应当知道其权利被侵害之日起计算。 The limitation period for claims against the carrier with regard to voyage charter party is two years, counting from the day on which the claimant knew or should have known that his right had been infringed.
566 翻译 Charterers are not to be liable for any stevedore damage and any other damage unless same is reported by the Master in writing to Charterers’ Agents at the port when and where such damage occurs or as soon as it is discovered. Master endeavors to obtain written acknowledgement of responsibility from the responsible party and if this is not possible, a survey to be carried out. \租船人对工损及其他任何损坏不负责, 除非当损坏发生或被发现时,船长及时用书面形式向租船人在事发港的代理做了报告。船长应尽力获取责任方的书面责任确认,如果不能, 则要安排检验。 \
567 翻译 The Charter Party is a contract between a shipowner and a charterer. Basically we have two kinds of Charter Parties, one is Time Charter Party, and the other Voyage Charter Party. The former is a contract for a period of time, while the latter for the carriage of goods on a stated voyage. 租船合约是船东与租船人之间的契约。租约基本上有两种,一种是期租合同,另一种是程租合同。前者是指在一段时间内的合同,后者则是指在一个规定航次中货物运输的合同。
568 翻译 The cargo to be loaded/discharged at the rate of 2000 m/t per WWD based on five hatches. In case the vessel processes less or more than 5 hatches, loading/discharging rate will be reduced or increased proportionally. 在基于五个舱口的情况下,货物按每一晴天工作日2000公吨的定额进行装卸。多于或少于五个舱口时,装卸定额按比例增减。
569 翻译 Per WWD based on five hatches. Should any vessel's hatch be equipped with two pairs of derricks and four winches or other equivalent gear or cranes enabling two gangs to be employed, such hatch or hatches shall count as two whilst two gangs are worked. Only five hatches are to be counted even if vessel is equipped with more hatches. 每一晴天工作日装卸定额基于五个舱口。如舱口具备两对吊杆,四付温车或其它同等效率的设备可允许两条路作业,实际又开了两条路作业时可以两个舱口来计算,但即使船舶有更多的舱口,最高只能以五个舱口计算。 570 翻译 Cargo to be loaded/discharged at the average rate of 3000 m/t per weather working day of 24 hours consecutively. 每一连续24小时晴天工作日平均装卸定额为3000公吨。
571 翻译 Laytime shall begin to count from 1 pm if N/R is tendered and accepted before 1200 hours the same day and if tendered and accepted before 5 pm, time shall begin to count from 8 am the next working day. 如通知书在中午十二时以前递接,则装卸时间从当日下午一时起算;如通知书在下午五时前递接,则装卸时间从下一个工作日上午八时起算。 572 翻译 If necessary, the sellers have the option to fumigate the cargo on board the vessel. The fumigation expenses thus involved shall be on seller's account. Fumigation time upto 24 hours shall not be counted as laytime, while that over 24 hours shall be deemed to be as laytime. 如有必要,卖方可选择在船上熏蒸货物,由此产生的熏蒸费用由卖方承担。24小时之内的熏蒸时间不计为装卸时间, 而24小时后的熏蒸时间则视为装卸时间。
573 简答 在定期租船方式下,期租人一般承担哪些费用? 租金和航次成本,航次成本