新编英语教程6练习册答案 下载本文

unit 8

1. 我们反对无休止地贪求权力的欲望。(lust)

we are opposed to an insatiable lust for power.

2. 我们的一些观念正在不知不觉地发生变化。(imperceptibly) some of our notions are changing imperceptibly. 3. 不必要的开支减少了我们的积蓄。(diminish)

unnecessary spending diminished our savings. 4. 这是蓄意的侮辱,我气得发抖。(deliberate)

it was a deliberate insult, so i trembled with rage. 5. 对于浪漫主义诗人来说,自由高于一切。(supreme) to the romantic poets, freedom is supreme.

6. 沉溺于寻欢作乐之中有害你律师的生涯。(indulgence)

indulgence in pleasure will ruin your career as a lawyer. 7. 我们对传统的美德表示敬意。(homage) we pay homage to the traditional virtues. i consider our duty sacred.

9. 一些革命者看到了政府的无能。(impotence)

some revolutionists saw the impotence of the government. unit 9

1. 他租不起房子,更不用说买房了。(let alone)

he can’t even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one. 2. 编辑没有权利对一部文学作品的原文进行随意处理。(take

liberties with) the editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work.

3. 我十几岁的时候开始迷上了文学。(take to) i began to take to literature in my teens. 4. 卧室已经改装成书房。(convert)

the bedroom has been converted into a study. 5. 多年来这个错误使他烦恼不堪。(plague)

the mistake has plagued him for many years. 6. 上海被认为是世界上最大的城市之一。(rank v.)

shanghai ranks as one of the largest cities in the world. 7. 工地不断地传来噪音,我们彻夜未眠。(incessant)

the incessant noise from the construction site dept kept us awake all night.

8. 她为自己即将不得不独自一个人生活感到沮丧。(prospect)

she felt depressed at the prospect of having to live on her own. 9. 他们决定取消合同。(nullify)

they have decided to nullify the contract. unit 10

1. 尽管年迈,他仍然在学习法语。(despite)

despite his advanced age, he is still learning french. 2. 他又穷又病,境况可怜。(plight)

he was in a piteous plight, poor and ill.

3. 为了找到解决这个问题的方法,已经做了很多的实验。(in an attempt to) many experiments have been made in an attempt to find a solution to the problem.

4. 女孩一般比男孩发音清晰。(articulate)

a girl tends to be more articulate than a boy. 5. 这本手册旨在解读肢体语言。(decode)

this handbook is intended to decode body language. 6. 我发觉她对这件事的看法有了变化。(detect)

i detected a change in her opinion on this matter. 7. 垂危病人的病房在一号楼。(terminal)

the wards for terminal cases are in building one. 8. 我们必须设法解决那个难题。(grapple with) we must grapple with that knotty problem.

9. 他拿着一只里面装满了文件的手提包。(bulge with) he carried a briefcase bulging with documents. unit 11

1. 布谷鸟的鸣声预示着春天的来到。(advent) the cuckoo announces the advent of spring. 2. 我为他没有良好的举止感到遗憾。(deplore) i deplored his lack of good manners.

3. 他试图获得这个职位的努力徒劳无获。(futile) his efforts to get the position were futile.

4. 当他描绘自己海上历险经历时做出一副得意洋洋的样子。(glow) he glowed with pride when he described his adventures on the sea.

5. 他们把谈话转向更加轻松的话题。(switch)

the switched the conversation to a lighter topic. 6. 你应该把文章中的俚语去掉。(eliminate)

you are supposed to eliminate slang words from the essay. 7. 这些努力旨在引起人们对这种新的软件的兴趣。(generate)

efforts were intended to generate interest in the new software. 8. 这部电影对年轻人有着巨大的影响。(impact)

the film has a great impact on the young people.

9. 电影中那小女孩纯洁无暇的行为给我们留下了美好的印象。(immaculate)

【篇二:新编英语教程(第三版) unit6练习册答案】

s=txt>1. changed, promising 2. coming, qualified 3. determined 4. spoken, leading, surprising 5. frightening b.1. giving 2. fascinated, rising / rise 3. singing, to do, making

4. keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing 5. opening 6. to take, shopping, doing, to do

7. to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do 8. to watch, to read, reading, watching 9. missing, to tell 10. to be taken 11. swimming, cleaning, to do

12. waiting, seeing, missing, to find, to be

6. demanding 7. pleased, soiled 8. complicated 9. interested, exciting, soaked 10. tiring, tired

c.1. for 2. to 3. of 4. on 5. read 6. across 7. about / for d. 1. speaking 2. before 3. by 4. few 5. developed 6. how 7. writing

8. in 9. until / till 10. opinion 11. by 12. keep 13. excellent 14. time

8. step 9. or 10. of 11. found 12. from 13. ideas 14. used

15. pleasure 16. from 17. yourself 18. in 19. filled 20. trains 21. but

15. the 16. first 17. represent 18. can 19. language 20. making 21. world

22. meeting 23. things 24. attitude 25. for 22. to 23. of 24. only 25. way vi. sentence rewriting a.

1. whenever he … bookshop, he …away from it. 2. whoever he is, he … law. 3. wherever he went, poor … life. 4. whatever you may say, i … thing. 5. however hard he tries, he … satisfactorily

6. don’t …, whoever repeats it. / whoever repeats it, don’t… 7. however annoying his behavior is / may be, we … him. 8. whatever he … say, i … going.

9. keep calm, whatever happens. / whatever happens, keep … 10. the boy…, wherever he is. / wherever …, the boy… b.

1. to his great joy, his uncle … present. 2. much to our relief, the plane … last.

3. to the surprise of the teacher, yang ling had … heart. 4. to our grief, professor hu died of cancer last week. 5. to my satisfaction, his statement is correct.

6. to the disappointment of the students, the book …

bookshops. 7. to their indignation, john was unfairly dismissed.


答案 unit 3

1. it is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely 2. sand is to glass as clay is to.

3. his test results for the whole term were not very he did well one week and badly the next.

4. the novelist is a highly 5. mary is so l that she cried for days when her pet died. 6. the rainbow as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.

7. now norman has put himself into the patient state of mind of a chess player.

8. it’s a good thing to spend some time seeing your own country from the outside; it helps you to get a sense of .

9. mary gave a long and stagy laugh, wiping away 10. in my younger and more years my father gave me some advice that i’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. 11. away from the busier roads, the atmosphere remains one of calm meditation and contentment.

12. the cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in interest in england, was erected in 1382. unit 6

1. what the student told me about dull work was a of lies.

2. the clerk in the patent office said to his boss:” look, i am not drunk. i’m as as a judge.”

3. i am afraid i know nothing about machiavelli because he was 4. einstein, who worked out his theory of relativity, lived to a old age.

5. in a of rage, the muleteer killed his own mule which he had just bought at the market.

6. i regret to tell you that your application for a job on the assembly line was turned the owner.