人教版英语八年级上册教案:Unit2 SectionA(1a-2d)-word文档 下载本文

3 深度加工知识 3) Swing dance. 4) She invites Jack to play tennis with her friends. 5. T:Asks Ss to read it together then leads Ss to learn the language structure in it. Ss: Ss first read it and try to explain the three sentence patterns by their own words. Are you free next week ? Next week is quite full for me. How come ? 6.T:Asks Ss to work in pairs to act the conversation or make their own conversation by changing some information or adding something of their own. Ss: Some students work in pairs to act the conversation. Some students try to make their own conversation by using some sentence pattern from 2d. 通过齐读对话,初步体现语言的输出让学生达到基本熟练、流畅和通过对对话张固定结构语言的分析,让学生了解英语口语中的习语。 通过分层任务要求学生对话进行表演或改编再创,体现语言的整进整出的话轮结合,也充分体现让学生所学的知识运用到新的情景中去。 学生是否能够理解语言在具体情境中的语义表达。 学生的对话展示语言是否准确和流畅,是否有学生进行了改编对话,是否改编后的对话内容真实和话轮结构是否完整。 第 9 页

4 评价学生学习 Step 5 Conclusion and Exercises 鼓励学生大胆自信的展示,体现对学生情感态度价值观的培养。 体现知识从零碎到整合,给学生在大脑慢慢构建从语言知识到语言运用的思维导图结构,培养学生善于归纳,总结的逻辑思维能力。 一.单项选择 1. -What’s your favorite _________? -It’s CCTV-5. A. program B. sport C. food D. animal 2.- __________ do you go shopping with your mother? 体现基础知识的当堂检测与及时反馈,并让学生能再次巩固本 -Sometimes. A.How much B.How many 和运用堂课的基础知识。 C.How often D. How old 3. Jack likes English very much, so he______ read English books in the morning. A. hardly ever B. often T: Lets some of the students show their own conversation in class . Ss: Ss try to share their own conversation in class. 1.Summary Activities: exercise, read, help with housework, go shopping Frequency: always, (100%)/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ hardly/never(0%) Structure: A: What do you do on weekends ? B: I usually watch TV . A: Do you go shopping ? B: No, I never go shopping. 2. Ss do some exercises in class. 是否学生积极参自信地参与角色表演。 70%的学生能在老师的引导下总结,归纳出本堂课的语言知识,包括所学词汇,短语及句型。 90%学生应该能比较轻松容易的完成, 第 10 页

C. never D. don’t 4. -How often ______ she exercise? - Twice a week. A. do B. did C. doing D. does 5. She often eats_______ food. So she is very . A. healthy; healthy B. health; health C. healthy; unhealthy D. health; unhealthy Answers: 1-5 ACBDA 二、根据汉语完成句子 1.Mr. Black swims , (每周两次). 2.I often go shopping . (在周末). 3. The old woman (锻炼) every morning. 4.Weusually (去看电影) on Sundays. 5. Are you (有空) next week? 6. My sister (几乎不曾) plays computer games. Answers: 第 11 页

1. twice a week 2. on weekends 3.exercises 4.go to the movies 5. free 6.hardly ever 3. Homework 1)try to ask their family members about how often they 体现语言的生活化,情景化,和do things in daily life and then report it next class. 培养学的语言迁移运用能力。 2) Finish some exercises after class. 学生是否能在下一节课就采访家人的信息进行汇报。

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