人教版英语八年级上册教案:Unit2 SectionA(1a-2d)-word文档 下载本文

Step 3 While-listening 2 (15mins) 获取 新知 识 2. T: T asks Ss to pay attention to the frequency words in 1b. always (100%)/usually/often/sometimes/hardly/never(0%) S: Ss make sentences by using these frequency words. For example: I always go to bed at 10 o’clock. I sometimes read books in the evening. I never go shopping with my father. 1.T: lets Ss do the listening practice 1b. S: Ss do the listening part 1b. always(100%) _____________ usually ______________ often ______________ sometimes ______________ hardly ever ______________ never(0%) ______________ 1b Answers:exercise, read/watch TV/help with housework go shopping/watch TV/ go shopping 再次的熟悉和巩固频率副词为学生后续听力扫清词汇障碍。 学生是否能将频率副词,结合自己的生活实际,正确的运用到句型中。 提示学生关注频率副词和1a中的活动名称。 部分学生应该能利用此策略轻松地在对应的频率副词后面写出相应的名词。 【提示:此处课堂上教师可让学 生使用优教同步学习卡进行抢 答,根据结果反馈,进行精准教学。】 第 5 页

2 获取 新知识 2. T : help Ss understand the meaning of the frequency words by the chart. Like this : always >usually > often> sometimes >hardly ever > never 3. T: lets Ss work in pairs to practice the conversation like this: Ss: make their own conversation , and then act it. A: What do you do on weekends ? B: I usually watch TV . A: Do you go shopping ? B: No, I never go shopping. 4. T: Leads Ss to see the picture in 2a and ask some questions like this : 1) What’s the boy’s name ? 2) What’s the person’s job? 3)what question is the reporter asking Cheng Tao ? 4) What’s Cheng Tao’s answer ? Ss: try to answer these questions through the picture. 5. T: T lets Ss finish 2a and 2b. Then T asks questions in order to get more feedback and check if Ss have some problems about some words or phrases. For example: T: How often does Cheng Tao watch TV ? Ss: He watches TV twice a week. 利用图表直观形象的帮助学生理解掌握它们的语义功能。 让学生进行简单的语言输出,为后面2a, 2b的听力作铺垫。 【提示:此处课堂上教师可让学生使用优教同步学习卡进行抢 学生能否正确判断并说出这些频率副词之间的大小关系。 大部分学生是否能利用话题句型谈论自己的周末,并进行两人的对话展示。 答,根据结果反馈,进行精 准教学。】 学生是否能根据观 察图片,对老师就本 图片预测提出的问 题积极的回答并表培养学生在听力中利用一些非现出强烈的求知欲听力因素来辅助理解的听力策望。 略,提高听力效率,比如这里教 师就利用对主题人物身份的判 断,进而预测他们的语言行为及 语言内容。 第 6 页

2 获取 新知识 3 深度加工知识 Step 4 Post-listening) (15mins) Ss: do the listening practice 2a and 2b and answer the questions. 2a Activities How often a.___3____ go to the movies every day b.___1____ watch TV once a week c. ____5____shop twice a week d. ____4____exercise three times a week e.______2_______ read once a month twice a month 1.T: makes Ss do a survey by asking questions in groups. How often do you…? What’s your favorite program? How often do you watch it ? … S: Ss write down the results and then report it in class. For example: 2. T: asks Ss to see the picture and ask “What can you see from the picture ?”Then T introduces something about the swing dance by the picture or videos . 进一步巩固听力内容,教师的提问能更多的获取学生反馈,了解学生存在的语言障碍。 进一步体现语言的活用。利用追问信息在真实的语境中展开交流和深入的讨论,逐步体现语言的输出。 学生是否能准确完成两个听力任务,是否能关注听力细节并对老师就听力内容的提问作正确的回答。 部分学生是否能展开问答讨论,并在全班示范表演对话或作汇报。 学生是否对此话题第 7 页 3 深度加工知识 Ss: Ss just have a free talk or say something about the picture. 培养学生通过图片预测文本信 息,通过图片或视频激活与本话3.T: asks Ss to read the conversation quickly in order to 题相关的背景知识,激发学生求match the activity with the right time. Ss: Ss read 2d quickly and match .Like this: 知欲望。 Read the conversation and match the activity with the right time. dance lesson Wednesday and Friday 培养学生快速阅读并了解对话 的主要内容事件和时间的匹配。 piano lesson Tuesday play tennis Monday 【提示:此处课堂上教师可让学 4. T: T asks Ss to read it again and answer the four 生使用优教同步学习卡进行抢questions. Ss: Ss just read it again and answer the four questions. 答,根据结果反馈,进行精1)Is Claire free next week ? Why ? 2)How often does Claire have dance lessons ? How 准教学。】 about Piano lessons ? 3) What kind of dance is Claire learning ? 通过问题任务的设置,让学生理4) What does Claire invite Jack to do ? 解对话大意和话轮结构。 Answers : 1) No, She isn’t. Because she has many kinds of lessons. 2) She has dance lesson once a week , every Monday. And She has piano lesson twice a week. 感兴趣。 70%的学生能否在3分钟内 进行正确的活动与时间的配对。 是否60%的学生能获取对话有效信息回答问题。 第 8 页