Unit 10Money重点单词短语句型及练习(含答案) 下载本文

◎ 巧学巧练2


①(广东卷写作)She showed special concern for/about the college students and attached much importance to education.

②All the people concerned (concern) with the case will be questioned by the police. ③The professor will deliver a lecture concerning (concern) environmental protection. ④The meeting was concerned with reforms and everyone present was concerned for/about their own interests.



As_far_as_I’m_concerned,it’s wise not to_spend_much_time_playing with smartphones. 联想发散:as/so far as...be concerned 的同义表达: ①in one’s opinion/view ②from one’s point of view

aware adj.知道的,意识到的

(福建卷写作)In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.总之,全世界的人们应该意识到水资源短缺的真实情况。

?1?be/become aware of...?知道/明白


be/become aware that...?/意识到??

make sb.aware of sth. 让某人明白某事 as far as I’m aware... 据我所知 (2)awareness n. 意识,觉悟

I was a millionaire,but was aware that there were a lot of hungry people in the world.我曾是百万富翁,但我意识到世界上还有许多忍饥挨饿的人。

◎ 巧学巧练3——单句语法填空

①When visiting another country,you should be aware of those differences and respect. ②It is important that students develop an awareness (aware) of valuing parents’ love.

ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的

(佳句诵读)In my opinion,you should be ashamed of your foolish behaviour. 依我看来,你应该对自己愚蠢行为感到羞耻。 (1)be/feel ashamed of 因??感到惭愧 be ashamed to do sth. 耻于做某事 feel/be ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧

(2)It’s a shame that... ??真让人遗憾 (3)What a shame/pity! 真可惜! It’s a shame that you can’t stay with us. 你不能留下来和我们在一起太遗憾了。 ◎ 巧学巧练4——单句语法填空

①He felt ashamed (ashame) of cheating in the exam,deciding never to do such things again. ②Jim was ashamed to_trouble (trouble) me with so many questions. ③What a shame!She should have failed in the exam.

appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助;vt.将??上诉;n.呼吁;恳求

(2015·浙江卷)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.

相对于直白的事实,我们对于激发自己感觉或唤起自己情感的事物,记忆往往更加深刻。 (1)appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth. 向某人呼吁/恳求某事 (2)make an appeal to sb.for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁或请求 make an appeal to sb.to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事

(3)appealing adj. 有吸引力的;恳求的

The police are making an appeal to the public for information about the crime. 警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗犯罪案件的信息。 ◎ 巧学巧练5


①The government appealed to the International Red Cross to_help (help) the people suffering from the floods.

②(重庆卷)What’s more,it is another effective way to appeal to the news media. 能力提升(一句多译)


③The author appeals_to_us_to be more kind to animals.(appeal v.)

④The author makes_an_appeal_to_us_to be more kind to animals.(appeal n.)

balance n.天平;平衡;结余;余额;v.平衡;权衡

(佳句诵读)I think it’s important to have a balance between study and a social life,so I’m going to join a few clubs.我认为保持学习和社交的平衡很重要,所以我打算参加几个社团。

(1)keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡

(2)balance sth.against 权衡;斟酌;比较 (3)balanced adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的 keep a balanced diet 保持饮食平衡

Before making the final decision,you’d better balance the advantages against the disadvantages.

在你做出决定之前应当权衡利弊。 ◎ 巧学巧练6


①You’d better keep a balanced (balance) diet for the benefit of your health.

②(2015·湖北卷)When he was running after his brother,the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall.

③You should balance the advantages against the disadvantages before you give up your present job.



You are working too hard.You’d better keep_a_balance_between_work_and_relaxation. 熟词生义 I’d like to check the balance in my account,please.余额

replace vt.取代;替换;把??放回原处

(佳句诵读)It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks. 不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。 replace sth.with/by sth. 用??替换?? take the place of=take one’s place 代替

in place of 代替

You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。

◎ 巧学巧练7


①It is still under discussion whether the old bus station should be_replaced (replace) with a modern hotel or not.



②It would be difficult to find a man in_place_of_the_present_manager. ③It would be difficult to find a man to_replace_the_present_manager.

④It would be difficult to find a man to take_the_place_of_the_present_manager.

behave vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现

(2014·重庆卷写作)I don’t think it a reasonable practice for them to behave that way in our society.我认为在这个社会里他们用这种方式做事是不合情理的。

(1)behave oneself 举止规矩些 behave well/badly 举止良好/糟糕 (2)well-behaved 表现好的 badly-behaved 表现差的 (3)behaviour n.[U] 举止;行为

If parents do not teach their child how to behave himself,he will do anything at will. 如果父母不教给他们的孩子如何守规矩,他做任何事情都会我行我素。 ◎ 巧学巧练8


①Much to my surprise,he behaved as if nothing had_happened (happen). ②They behaved badly towards the guests,which made us disappointed. ③I think all of us should mind our behaviour (behave) in public places. 能力提升(高考小作文)


Finally she not only earned their respect but also helped them grow to be_well-behaved,confident_and_considerate. remove vt.去掉;开除;脱掉;vi.搬开,移动,搬家

(2014·上海卷写作)Of the three columns concerning health,entertainment and culture,my suggestion is that the column of entertainment (should) be removed.就涉及的健康、娱乐、文化三个栏目,我建议娱乐栏目应该去掉。

一词多义 写出下列句中remove 的含义

①Because of the serious air pollution,the family decided to remove from the city to the countryside.搬家 ②It was not until he removed his sunglasses that I recognized him.摘掉;脱掉 ③The busy work has removed the workers from the homesickness.消除