Unit One The First McDonalds Restaurant 下载本文

e.g. Passengers boarded the plane one by one. Expressions tear down : (especially a building) pull down, especially violently; destroy 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁 e.g. The earthquake last night tore down many houses. agree with :have or share the same opinion, feeling or purpose 意见(感觉,目的)一致;同意 e.g. They agreed with each other on this plan. line of thinking/thought : a way or method of thinking about something 思路;想法 e.g. I couldn't follow my professor's line of thinking in his lecture. afford to do :(usually with can, could, be able to) be able to spend, give, do, etc., without serious loss or damage 花得起;有能力去做某事;承担得起 e.g. I can afford to buy a car in two years. close down :(cause to) stop business activities, especially without the intention of starting again(使)停业 e.g. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs when the factory was closed down. have nothing to do with : have no connection with 与……毫无关系 e.g. Some employers claim that gender has nothing to do with their hiring decisions. make sense : have a good reason 有道理 e.g. What he said made good sense. stop...from : prevent...from 阻止 e.g. The hot weather stopped me from going out. even so : in spite of what has/had happened; though that is true 尽管如此 e.g. It was the cheapest hotel in the town, but even so, it still cost $100 a night. take away : remove something from a particular place 带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物) e.g. The old structure was taken away last week. V.Detailed study of the text. 1. Even though the first McDonald's restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became a cultural symbol. (Para. 1) Meaning: In spite of the fact that the first McDonald's restaurant served only two kinds of food: hamburgers and French fries, it still became a symbol that represents the American culture.