Unit One The First McDonalds Restaurant 下载本文

Unit One The First McDonald’s Restaurant

教 学 单 元 计 划

课 时 量 课 时 安 排 及 教 学 技 巧 教学目的 Some usage of the expressions. 教学重点 Understanding and writing invitation cards and letters Master useful expressions 教学难点 教学手段

Master the format of an invitation card 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 计划 10 学时 Oral Practice, New Words & Expressions Text-learning Exercises Listening Practice 应用能力提高(写作翻译练习) 实际 10 学时 提问教学 直接教学 直接教学 情景教学 直接教学 Let the students talk their favorite fast food and fast food restaurant. Let the students to master the important words and expressions. Let the students understand the text. Improve the students’ listening level. Let the students command some expressions for reception and farewell. Let the students know how to write invitation cards and letters. 教师讲授、语音教学与多媒体教学相结合

教 案

Unit One The First McDonald’s Restaurant I. Organization II.Leading in Introduction to the Topic (Symbols of Culture) Building can be symptoms of culture—places where history has occurred. To some people, history is not important. But when a historic building is about to be destroyed, people react. The following story shows an example of what can happen when a symbol of culture is about to be torn down. III. Exploring McDonald’s is the world’s leading fast food service retailer. So far, it has more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries serving 46 million customers each day. Nowadays, not only McDonald’s but also some other fast food restaurants are getting more and more popular. Why is it so? Let’s do a survey among the students. IV. Background Information 1. McDonald's McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant corporation with more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries serving 46 million customers each day. In the United States, there are more than 5,000 McDonald's restaurants. It serves some of its favorite foods—world-famous French fries, Chicken McNuggets (大鸡块) and so on. The largest McDonald's restaurant is located in Beijing, China. This restaurant has 1,000 employees. Also, up to 700 customers can sit and eat in this restaurant at one time. 2. Downey Downey is the home of the Apollo Space Program (阿波罗登月计划) and the world's oldest McDonald's. Downey is located in the heart of Southern California between the business hubs (中心) of Los Angeles and Orange County. Easy access to freeways, railroads, airports, seaports, and the Internet connect Downey to the world. 3. California California is a state of the U.S. It has an area of 158,706 square miles (411,049 square kilometers), exceeded (超过) only by Alaska (阿拉斯加) and Texas (得克萨斯). It is on the west Pacific coast (美国西部太平洋海岸). The capital is Sacramento (萨克拉门托). 4. Ray Kroc Raymond Albert Kroc was the founder of the McDonald's Corporation. Brothers Mac and Dick McDonald opened the first fast food restaurant called McDonald's in 1953 in Downey, California. In 1955, Kroc, a milkshake (奶昔) salesman went to visit the restaurant. He saw the potential of this fast food business and thus persuaded the brothers to sell the name to him. In this way, Kroc opened the first store of the McDonald's Corporation in 1955 in Illinois. Kroc died in the 1980's. 5. Illinois Illinois is a state in the Mid-West of the U.S. It has an area of 145,934 square kilometers and stretches 620 kilometers from the north to the south. 6. Dick and Mac McDonald In 1953, the McDonald brothers—Dick and Mac—developed a new idea for their restaurant. The brothers called their idea a \restaurant, and customers could order food from their cars. The restaurant also cut down on the number of choices on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very quickly. The restaurant specialized in making hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes. In 1955, Ray Kroc visited the restaurant and offered to buy the rights to the two brothers' idea. The two brothers agreed, and the McDonald's restaurant chain was born. 7. National Register of Historic Places The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation in the U.S. Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (根据1966年制定的《国家文物保护法》), the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological (考古的) resources. Properties listed in the Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture (建筑), archeology (考古学), engineering, and culture. IV.News words & Expressions golden adj. 1. of the color of gold 金色的;闪金光的 2. made of gold 金制的 Differentiation: golden vs. gold golden 表示某物在外表或色彩上类似金子,其实不是由金子制作的。 gold 表示某物是“金制的”,或 “含有金子”的意思。 适比较 golden watch & gold watch danger n. [U] the possibility of harm or loss 危险 in danger of : at risk of e.g. The house was on fire and people inside were in danger of losing their lives. afford vt. (usually with can, could, be able to) be able to buy or pay for (通常与can, could, be able to连用)买得起;担负得起 e.g. The family can afford to buy a new house. amount n. [C; U] a collection or mass considered as a unit concerning its size, number, etc. something such as time, money, or a substance 数额;数量;总数 e.g. Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. vi. (~ to) be equal to in quantity (数量上)达到;(意义上)等于 e.g. The cost amounted to £250. Her reply amounted to a refusal. claim v. 1. declare to be true; state 声称;断言;宣称 e.g. One should not claim to know what one doesn’t know. 2. ask for, take, or state that one should have (something to which one has a right) 对……提出要求;索取 e.g. Does anyone claim this wallet? n. 1. 宣称:声称;断言 2. 索赔;要求 Notice: When “claim” means “a right to sth.”, it is followed by “to” or “on”. e.g. Nobody had made a claim to/ on this bag. abandon vt. give up or bring an end to (something) 放弃;中止 abandon oneself to sth. 沉迷于;陷入 e.g. He abandoned himself too much to PC games and as a result failed to pass the final exams. board n. 1. [C] a long thin flat piece of cut wood 长形木板 2. [C] an official body or group that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 委员会;董事会;(官方的)部,局 e.g. the director of the board (meeting) vt. get into (a ship or public vehicle); go on board 登上(船或公共交通工具) e.g. Passengers boarded the plane one by one. Expressions tear down : (especially a building) pull down, especially violently; destroy 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁 e.g. The earthquake last night tore down many houses. agree with :have or share the same opinion, feeling or purpose 意见(感觉,目的)一致;同意 e.g. They agreed with each other on this plan. line of thinking/thought : a way or method of thinking about something 思路;想法 e.g. I couldn't follow my professor's line of thinking in his lecture. afford to do :(usually with can, could, be able to) be able to spend, give, do, etc., without serious loss or damage 花得起;有能力去做某事;承担得起 e.g. I can afford to buy a car in two years. close down :(cause to) stop business activities, especially without the intention of starting again(使)停业 e.g. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs when the factory was closed down. have nothing to do with : have no connection with 与……毫无关系 e.g. Some employers claim that gender has nothing to do with their hiring decisions. make sense : have a good reason 有道理 e.g. What he said made good sense. stop...from : prevent...from 阻止 e.g. The hot weather stopped me from going out. even so : in spite of what has/had happened; though that is true 尽管如此 e.g. It was the cheapest hotel in the town, but even so, it still cost $100 a night. take away : remove something from a particular place 带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物) e.g. The old structure was taken away last week. V.Detailed study of the text. 1. Even though the first McDonald's restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became a cultural symbol. (Para. 1) Meaning: In spite of the fact that the first McDonald's restaurant served only two kinds of food: hamburgers and French fries, it still became a symbol that represents the American culture.