新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文+答案 下载本文

. The book cost me 100 RMB. 这本书花了我100块钱 2)a. result in the loss of sth. 使付出(代价),使丧失(某物)

. It was just his injury that cost him the opportunity to compete.他的伤势使他丧失了参加比赛的机会。 b. 需做出某种努力或牺牲

. Being a top student costs much time and hard work. 要成为尖子生需要花大量的时间和勤奋的学习。

3)estimate the price to be charged 估价,定价 . Has the trip been cost.这个旅行定价了吗。 Cost n.

1) price to be paid for a thing 价钱,价格

. The cost of living abroad is great. 国外生活成本太大了。

2)effort, loss or sacrifice of doing sth.(为了得到某事物而付出的)代价,努力,损失,牺牲等。

. We made success at the cost of five days sleeplessness. 我们的胜利是以五天的无眠为代价。 Collocations:

at all costs 不惜一切代价 at cost 按成本价格 at the cost of sth. 以…为代价 Understanding a Long Conversation

Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

W: Wow, you really look great. Have you been working out(做大运动量的锻炼)? M: Every day. I’m preparing for the Olympic Games. W: Oh, no.

M: What? What’s the matter? You don’t think I can do it? W: I don’t know how to tell you.

M: You don’t think I’m strong enough to enter, do you? Well, I’ll have you know I’m plenty strong. And If you say otherwise, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

W: I know you’re strong. That’s not the problem. M: Then you think my heart is weak. But that isn’t so! I have amazing determination. I swear, my passion is unmatched by any other amateur athlete in the world. I defy1 you to say otherwise. W: I wouldn’t dare. I’ve seen you run and not quit, and I know your heart is strong. But that isn’t the problem. M: What’s the problem then? W: The Olympics ended yesterday. Questions:

1 Why does the man look great?

2 How does the man feel about his own strength? 3 What does the man say about his passion?

4 How does the woman know the man has a strong heart? 5 What is the man’s problem, according to the woman?

注释: 1. defy

1) a. disobey or refuse to respect 违抗,反抗, 蔑视(某人,权威等) . They defied their parents and got married. 他们违背父母的意愿结婚 b. refuse to give in 拒绝向某人让步,勇敢地抵抗

. Though he is an ordinary employee, he dares to defy the authority.他尽管是一个普通员工,却不惧怕权威。

2)be so difficult as to make impossible (因有困难)使不可能,办不到 . The problem defied solutions. 这个问题不可能解决。

Understanding a Passage

Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

In the summer of 1936, Jesse Owens became famous all over the world. That summer, Jesse Owens, a black American, joined the best athletes from 50 nations to compete in the Olympics in Berlin, Germany.

There was special interest in the Olympic Games that year because Adolph Hitler was then the leader of Germany. He and his Nazi party believed that white people were better than other races, especially those with dark skin. They were all very surprised when Owens won four gold medals and set new world records.

Years later, Jesse Owens wrote that he was most proud of showing Hitler and the world how great a black man could be. Through everything, he never lost confidence in himself. Nor did he ever lose pride in himself. To this day, Jesse Owens is remembered as an amazing man who fully expressed the Olympics spirit. Questions:

1 Why were so many people interested in the 1936 Olympic Games? 2 According to the passage, what did the Nazi party believe? 3 What surprised Hitler and the Nazi? 4 What made Jesse Owens most proud?

5 Why is Jesse Owens remembered as a great man?


Supplementary Listening

Task 1 Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. M: Have you ever tried scuba(自携式水下呼吸器) diving(潜水运动)? W: No, I’m kind of scared of the whole diving thing. I mean, I hear all these stories about getting sick from coming up too fast and dangerous fish and stuff. I don’t think it’s for me.

M: I guess there’s a lot that could go wrong, but if you’ve been trained and you follow the rules, there’s really nothing to worry about. W: I don’t know.

M: It’s really worth trying. It’s a whole other world down there. It’s such an amazing experience.

W: That’s what a lot of people tell me, but I think I’d prefer to stick to surfing(冲浪运动) rather than take my chances in the deep.

M: To be honest, I think you have more chance of meeting with an accident surfing than diving.

W: As long as you don’t do anything stupid, you’ll be OK. M: Diving’s the same. You just have to follow the rules. Say, I’m going next weekend. Why don’t you come along? There’s a pool that isn’t so deep where you can see all kinds of fish and things. It’s perfect for a novice(新手,初学者) diver. W: Well, if it’s not too deep, it can’t be too bad. Why not? Sure, I’ll go with you.

M: Great? Questions:

1 According to the woman, what makes the diving scary? 2 What measures might help ensure the safety of diving?

3 According to the conversation, what has the woman heard about diving? 4 What does the man think about surfing?

5 Why does the woman decide to join the man in diving?

Task 2 Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

Some people say that aerobic dancing(有氧操) is a sport, and others say it’s not. I’ve begun a class that teaches aerobics, and I would like to tell you about it. I think you’ll be very excited about this vigorous(活泼的,强有力的) exercise and will agree with that it’s a sport.

Aerobic dancing is like other sports in that it can help you improve your mental strength. Often, when doing it, you’ll want to quit. Continuing, despite your desire to stop, forces you to be strong. The encouragement that you receive from those around you helps you to carry on for the entire 45 minutes until the end. It’s something like running a long race.

Like swimming, aerobic dancing makes your body stronger. It quickens your heart beat and helps you to lose fat. Many football players, as well as athletes in other sports, do aerobic dancing to improve their fitness. Many other people enjoy it as well.

Aerobic dancing can change your life. If you participate regularly, it’ll make you a better person, both mentally and physically. I recommend it to anyone who wants a little bit more out of life. Questions:

1 According to the passage, how do people feel about aerobic dancing? 2 in which way is aerobic dancing similar to other sports?

3 Who will encourage you not to quit when doing aerobic dancing? 4 How is aerobic dancing like swimming?

5 According to the speaker, who should take part in aerobic dancing?

Unit 3 Warming Up

Hello, and welcome! Thank1 you for listening to this report, entitled “Pros and Cons2 of Mixed Marriages (混合婚姻, 杂婚, 异族通婚)”. Mixed marriages are becoming more common and many people have strong opinions about them. In this program, you’ll listen to opinions on both sides 3of the issue. Overall, people seem to be in favor4. One woman will tell you how happy she is to have married a foreigner. Some will say it is OK for others but isn’t for them. However, nearly one third of the people you are going to hear on this program will say people from different cultures shouldn’t get married, claiming that these individuals cannot be compatible.


1. thank sb. for doing sth.

thanks to: owing to ,due to 幸亏,由于

2. Pros and Cons 优点与缺点 pro在此是指in favor of(赞成)的意思;而con则是拉丁语contra的简写,指in opposition to, against(反对)

3. on both sides双方, 两边

side by side 一个挨一个,肩并肩

sidewalk (AmE) --- pavement (BrE) 人行道

4. favor : n. / vt.

*in sb’s favor ① 得某人欢心 ② 受某人欢迎 ③赞同, 有利于

*do sb’s a favor 帮某人一个忙

favorable adj. advantageous, approving *be favorable to sth. (以人作主语,“赞成…的”) (以事物作主语,“对…有利的”) eg. Is he favorable to the proposal?

*be favorable for 适宜于…的,良好(时机)的

Understanding Short Conversations Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.