新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文+答案 下载本文

总裁没法向员工解释他关于开会迟到现象的看法,因为只有两个员工出席会议 2) show sb. up

a. 因举止失当使某人羞与为伍

. He showed me up by saying such foolish words. 他居然说出如此愚蠢的话,使我羞于与之为伍(弄的我很难堪) b. 显露某人不诚实后不名誉等

. Jim showed him up as being greedy in face of money. 在金钱面前Jim显露出他贪婪的面目

2 whereas 然而(经常用于介绍与主句观点相反的看法或观点)

. She prefers to spend income on clothing, whereas I’d rather spend on booking buying. 她总是把工资花在卖服装上,而我却宁愿把钱用来买书 whereas 可用while 来替换

. Asian countries have large populations, whereas/while African countries have a few.亚洲国家人口众多,而非洲国家却人口稀少


Supplementary Listening

Task 1 Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. W: I always thought that culture shock was something that would happen to other people, not to me.

M: Actually, I’m not totally certain what the words “culture shock” refer to. W: Culture shock is the anxiety that occurs when a person moves to completely new surroundings.

M: Does it include a lack of direction and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate?

W: It sure does. And, it generally sets in a few weeks after arriving in a new place. M: Is it a physical or mental discomfort?

W: It’s both. Most people suffer stress in their body and mind. It can result in feeling very tired, getting sick, becoming depressed and doing things you might otherwise think are wrong.

M: I think I’v experienced all of the symptoms(症状).

W: It’s only natural. When you first arrive, you don’t speak the language, don’t know how to use banking machines, don’t know how to use the telephone and so forth. M: At the same time it can also be an opportunity.

W: I agree. It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and encourage a sense of creativity. Questions:

1 What did the woman first think about culture shock? 解析:该题四个选项并没有给我们提供太多的有用信息,因此学生要认真听懂该对话和问题后才能解答

2 Which of the following statements is NOT true about people experiencing culture shock?

3 How may culture shock affect people’s lives?

4 When the woman talks about the newcomer’s inability, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

5 How can culture shock also be an opportunity?

Task 2 Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

Even though you may not be able to eliminate1 culture shock, there are ways to ease the stress. The following are some activities that can help:

Get out of your room or apartment, so you are able to experience first-hand what Americans are doing.

Make friends so you can talk to them and ask about what you don’t understand. Read to learn about the culture of the country you’re in. Find an activity that you can enjoy so you will be able to reduce stress and depression. Americans like to jog(慢跑) and they also like to play sports.

Find out from your host family or other Americans about community activities, religious services, or volunteer opportunities. Make the most of this opportunity to become a member of their community.

Improve your English. Ask about anything you don’t understand. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Someone will be happy to put you right. Questions:

1 Why is it advised to get out of your room or apartment? 解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某件事的原因

2 To whom can you talk when you want to understand the American culture? 解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某个人群

3 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce your stress and depression?


4 How might you become a member of the community? 解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及做某件事的方式

5 What should you do if you are NOT sure about how to say something? 解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某个行为


1. eliminate

1) eliminate sb./sth. from 清除,消除(尤指不必要或不需要的某人) . After finishing reading, you’d better reread your essay in order to eliminate mistakes.写完文章后你最好再读一遍以消除错误。


. The soldier eliminated his enemy and survived.士兵干掉敌人,活了下来 . I was eliminated from the contest in the second round.我在第二轮比赛中被淘汰。

Unit 2 Listening

Understanding Short Conversations Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1 W: What did your coach(教练)tell you about running in tomorrow’s race? M: He said, “All that glitters is Olympic gold,” to remind me of the Olympic spirit. Q: What was the coach’s advice to the man?

2 M: I watched a TV show last night, called “All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold”. W: I watched that too. It was about the training and sacrifice(付出,牺牲)necessary for athletes to compete in the Olympics. Q: What was the TV show about?

3 W: Running the hundred-meter dash is nothing compared to the passion1 necessary to run longer races.

M: Are you kidding? I’ve run both and I know they both require determination2. Q: Why does the man disagree with the woman? 解析:从该题四个选项可知此对话涉及he对the hundred-meter dash 以及longer races 的看法

4 M: Do you think drug taking is widespread among amateur(业余的)athletes trying to get stronger?

W: It’s hard to say whether it’s true or not. So much of what we hear seems to be rumors(谣言). Q: Does the woman believe that there is a problem with amateur athletes taking drugs? 解析:从该题四个选项可知该题应注意she是否相信it,以及it是否是事实

5 W: Do you think that he could have run in the Olympics if things had turned out(证明是,结果是) differently? M: Definitely. He had the heart. It was just his injury that cost3 him the opportunity to compete.

Q: Did the athlete compete in the Olympics?


6 M: I heard that when the athlete accepted the gold medal, he thanked his mom. W: That’s right. He swore(明确或郑重地说) that she was responsible for him developing the strength to win the race.

Q: Why was the athlete able to win the race?

7 W: Come on, you can eat this cake. You don’t have to deny yourself sweet food just because you’re in the Olympics.

M: Yes I do! With the games coming so soon, I have to stay on a healthy diet. Q: Why does the man refuse the woman’s offer?

8 M: Most people who watch the Olympics would like to be like the athletes they see. W: Maybe they would. But I don’t think most of them have the determination to work so hard to get there.

Q: What does the woman think about people who watch the Olympic Games? 解析:从该题四个选项主体一致,同学在听时应注意动词补语部分

9 W: Are you noticing the frowns on the faces of the runners? Not one of them looks happy.

M: You can be sure the two runners from our country are happy. Out of the five races, they’ve won four.

Q: How many races have the runners from the speaker’s country won? 解析:该题涉及数字,同学在听时应提高对数字的敏感度

10 M: Just hearing the Olympic song fills me with determination to go out and win. W: It was first played in 1896, but it wasn't the official song until 1958. I like it too.

Q: In which year did the Olympic song become official?



1. Passion

1) a. strong feeling, . of hate, love or anger 强烈的情感(如:恨,爱,怒等) . She argued with his husband with great passion. 她和他丈夫争论,情绪很激动

b. angry state, rage (used especially in the expressions shown)愤怒,盛怒 . in a passion 在盛怒中 get into a passion 勃然大怒

2)~(for sb.) intense love( especial sexual) 强烈的爱,尤指性爱 . He loves his wife with passion. 他强烈地爱着妻子 3)~(for sb.) ~(for sb.)酷爱,热爱

. I have a passion for detective stories. 我很喜欢侦探小说 2.1)Determination n. 决心,坚定性 ~to do sth.

. I’ve run one hundred-meter dash and longer races and I know they both require determination\\.我既跑过100短跑,也跑过长跑,我知道两者都需要决心。 2) determine v. ~to do sth

. I determined to succeed in the race. 我决心取得比赛胜利 3.Cost V. (pt, pp cost) 1) 价钱为,需花费