大学英语精读第二册testyouself选择题 下载本文


鸟巢复杂的 结构,精美的编织,来帮助公鸟来吸引母鸟。

53.A verbal agreement is not as binding as a written contract. 口头协议是不具有约束力的书面合同。

54.I n February, after a exhausting series of tests, the doctor told us my

father was nearing the end of his life.

二月,一系列折磨人的 测试后,医生告诉我我父亲接近他生命的结束。 55.I n addition to tax cuts, the government is also expected to make it

easier for foreign investors to takeprofits out of the country. 除了减税,政府预计也使外国投资者更容易获得


56.Ann was flattered when she was chosen to speak at the graduation

ceremony, but at the same time she was pretty scared. 安感到受宠若惊 当她被选在毕业典礼上发言, 怕。

57.I rene was evidently a heavy smoker, for the first two fingers of her right

hand were stained with nicotine.

但在同一时间, 她很害

艾琳显然是个烟鬼,右手的两只手指 沾满尼古丁。

58.At what point in his or her career should a singer decide to quit the

stage and concert platform?

一个歌手应该在职业生涯的什么时候决定 呢?

59.Reluctant to miss the lecture on Sunday, I had to cut short the visit

and came back on Saturday.

退出 舞台和音乐会的平台



