2016年北京市朝阳区中考一模英语试卷及答案解析 - 图文 下载本文

compared to those who do. And students who do not eat with their parents are more likely to be truant at school .Just the opposite, children who do eat dinner with their parents five or more days a week are less likely to run away from school without reason. They also report being closer with their parents than children who eat dinner with their parents less often, according to a study conducted by the National Center at Columbia University.

Then how do we eat better, not just from a nutritional perspective (营养角度),but from a psychological one as


Perhaps seeing eating together as an opportunity to get away with stress, a chance to catch up with those whom we

love could help our children do better in school, get in better shape, and be less likely to have problems. Eating together also leads children to report better relationships with their parents and surely relationships between adults can similarly benefit.

So try eating together, and you’ll find it’s totally worth it.

53. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Most Americans share meaningful time with their loved ones. B. The writer likes going out to eat sandwiches with friends and parents. C. Eating together with parents is a big event and needs lots of preparation. D. Children who don't eat dinner with parents are more likely to be overweight.

54. The underlined part “be truant at school” probably means “________”.

A. be absent from school C. be present at school

B. be pleased at school D. be disappointed in school

55. The writer probably agrees that


Crystal (水晶)Shoes

“Hi,Jerry!” Kathy ran towards me with a bright smile, saying, “I’m going to have a dance performance (表演)tonight. I hope you’ll come. __56__ ,and don’t forget!” Then she left in a hurry.

“What? Dance? Is that possible?” I asked myself. __57__ She was a quite common girl. I A. eating together doesn’t have good effects on adults B. it’s important for the young to eat together with parents C. it’s totally worth spending much money in eating together D. people who eat together often are likely to have problems

had never seen her wearing colorful clothes. In fact, she really did not know how to dress up. What a terrible thing!


“I should go. I must go!” I thought.

__58__, found my seat and sat down. Her performance was the seventh one. I knew I would have a hard time

before her turn, for I had no sense of art. Time went slowly, I tried my best not to fall asleep.

Just then,came the words “Let’s welcome the next exciting dance — Kathy!”

Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible, I was afraid to lose anything. Wearing a golden and shining

skirt, Kathy appeared __59__,looking like a pretty butterfly flying. I could hardly believe my eyes.

__60__, I waited for her at the gate.

“ Hi !”She stood in front of me with a big smile. “How do you feel?” “Fantastic!” I answered.

“Haha. I knew you would be. ” She could not hide her excitement, laughing like a child.

At that time, I realized that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella (灰姑娘). A. Here is the ticket B. She danced with a sweet smile C. After all the performance ended D. I arrived at the hall with the ticket E. But Kathy was not such kind of girl


People always have different feelings. Among them is shyness. It means feeling frightened when you are around

other people. Some children were born shy. Some become very shy later because of life experience. In fact, everyone gets a little shy sometimes. It depends on how shy you are. If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a big problem.

According to scientists, shyness generally begins during childhood. Most of time,shyness is caused by people’s

worry about what other people think of them,so shy people often find it very difficult to meet new people. This fear has bad effects on their work life, social life and love life. The following suggestions may be helpful for shy people. Find ways to relax when you go out .When you are old enough, consider drinking a glass of wine before heading out for the night. Talk with your friend or family member to help yourself calm down (平静).

Look best when you go out. Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Listen carefully

when people speak. Shy people sometimes think that meeting new people means having to do a lot of talking. You can ask simple questions and then listen to the answers. People love to feel like other people are listening to them and sharing their point of view.

Build your confidence and change your attitude towards meeting new people instead of worrying about how they

will think of you, and think about what are good points you hope to find in the new person you will meet.


Try these suggestions if you do feel very shy. Hopefully you can enjoy your life better.

61. What does shyness mean?

62. Is being shy always a big problem according to the passage? 63. When do scientists think shyness usually begins? 64. Who can help shy people calm down? 65. What is the passage mainly about?



66. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。 文中已给出单词....不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目①

假如你是小华,学校英语社团下周将要组织中国传统文化体验活动。你打算邀请外教 Jim参加。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他活动的时间和地点,活动内容,以及举办这个活动的原因。 提示词语:experience; make dumplings; drink Chinese tea;enjoy oneself; learn about 提示问题:?When and where are you going to organize the activity? ?What are you going to do there? ?Why do you have this kind of activity? Dear Jim,

How is it going? Fm writing to invite you to our activity— “Experience Chinese traditional culture”.


I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Xiao Hua 题目②

假如你是小华,初中生活就要结束了。最近你和同学们经常谈论三年中你最敬佩的人。 某英文网站正在举行“ A Person I Admire”的征文活动,请你写一篇短文参加此活动。谈谈你 最敬佩的人是谁,他/她是什么样的人,以及你敬佩他/她的原因。

提示词语:kind; helpful; have some difficulties; encourage; solve the problems 提示问题:? Who is the person that you admire?

? What is he/she like?


? Why do you admire him/her?