仁爱版英语八年级下册导学案(全册)教学提纲 下载本文


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Section C

心情糟糕 笑对人生 给某人一个惊喜 上映;放映 为……做准备 在回家的路上 看见……正在做某事 卧病在床 任务一:读课文,根据课文内容连线,并完成后面的解析。

the full moon on Mid-autumn Festival happy noise confident the sunny day Sad and worried orange and yellow lonely and sad Wenchuan earthquake hard to fall asleep

1. “especially when the full moon is hanging in the sky on Mid-autumn Festival.” 意思是__________________________________________________. 句中especially 意思是____________, 是一个_________(形容词/副词),用来强调某事物。例:他擅长体育运动,尤其是打篮球。_________________________, ____________________.

2. “But I can’t get together with my family.” 意思是

___________________________, 短语get together with sb. 意思是___________________. 合成词get-together 是个名词,意思是聚会。 3. “and my eyes fill with tears.” 意思是________________. 短语fill … with …. 意思是__________________.“ 充满…” 也可以用短语________________. 那么原句也可以改写为and my eyes _________________ tears.



4. “it’s too noisy for me to fall asleep.” 意思是_________________________, 句中too … to do sht. 意思是________________________. 这个句型也常可以用so … that … 来表达相同的意思。那么原句也可以改写为__________________________________.

5. “I hope to live in the countryside some day.” 意思是

_______________________________. 句中some day 意思是____________, 指将来的某一天,也常翻译成“有朝一日”。例如:有朝一日,我会成为最著名的音乐家。____________________________________. 任务二:2. 仿照书上的例子,写出下列事物带给你的感受。

The rock music The soft music The popular music The Blues The lively music Red Yellow Blue Green comedy tragedy Swordsmen film Japan to buy the Diaoyu Islands China’s first aircraft carrier Music Color Movies Big event 任务三:根据上面的表格写一篇短文来描述“What can affect your feelings? How do they affect you? 开头已经给出。

Colors can affect our feelings a lot. Different colors can change my feelings. __________




任务四:总结本课出现的短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Section D

和…相聚 充满;装满 太…以至于不能… 入睡 有朝一日 任务一:I. 1a, 读课文,完成下面的表格。

How to Stay in Good Spirits Things that may affect our Colors, _________, news feelings _____________. Why should we be in a good to _______ or ________ better. mood.? How to get energy? How to keep healthy? How to get help? How to avoid making mistakes? and the 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


How to be happy? II 再读一遍课文,完成下面的解析。

1. “How to stay in good spirits?” 意思是____________________________. 句中短语 stay in … 意思是_____________。那么“保持身体健康”可以说___________________.

句中的spirit 与mood 意思相同,原句中的spirits也可以替换成moods. 2. “It is very important for us to be in a good mood.” 意思是__________________________, 句型It’s … for sb. to do sth. 意思是

________________________. 例:对于现代人来说学会使用电脑非常重要。_______________________________________________________. 3. “get help from newspapers, magazines, TV or the internet.” 意思是____________________

_____________________. 短语get help form … 意思是

______________________. 例: 当你遇到麻烦的时候,你可以去警察局从警察那里获得帮助。When you are in ___________, you can go to police station and ________ _________ _________ the police.

4. “Think it over before making an important decision.” 意思是

________________________, 句中think over 意思是__________________. [注意] 如果加代词作宾语,则一定要放在think over 的_____________(中间/后面)。
