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8 articles found in Compendex: ( (($safe $design) WN TI) AND (1969-2016 WN YR)) AND ( (($software) WN TI) AND (1969-2016 WN YR))
Software development for specific geometry and safe design of isotropic material multicell beams
Tariq, M.M. (Centre of Excellence in Science and Applied Technologies (CESAT), Islamabad, Pakistan); Ahmed, M.N. Source:Key Engineering Materials, v 510-511, n 1, p 378-385, 2012, Advanced Materials XII
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答:收录论文数Expert Search
71 articles found in Compendex for 2000-2000: ((HEBEI UNIV* OF TECHNOL*) WN
AF) -({hebei univ of science and technology} OR {beijing univ. of aero. and astro.} OR {hebei univ. of sci. and technology} OR {manufacturing engineering institute, department of precision instruments, tsinghua university} OR {department of applied mathematics, beijing institute of technology} OR {department of chemistry, hebei teachers' university} OR {department of chemistry, hebei university} OR {department of chemistry, ne. university, shenyang 110006} OR {department of materials science, university of science and technology beijing} OR {department of mathematics, hebei university} OR {department of mechanical engineering, tianjin institute of technology} OR {department of mechanical engineering, yanshan university} OR {department of medical chemistry, hebei medical university} OR {department of physical chemistry, university of science and technology beijing} OR {dept. chem. and pharmaceutical eng., hebei univ. of sci. and technology} OR {dept. of chem. and pharm. eng., hebei univ. of sci. and technology} OR {dept. of comp. and syst. sci., nankai univ.} OR {dept. of environ. sci./engineering, hebei univ. of science/technology} OR {dept. of mat. sci. and engineering, tianjin inst. of sci. and technology} OR {experimental center, hebei teachers' university} OR {hebei institute of architectural science and technology} OR
{hebei province academy of science} OR {hebei univ of technology & science} OR {faculty of environmental engineering, hebei university of science and technology}) WN AF 期刊及会议篇数: Journal article 61; conference article 10.
发表文章最多的作者姓名、篇数、及第1篇文章的篇名 Expert Search
5 articles found in Compendex for 2000-2000+{yan weili} WN AU
Computations of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography for real head
Rao, Liyun (Hebei Univ of Technology, Tianjin, China); He, Renjie; Li,
Ying; Liu, Shuo; Yan, Weili Source:IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 36, n 4 I, p 1812-1816, Jul 2000 Database:Compendex
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery
Castro, Miguel; Liskov, Barbara Source:ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, v
20, n 4, p 398-461, November 2002
题目5 回答:①EI数据库有哪几种输出方式?得到检索结果后,对检索结果文件类型分类
统计怎么获取? 答:输出方式: view(浏览), e-mail(电子邮件传送), print(打印),
download(下载), save(保存)
检索结果文件类型分类统计应通过检索结果界面的“refine result”功
能中“document type”进行分类统计。
答:形式:英文或者中文全拼。表示方法:检索词 WN ALL
Search results: 49 results found for pub-date > 1999 and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(maglev
system) and TITLE-ABSTR-KEY(control).
o Observer-based adaptive fuzzy-neural-network control for hybrid maglev transportation system
Original Research Article o Neurocomputing, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 October 2015
o Rong-Jong Wai, Meng-Wei Chen, Jing-Xiang Yao
题目2(SDOS)查找“Torsten.Eymann”发表在“Advanced Engineering Informatics”
A hayekian self-organization approach to service allocation in computing systems
Original Research Article
o o
Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 19, Issue 3, July 2005, Pages 223-233
TorstenEymann, Michael Reinicke, Felix Freitag, Leandro Navarro, Oscar Ardaiz, Pau Artigas