2017-2018学年高中英语必修四练习:Unit 3 单元加餐练一-二 含解析 精品 下载本文

加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


As I lay on the table enjoying my monthly massage (按摩), my soul was nourished and renewed. While I felt the caring __1__ of the massage therapist (治疗专家), I listened to recordings of music __2__ only a few centuries ago for royalty and the very rich. Flutes in gentle harmony complemented by __3__ piano scales; in my imagination, these gifted artists were __4__ just for me. I pay $80 for an hour-long massage. How much is it really __5__ to me? $500? $1,000? I could never __6__ that amount every month, but if suddenly a massage cost $500 or $1,000 at minimum, I realized that I would still __7__ and get a massage every year or two as a special __8__. When the massage was __9__, I told my massage therapist how __10__ I was for her work, how much this time __11__ to me each month. Her massages are worth far more than $80 to me — $500 or $1,000, __12__. While I can’t afford that __13__, I paid her an extra $100 this month __14__ that she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it. I __15__ that she spend it on something extraordinary for herself she wouldn’t purchase __16__, like a special article of clothing or something beautiful for her home.

She was close to __17__, not at the gift itself, I think, but at the __18__ behind it. She said she looked forward to dreaming about all the __19__ she could spend the money, and that she would be sure to tell me about what she ended up deciding on.“You don’t have to tell me,” I said.“It will give me even more __20__ to tell you,” she replied.

语篇解读:本文是记叙文。在支付按摩师费用时,“我”多给了她100美元。“我”希望她把这些钱用得更有意义,这让她非常感动。 1.A.observation C.touch

B.information D.requirement

解析:选C 联系空后的“the massage therapist(治疗专家)”可知,此处表示“我”在感受按摩师(按摩时)关切的触摸。

2.A.reserved C.cherished

B.valued D.discovered

解析:选A 从空后的“only a few centuries ago for royalty and the very rich”可知,这样的音乐是在几个世纪前为达官贵人准备的,因此用reserved。

3.A.influent C.regular

B.smooth D.delicate

解析:选D 结合语境可知,此处表示“在优雅的钢琴曲的伴奏下”。 4.A.appearing


C.changing D.developing

解析:选B 联系空前的“Flutes in gentle harmony complemented by __3__ piano scales”可知,这些有才华的艺术家仅仅是在为“我”演奏着。

5.A.useful C.significant

B.effective D.worth

解析:选D 从空后的“$500?$1,000”可知,“我”在问自己:这一个小时的按摩究竟值多少钱?

6.A.afford C.infer

B.expect D.gain

解析:选A 结合空后的“that amount every month”“get a massage every year or two”可推知,如果一小时按摩值500美元或者1 000美元,自己确实每月付不起那么多钱,但可能一年或两年享受一次。

7.A.keep up C.make up

B.save up D.break up

解析:选B 结合“if suddenly a massage cost $500 or $1,000 at minimum”和“get a massage every year or two”可知,如果一次按摩最少要花费500至1 000美元,“我”将会节省下来钱,一两年做一次按摩。

8.A.entertainment C.relaxation

B.treat D.action

解析:选B 联系“get a massage every year or two”可知,节省下来的钱一两年进行一次按摩,作为(对自己的)特殊招待。

9.A.processed C.completed

B.prepared D.improved

解析:选C 从空后的内容看,按摩结束后,“我”与按摩师谈话。 10.A.puzzled C.attractive

B.amused D.grateful

解析:选D 联系前文的“caring __1__”“recordings of music”和空后的“for her work”可知,“我”对她的工作表示感激。

11.A.meant C.imply

B.cost D.refer

解析:选A 由上题解析可知,“我”对她的工作表示感激,所以这个时间她的工作对“我”意味着很多。

12.A.though C.surely

B.likely D.therefore

解析:选C 结合空前的“far more than $80 to me — $500 or $1,000”可知,这一个小时的按摩不仅仅值80美元,很确定地值500或1 000美元。

13.A.value C.charge

B.amount D.offer

解析:选B 从空后的“I paid her an extra $100”可知,“我”支付不了那么多。前文中的“I could never __6__ that amount”也是提示。

14.A.in case C.in order

B.for fear D.on condition

解析:选D “she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it”是“我”另外支付她这些钱的条件。故选D项。on condition that“条件是”。

15.A.insisted C.commanded

B.permitted D.ordered

解析:选A 从前文的“__14__ that she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it”可知,“我”坚决要求她把钱花在特别的东西上。

16.A.then C.otherwise

B.willingly D.totally

解析:选C 联系前文的“something ... she wouldn’t purchase”可知,没有这些钱她就不会买,因此此空用otherwise。

17.A.sighs C.cheers

B.tears D.screams

解析:选B 结合空后的“not at the gift itself, I think, but at the __18__ behind it”可知,她因这份礼物背后的情感而几乎要哭出来。

18.A.intentions C.plans

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 19.A.ways C.determinations

B.thoughts D.chances B.purposes D.feelings

解析:选A 从“she could spend the money”可知,她一直梦想着花这个钱的各种方式。 20.A.tools C.pleasure

B.aid D.moments

解析:选C 告诉“我”她如何花的这些钱将带给她更大的快乐。 Ⅱ.阅读理解

Bill Gates and the president of General Motors have met for lunch, and Bill is going on and on about computer technology.“If automotive technology had kept pace with computer

technology over the past few decades, you would now be driving a V-32 instead of a V-8, and it would have a top speed of 10,000 miles per hour,” says Gates.“Or, you could have an economy car that weighs 30 pounds and gets a thousand miles to a gallon of gas. In either case, the sticker price of a new car would be less than $50. Why haven’t you guys kept up?”

The president of GM smiles and says,“Because the federal government won’t let us build cars that crash four times a day.”

Why is that funny (or not funny, as the case may be)? Human beings love to laugh, and the average adult laughs 17 times a day.

Humans love to laugh so much that there are actually industries built around laughter. Jokes, sitcoms and comedians are all designed to get us laughing, because laughing feels good. For us it seems so natural, but the funny thing is that humans are one of the only species that laughs. Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same skills used in solving problems.

Laughter is a great thing — that’s why we’ve all heard the saying,“Laughter is the best medicine.” There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. In this article, we’ll look at laughter — what it is, what happens in our brains when we laugh, what makes us laugh and how it can make us healthier and happier. You’ll also learn that there’s a tremendous amount that no one understands yet.

语篇解读:本文是一篇文章的引言。作者通过比尔·盖茨和通用汽车公司总裁的幽默谈话向我们讲述了“笑”的作用:可以促进我们的身体健康,增强抵抗疾病的能力。 1.What’s the best title of the passage? A.Laughter

B.The joke between Gates and the president of General Motors C.Why do we laugh? D.Laughter and health

解析:选D 标题归纳题。综观全文可以看出,文章通过一个幽默引出了笑的作用:可以增进我们的身体健康,增强抵抗疾病的能力。

2.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Computer technology has developed quickly during the past few decades.

B.Automotive technology has developed as fast as computer technology according to Bill Gates.

C.The president of GM thinks it is impossible to build cars worth less than 50 dollars. D.If cars were less than 50 dollars, a large number of accidents would happen per day. 解析:选B 细节理解题。文章第一段的“If automotive technology had ... instead of a