(人教版)初中英语九年级全册 各单元测试卷及答案共十四套 下载本文

W: Because there is a water festival. People throw water at each other during the festival. They say that they’ll have good luck in the new year. M:When will you start?

听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第10三个小题。 W:Hello, Bill. It’s Linda. Where are you now? M:I’m in Beijing with my uncle’s family here. W:Sounds great. What are you going to do there?

M:It’s a few days before the Spring Festival, so I’m getting ready for it with my uncle. I’ll help my aunt clean the house this afternoon. Tomorrow we’ll go shopping. W:Will you visit the Great Wall?

M:Yes. After the Spring Festival, I will go there by bike because my uncle’s house is not far from it. Now I go to watch the dragon dance every day. It is very interesting. And I’m learning it from my aunt.

W:Really?How interesting!By the way, do children get presents on the Spring Festival?You know, we get presents from Father Christmas at Christmas. M:I think I will get a hongbao. W:Lucky you.


W:So, Sam, what food are you going to have at your Halloween party? M:Well, Paul is coming, so we must have ice-cream-he loves that. W:Me, too!What about Mark?Is he coming as well?

M:Yes, and I’m going to buy lots of bananas and oranges for him to eat. He always has them for lunch at school. Jack is coming and I know he loves hamburgers. W:And are you inviting Lisa?

M:Of course, but she prefers salad. She says that at school we eat too much chocolate. So we should eat healthier food.


There are two special days for parents in America. On the second Sunday of May, it is Mother’5 Dad, and Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June, American children often give presents to their parents or invite them to have lunch or dinner. Flowers and cards are the most common gifts. It is more and more popular to celebrate Mother's Day and Father’s Day in China now.It is true that we should show our love to our parents!

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Hello, everybody. The Thanksgiving holiday is coming. I believe all of you are very excited. Tomorrow we’re all going on a trip to Lake Tandy and I’d just like to tell you about our plan. We’ll be leaving here at 9: 30 in the morning. It’s a seven-hour trip, so we’ll be back at half past four. We’re going to visit three places. The first one is a palace. It was builtsix hundred years ago and it is very interesting. After that we will slop in a restaurant for lunch at 1: 00 o’clock. We’ll stay there about three quarters. We will then drive to our third stop. It will be at a beach and if you like you can swim there or just sit in the sun. The trees are very beautiful and there are lots of birds. So remember to take a camera. I’m sure you’ll be able 1o take some excellent photographs. 一、

1.【答案】B 2.【答案】A 3.【答案】C 4.【答案】A 5.【答案】C 6.【答案】C 7.【答案】A 8.【答案】B 9.【答案】C 10.【答案】A 11.【答案】C 12.【答案】B 13.【答案】A 14.【答案】B 15.【答案】A 16.【答案】B 17.【答案】D 18.【答案】C 19.【答案】A 20.【答案】E 二、 1.【答案】D

【解析】根据答语的“我阿姨和叔叔住在那里”可推断,问句问的是“你在北京有亲戚吗”,所缺的词是relative,故答案为D 2.【答案】C

【解析】本题考查put短语。根据本题语境可知,此处表示“我胖了五磅”,故put on符合题意。 3.【答案】D 4.【答案】B

【解析】四个选项的含义分别是:hope“希望”;admire“饮佩”;expect“期待”;serve“接待”。结合题干中的“怀特先生是一个能干的人,他总是能处理好他遇到的各种问题”,由此可推断,我们钦佩他。故答案为B。 5.【答案】A 6.【答案】B

【解析】句意:彼得把被子铺在地板上,躺下休息了一下。第一空要用lay的过去式,即laid;lie“躺下”的过去式是lay。故答案为B。 7.【答案】D

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【解析】句意:你的弟弟为什么回家后受到惩罚?根据题意,弟弟是被惩罚,所以是一般过去时的被动语态。一般过去时被动语态的构成:be(was/were)+动词过去分词。punish的过去分词是规则变化,在其后加ed。故答案为A。 9.【答案】A

【解析】warn“警告”,后接不定式作宾语,即warn sb.to do sth.,若宾语是否定时要在10前面加not。故答案为A。 10.【答案】C

【解析】句意:“你觉得下一场比赛里巴西能打败日本吗?”“是的,他们有更好的选手,所以我希望巴西能赢。\”hope虽表示“希望”,但是没有hope sb.to do句型,只有hope to do和hope that +宾语从句,故排除A项;except意为“除外”,与题意不符,故排除B项;prefer的句型为prefer sb.doing,与题干句型不符,故排除D项;expect表示“期待”,其句型为expect sb.to do sth.,符合题干句型。 11.【答案】B

【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。think of的意思是“认为”;remind of的意思是“使……想起”;let down的意思是“使失望”;wake up的意思是“叫醒”。句意:我弟弟喜欢这些旧书,它们可以使他想起住在农村的生活。故答案为B. 12.【答案】D

【解析】句意:成廉·莎士比亚已经去世400年了,但他的作品现在仍然很有影响力。表示“死了多长时间”要用现在完成时,并用延续性动词,故选has been dead. 13.【答案】B 14.【答案】D

【解析】promise to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“答应做装事”,故动词不定式1o see符合题意。 15.【答案】C 三、

【主旨大意】春节是中国最重要的节日之一。本文介绍了中国人过春节时的一些传统,还介绍了世界上其他国家的人是怎样庆祝春节的。 1.【答案】B

【解析】新年是辞旧迎新的时候,say goodbye to意为“向……告别”。 2.【答案】C

【解析】春节第一天,人们穿着新衣服出去闲逛,hang out“闲逛”符合题意。

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【解析】孩子们能够收到父母和亲成的“红”包,故所缺的词是red。 4.【答案】A

【解析】不仅中国庆祝春节,而且世界上的“其他”地方也庆祝春节,故所缺的词是other。 5.【答案】B

【解析】英国从1980年开始“庆祝”春节,故所缺的词是celebrated。 6.【答案】C

【解析】dance to music的含义是“随着音乐跳舞”。 7.【答案】C

【解析】根据其后的in the cinema可推断,符合题意的词是movies“电影”。 8.【答案】B

【解析】join in表示“加入,参加”。 9.【答案】C

【解析】除夕时的家庭聚餐对于中国人来说是一个重要的传统,不管他们是在新加坡出生,还是从中国搬家到那里的,表示“不管;无论”要用whether。 10.【答案】A

【解析】据上下文可知,他们通常在家里举行家庭聚餐,故所缺的词是home。 四、


1.【答案】C 2.【答案】A 3.【答案】D 4.【答案】B 5.【答案】C


【主旨大意】本文是关于日本情人节的介绍文章。在日本,有两个情人节,一个个是在2月14日,另一个是在3月14日。 6.【答案】B

【解析】根据第一段中的“In Japan,there are two Valentine's Days”可知,日本有两个情人节。故答案为B。 7.【答案】B

【解析】根据第一段中的“The second one is on March 14th and it was introduced…”以及其后的“…the company called it White Day”可知答案为B。 8.【答案】C

【解析】根据第一段中的“…it was introduced in the 1960s by a marshmallow company.Since the marshmallows

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