1.本评定标准依据《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》(AQ/T 9006-2010)制定。
3.本评定标准所称冶金等工贸行业小微企业,依据工业和信息化部《关于印发中小企业划型标准规定的通知》(工信部联企业?2 011?300号)确定。
(3)评审:小微企业评审方法由地方安全监管部门制定。 (4)公告:地方安全监管部门应定期对达标企业进行公告。小微企业达标不分等级,达标企业统一规定为“安全生产标准化达标企业”。
冶 金 等 工 贸 行 业
申请企业: 申请行业: 专业: 申请性质: 申请日期: 年 月 日
企业名称 赛能自动化技术(苏州)有限公司 地 址 苏州工业园区星明街216号 专兼职安全员工总数 人 人 管理人员 固定资产 万元 主营业务收入 法定代表人 电 话 0512-65936661 电 话 联 系 人 胡婷婷 18118151666 手 机 本次申请 ■初次评审 □延期 企业概况: 特种作业人 员 人 万元 传 真 传 真 0512-65936662 电子邮箱 近三年本企业重伤、死亡或其他重大生产安全事故和职业病的发生情况: 企业自评评分: 企业自评结论: 法定代表人(签名): (申请企业盖章) 年 月 日 安全生产监督管理部门意见: 负责人(签名): (安全监管部门盖章) 年 月 日 填 写 说 明
1.“企业名称”填写申请企业名称并加盖申请企业公章。 2.“企业概况”包括主营业务所属行业、经营范围、企业规模(包括职工人数、年产值、产量等)、发展过程、组织机构、主营业务产业概况、安全生产工作特点等。
冶金等工贸行业小微企业安全生产标准化评定标准standardization evaluation criteria
考评类目 category 标准条款 standard clause 标准分值 评分方式 自评/评审 扣分 实际得分 1.1根据自身安全生产实际,制定文件化的年度安全生产工作计划。 一、 目标、组1.2按规定设置安全生产管理机构或配备专兼职安全生产管理织机构和人员,或者委托具有国家规定的相关专业技术资格的工程技术人员职责 或机构提供安全生产管理。 1.2 according to the rules set up safety production management Target, organization institutions or some engineering and technical persons/organization who have got the safety qualification provide safety production management. and responsibility 1.1 according to our own actual production safety, formulate annual documented safety production work plan. 未制定年度安全生产工作计划的,不得分;未以文本文件或电子文件的形式进行发布的,扣0.5分。 1 Without set up the annual safety work plan, do not score; Not in the form of text documents or electronic files released, -0.5 points. 1 未按规定设置或配备的,不得分;未以文件形式进行设置或任命的,不得分;设置或配备不符合规定的,扣0.5 分;委托管理无相关协议的,不得分。 未建立安全生产责任制的,不得分;安全生产责任制不全的,扣1分;未进行生产责任制落实情况考核的,扣1分。 1.3建立健全安全生产责任制,落实全员安全生产职责。定期对安全生产责任制的落实情况进行考核。 1.3 establish and improve the safe production responsibility system, implement the safety production responsibility. Evaluation at fixed time. 2 The safe production responsibility system has not been established, no score;The safe production responsibility system is not complete, -1 ;Not for production responsibility system to carry out the situation appraisal, 1 points. 小计 2.1确保本单位具备安全生产条件所必须的资金投入,并记录二、 安和保存各类安全生产费用档案资料。 全生2.1 to ensure that this unit has the funding to production safety 产投conditions, and record and save all kinds of safety in production cost profiles. 4 得分小计 subtotal 安全生产投入不足的,不得分;无安全生产费用档案材料的,扣1分。 Safety in production the under-funded, do not score;No safety production costs 3 入 Safety production input 小计 archive material, 1 points. 2.2为从业人员办理工伤保险,并保障受伤员工获得相应的保险与赔偿。 2.2empolyee’s injury insurance and to ensure injured employees to get the insurance and compensation. 未缴纳的,不得分;无缴费相关资 料的,扣1分;赔偿不到位的,不得分。 2 Not of pay, not score;No payment related information, 1 points;Compensation does not reach the designated position, do not score. 5 3.1识别获取适用的安全生产法律法规与其他要求,定期更新,并发布其清单。 1 得分小计 无法律法规清单的,不得分;更新不及时的,扣0.5分。 三、 法律法规与安全管理制度 Laws and regulations and safety management system 3.1 identification safety laws and regulations and other requirements, updated regularly, and publish the list. 3.2遵守安全生产法律法规、标准规范,根据自身生产特点,建立相应的安全生产管理制度、安全操作规程。 3.2 to observe the safety production laws and regulations, standards and specifications, according to our own production characteristics, set up a safety production management system, safety operation procedures. 2 3.3将安全法律法规与其他要求、安全生产规章制度和操作规程发放到相关工作岗位,并对员工进行培训和考核。 3.3 put security laws and regulations and other requirements, production safety rules and regulations and operation rules issued to the relevant jobs, and take the employees training and assessment. 无安全规章制度的,不得分;规章 制度不能满足管理需求的,扣1分;无安全操作规程的,不得分;安全操作规程不全的,每处扣0.5分。 未发放的,不得分;发放不全的, 扣1分;员工培训教育不全的,扣1分;未对员工进行培训教育的,不得分。 2 3.4对安全管理制度、操作规程执行的相关记录,安全检查与隐患整改记录档案、安全教育、培训和考核档案、事故、事件记录等重要材料进行归档管理。 3.4 make records of the safety management system, operational procedures, safety inspections, safety education, training and examination of archives, accidents, the event log and other important materials for archive management. 2 档案资料每缺一项,扣1分。 Archives every lack-1 points. 小计 四、教育培训 Education 4.1 make safety education training plan, training content clearly. 7 4.1制定企业安全教育培训计划,明确培训内容。 1 2 4.2主要负责人、安全生产管理人员,从事特种作业人员和特种设备作业人员(三项岗位人员)经培训考核合格后方可任职。 and training 4.2 responsible person, safety production management person, engaged 得分小计 未制定培训计划的,不得分;培训内容不明确的,不得分。 “三项岗位人员”未经考核合格上岗的,每人次扣1分。 in special operations person and special equipment operating personl (three positions) can take the job by training their positions until they have passed the examination. 4.3新员工应进行三级安全教育,“四新”(指新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料)、转岗、离岗操作人员应进行相应的教育培训后方可上岗工作。 4.3 new employees should take 3 level safety education, \new\(referring to new technologies, new processes, new equipment, new material), job-transfer, leave operators should undertake the education/training can mount guard work. 3 未按规定进行教育培训的,每人次扣0.5分。 本小项不得分时,总分加扣9分。 未进行安全教育的,不得分。 4.4对企业施工人员(合同方)进行进入现场前的安全教育。 4.4 construction personnel safety education before they enter into the site. 小计 5.1厂区内的建筑物,应按规定设置防雷设施,并定期检测,确保防雷设施的完好有效。 5.1 the factory buildings should set lightning protection facilities, and regular inspection, to ensure it’s effective. 2 8 1 Not for safety education, do not score. 5.2厂内休息室、浴室、更衣室应设在安全区域,各种操作室、值班室不应设在可能泄漏有毒有害、易燃易爆气体的危险区域。 5.2 the restroom, bathroom,dressing room should be located in safe 五、生产设areas, all kinds of operation room, office should not be located in the leakage of poisonous and harmful, might be flammable and explosive gas dangerous 备设施 zone. Production 5.3生产企业车间、仓库与员工宿舍布局、耐火等级及防火分equipment and facilities 2 得分小计 未设置防雷措施的,不得分;未检 测的,不得分;有一处检测不合格的,扣0.5。 有一个未设在安全区域内的,不得 分;可能泄漏有毒有害、易燃易爆气体的危险区域附近的各种操作室、值班室未安装相应气体报警仪的,每处扣1分。 Have a not located within a safe zone, not score 区应满足相关法律法规、标准规范要求。 5.3 production workshop, warehouse and staff dormitory layout, the fire resistance rating and the fire zone shall meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, standard specifications. 2 不满足要求的,不得分。 在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内,设置员工宿舍的,除本小项不得分外,总分加扣6分。 有一处不符合要求的,扣1分。 5.4危险性作业场所,必须设置安全通道;出入口不少于两个;门窗应向外开启;通道和出入口应保持畅通,并设有安全通道的指示标志。 5.4 dangerous workplaces must set up safe passage; entrance is not less than two;Doors and Windows should be open outward; Channel and the entrances and exits should be unblocked, indication and is equipped with safe passage. 2 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 1 points. 5.5按规定配置消防设备设施,做到位置合理、标志明显,并定期检验有效,维护保养到位。 5.5 configuration fire equipment according to regulations, reasonable location, signs, and regular inspection and maintenance program in place. 2 未配备消防设备设施的,不得分;消防设备设施配备不能满足需要的,每处扣1分;位置不合理、标志不显的,每处扣0.5分;维护保养不到位,无责任人、无记录的,扣1分;现场有失效的,每处扣0.5分。 5.6主要设备设施应建立技术档案和记录,包括: (1)产品出厂合格证、使用维护说明、安装技术文件等资料; (2)日常维护保养记录; (3)运行故障和事故记录; (4)大修或改造记录。 5.6 main equipment facilities establish technical files and records. (1) quality certification, maintenance instructions, technical documents and other materials; (2) daily maintenance records; (3) the operation failure and accident records; (4) the repair records. 5.7危险化学品库、油库、油罐等重要设备设施应设置有可靠的安全设备设施,并有相应记录台账。 5.7 dangerous chemicals store, oil depot, oil tank and other important facilities should be set with reliable safety equipment and facilities, and have record of the account. 无产品出厂合格证、使用维护说明、安装技术文件等资料的,不得分;日常维护保养记录、运行故障和事故记录不完整、大修或改造记录不完整,每项扣0.5分。 2 2 危险化学品库、油库、油罐等重要设备设施无安全设备设施,不得分;安全生产设备设施不全的,每处扣0.5分;记录台账不全的,每处扣0.5分。 5.8传动部位应按照如下情况,设置防护罩、盖或栏: 5.8 Transmission parts should be according to the following situation, set cover, cover or bar: (1)以操纵人员站立平面为基准,高度在2m以下的外露传动部位; (2)旋转的键、销、楔等突出大于3mm的部位; (3)产生切屑、磨屑、冷却液等飞溅,可能触及人体或造成设备与环境污染的部位; (4)产生射线或弧光的部位; (5)伸入通道的超长工件; (6)超长设备后端300mm以上的工件; (7)容易伤人的设备往复运动部位; (8)悬挂输送装置跨越通道的下部; (9)高于地面0.7m的操作平台。 5.9吊具应有专人管理,在其安全系数允许范围内使用。钢丝绳和链条的安全系数和钢丝绳的报废标准,应符合《起重机械安全规程》(GB6067)的有关规定。 Sling should be responsible by the special person, used in the range of allowable safety coefficient.The safety factor of steel wire rope and chain and wire rope scrapping standard, should be consistent with the hoisting machinery safety regulation (GB6067) of the relevant provisions. 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 2 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points 未在安全系数允许范围内使用吊具的,不得分;未按规定报废的,不得分;相关管理人员和作业人员不清楚吊具安全系数和钢丝绳的报废标准的,不得分;有一个吊具不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 1 5.10电气设施、配电间环境及安全间距、门窗及孔洞等安全措施、警示标志及工作标志、绝缘及绝缘操作工具、照明及应急照明等措施符合要求,接地系统可靠连接,接点接触良好,接地可靠。手持电动工具、移动电气设备电源线应用护管软线,无接头及破损,电源应在末级装设剩余电流动作保护器。 5.10 electrical facilities, distribution room environment and safe spacing, doors and Windows and holes and other safety measures, warning marks and logo, insulation and insulation operating tools, measures to meet the requirements, such as lighting and emergency lighting system reliable grounding, contact contact is good, reliable grounding.Hand-held electric tools, mobile electrical equipment for power line protection pipe application soft lines, no joint and damaged, the power supply shall be erected at the last stage residual current protective device. 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points. (2) temporary low voltage electrical wiring should meet: deadline for 15 days, the formalities for approval set up safety;When the expected more than three months of temporary low voltage electrical lines, should be set to fixed line way;Path should avoid easily damaged insulation dangerous places, there are electrical exposed must be set when the pen or screen protection, and is equipped with warning signs;All electrical equipment, socket circuit, such as moving coil shall be connected to the trunk line PE and reliable;Lines should set the main switch (1)电网接地系统应满足:电气设备保护线(PE线)采用铜芯导线的最小截面当有机械性保护时为2.5 mm2,无机械性的保护时为4 mm2;接地网直接引入配电箱、柜或用电设备时,应接至主PE端子排;一般低压电力网中电源系统中性点工作接地应小于4Ω,TN系统每处重复接地网的接地电阻应小于10Ω;明敷的接地导体(PE干线)的表面应涂15mm-100mm宽度相等的绿、黄相间的标识条纹;当使用胶布时,应采用绿黄双色胶带。 (1)Grounding system should satisfy: (1) power electrical equipment protection line (PE) using the smallest section of copper wire was 2.5, when a mechanical protection without mechanical protection for 4 was;Ground net.through introducing distribution box, cabinet directly or electric devices, connected to the PE terminal row;General low-voltage power grid in the power system with neutral grounding should be less than 4 Ω, TN system of every repeat grounding network grounding resistance should be less than 10 Ω;Ming fu grounding conductor (PE trunk) surface should be coated with 15 mm - 100 mm width equal to the green, yellow and white logo stripes;When using tape, yellow green double color tape should be adopted. 3 (2)临时低压电气线路应满足:履行审批手续,期限为15天,架设安全;当预期超过三个月的临时低压电气线路,应按固定线路方式进行设置;路径应避开易造成绝缘损坏的危险地方,有电气裸露时必须设置围栏或屏护装置、并设有警示信号;所有用电设备、插座电路、移动线盘等应与主干PE线连接可靠;线路应设置总开关控制,且每台设备应配备专用开关,保护电器动作电流与切断时间可靠;严禁在有爆炸和火灾危险的环境中架设。 (3)动力(照明)配电箱(柜、板)应满足:配备满足环境要求;应采取通风、防尘、防飞溅、防雨水、防油污、防小动物的措施;刀闸、开关、接触器应动作灵活、接触可靠、合闸到位,触头无烧损;插座回路应有单独电源开关控制,每一回路插座数量不宜超过10个,用于计算机电源的插座数量不超过5个;总开关电器的额定值,动作整定值应与分路开关电器的额定值、动作整定值相适应,并应具备电源隔离(明显断开点)、短路过载、单相故障电流回路切断保护功能。 (3) (lighting) power distribution box (cabinet, board) should satisfy: equipped with meet environmental requirements;Ventilation, dust, prevent splash, should be taken to prevent the rain, prevent oil, prevent measures of small animals;Knife switches, switch, contactor action should be flexible, reliable contact, closing in place, contact without burning;Socket circuit should be separate control power switch, socket number each time road should not be more than 10, the number of socket used in computer power supply is not more than five (5);The set values for the main switch electrical ratings, the movement should be with the set values for the shunt switch electrical ratings, action, and shall have the power isolation (obvious disconnect point), short circuit, overload, single phase fault current circuit to cut off the protection function. (4)固定电气线路应满足:裸导体线路室内敷设不应与起重机滑线设在同侧;与地面无遮拦布线时最小净距为3.5m,采用网孔遮拦是最小净距为2.5m;敷设在经常维修管道同侧上方;与经常维修管道,以及与生产设备最突出部位最小净距为1.8m;与起重机铺板最小净距为2.3m;埋地敷设的电线管应采用大于2.5mm的厚壁钢导管;电线管口端应无毛刺和尖锐棱角,管口应加装软套;绝缘导线穿管敷设时,导管内导线的总面积应小于管子截面积的40%;正常场所不得采用塑料管埋地布线。 control, and each device should be equipped with a dedicated switch, protection of electrical current action and the cut off time and reliable;It is strictly prohibited in the explosion and fire dangerous environment set up. (4) fixed electrical wiring should meet: indoor laying bare conductor line should not be with the crane slip line is located in the same side;Without block wiring with the ground when the minimum clear distance of 3.5 m, with mesh block is the minimum interval of 2.5 m;In frequent servicing duct ipsilateral above;And often pipeline maintenance, and production equipment of the most prominent part minimum interval of 1.8 m;With the crane ceiling minimum clear distance of 2.3 m;Buried wire tube should be greater than 2.5 mm thick wall steel pipe;Wire and pipe end should be no burr and sharp edges, nozzle should be equipped with soft set;Insulated wire wear pipe laying, the area of the intraductal conductor should be less than 40% of the area of the pipe;Normal place may adopt plastic pipe buried wiring. (1) pressure vessel Should satisfy: pressure vessel ontology and safety accessories used for the period of validity of the test, the ontology in good condition;No abnormal vibration, friction, loose connection components;Safety accessories, display, 5.11特种设备应有产品合格证、使用登记证、法定资质单位的定期检测报告,各类安全装置可靠、有效。 5.11 special equipment shall have the product certificate, use registration certificate, the legal qualification unit of regular inspection report, all kinds of safety device is reliable and effective. 3 (1)压力容器应满足:压力容器本体及安全附件在检验有效期内使用,本体完好;连接元件无异常振动、磨擦、松动;安全附 件、显示装置、报警装置、联锁装置完好,调试、更换记录齐全;运行和使用符合相关规定,无超压、超温等现象。 (2)压力管道Pressure piping应满足:按照规定进行注册登记,级别划分,并应定期检验;安全阀、爆破片、阻火器、紧急切断装置等安全保护装置以及附属仪器或者仪表完好,满足要求;架空管道支撑、吊架应牢固、齐全。架空管道下方如有车辆通行时,应悬挂限高标志;所有管道的焊接接头应当先进行外观检查,合格后才能进行无损检测;应建立定期自行检查制度,检查后应做出书面记录,书面记录至少保存3年。 (3)锅炉与辅机锅炉Boiler and auxiliary boiler应满足:“三证”齐全;安全附件完好,安全阀、水位表、压力表齐全、灵敏、可靠,排污装置无泄漏;按规定合理设置报警和联锁保护装置;给水设备完好,匹配合理;炉墙无严重漏风、漏烟,油、气、煤粉炉防爆式装置完好;水质处理应能达到指标要求,炉内水垢在1.5mm以下;各类管道无泄漏,保温层完好无损,管道构架牢固可靠;其他辅机设备应符合机械安全要求。 (4)工业气瓶Industrial gas cylinders应满足:储存仓库状态良好,安全标志完善,气瓶存放位置、间距、标志及存放量符合要求。各种护具及消防器材齐全可靠。气瓶在检验期内使用,外观无缺陷及腐蚀,漆色及标志正确、明显,安全附件齐全、完好。气瓶使用时的防倾倒措施可靠,工作场地存放量符合规定,与明火的间距符合规定。 (5)起重机crane应标明起重吨位,并应设有下列安全装置:限位器,缓冲器,防碰撞装置,超载限制器,联锁保护装置,轨道端部止挡,定位装置,零位保护、安全钩、扫轨板、走台栏杆等其他装置。 (6)厂内机动车the motor vehicle辆应满足:在检验有效期内使用,动力系统运转平稳,无漏电、漏水、漏油。灯光电气完好,仪表、照明、信号及各附属安全装置性能良好。轮胎无损伤。制动距离符合要求。 (7)电梯 elevator:注册登记,并按周期进行检验,轿厢内粘贴检验合格证。 5.12通用设备应满足防护罩牢固,各种限位、联锁可靠灵敏,接地(零)保护可靠有效。 5.12 strong universal equipment should satisfy shield, all kinds of limit, interlock a sensitive, reliable grounding (zero) protect the reliable and efficient. alarm and interlock in good condition, debugging, replace the record is complete;Run and use in accordance with relevant regulations, no overpressure and overtemperature wait for a phenomenon. 未定期检测的,不得分;有一台未定期检测的,扣1分;使用过程中,有一项不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 Not tested periodically, do not score;Have a not tested periodically, 1 points;In use process, there is a is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points. 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 3 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points. (1)金属切削机床应满足:防护罩、盖、栏应完备可靠;防止夹具、卡具松动或脱落的装置完好;各种限位、联锁、操作手柄要求灵敏可靠;机床PE连接规范可靠;机床照明符合要求;机床电器箱,柜与线路符合要求;未加罩旋转部位的楔、销、键,不应突出;备有清除切屑的专用工具。 (2)冲、剪、压机械Washed, cut, press machines应满足:离合器动作灵敏、可靠,无连冲;制动器工作可靠;紧急停止按钮灵敏、醒目,在规定位置安装有效;传动外露部分的防护装置齐全可靠;脚踏开关应有完备的防护罩且防滑;机床PE可靠,电气控制有效;安全防护装置可靠有效,使用专用工具符合安全要求;剪板机等压料脚应平整,危险部位有可靠的防护。 (3)砂轮机应满足:安装地点应保证人员和设备的安全;砂轮机的防护罩应符合国家标准;挡屑板应有足够的强度且可调;砂轮无裂纹无破损;托架安装牢固可调;法兰盘与软垫应符合安全要求;砂轮机运行必须平稳可靠,砂轮磨损量不超标,且在有效期内使用;PE连接可靠,控制电器符合规定。 (4)工业机器人Industrial robot应满足:装有限位装置,在额定负荷、最高速度和最大伸长量时使机器停止;采用手动操作时,运动时速应设定在250mm/s以下;当进行运送工作时,急停开关启动后,立即停止运行;作业区域有隔离的安全护罩,覆盖全部危险区域;防护罩无锐边和凸出部分;护罩应有足够强度,能抵抗机器人最大突击能量;防护罩应永久固定,只有借助工具方可拆卸;防护罩的舱门应有机械式安全锁或门禁装置,钥匙或专用工具应由专业人员保管;危险区域内装有紧急停止开关,并符合相关标准。 (5)电焊机Electric welding machine应满足:设置独立的电源开关或控制柜,电气线路绝缘完好,使用的输气、输油、输水管道应安装规范、运行可靠;外壳防护等级满足作业场所要求,PE线连接可靠;变压器、控制器线路的绝缘应每半年检测一次,并保存其记录;二次回路保持其独立性和隔离要求;工作场所通风良好,相对独立,宜设置防护围栏,并设有警示标识,采取防触电、防火、防爆、防中毒窒息、防机械伤害、防灼伤等技术措施,周边无可燃爆物品。 metal cutting machine tool should satisfy: cover, cover, column should be complete and reliable;To prevent the loose of jig and fixture or shedding device in good condition;All kinds of limit, interlocking, handle requires sensitive and reliable operation;Machine tool PE connection standard and reliable;Machine tool lighting requirements;Machine tool electrical box, cabinet and line meets the requirements;Not cover rotating parts of a wedge, pin, key, should not outstanding;Equipped with clear scraps of special tools. (3) grinder should satisfy: installation location should guarantee the safety of personnel and equipment;Grinder of the shield should comply with the national standards;Blocked chip board should have sufficient strength and adjustable;Grinding wheel without crack without damage;Adjustable bracket installation is firm;Flange and soft mat should comply with the safety requirements;Grinder must be stable and reliable running, grinding wheel wear is not overweight, and valid within the term of use;PE connection is reliable, control appliances within the rules. 考评类目 标准条款 5.13煤气发生炉Producer gas generator应满足:对容易发生煤气泄漏的点应有煤气监测报警装置并使用正常;压力表、液位计、蒸汽汇集器等显示仪器、仪表、装置使用正常;管道畅通,包括安全阀在内各种阀门灵活,并使用正常;加煤机运行正常;出灰机运行正常;应定期检查,并保留检查记录。 标准分值 评分方式 自评/评审 扣分 2 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 未自行建立专用设备设施评分标准 的,扣2分;自行建立的标准不满足国家法律法规要求的,扣1分;设备设施有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 使用国家明令禁止、淘汰工艺、设备的,除本小项不得分外,总分加扣9分。 Not to establish a special facilities criteria, 2 points;To establish standard did not meet the requirements of national laws and regulations, 1 points;Facilities have a do not conform to the requirements of, 0.5 points. Using national ban, elimination of process, equipment, in addition to these events may not be particularly, total 9 points. 实际得分 5.14按照国家、地方法律法规、标准规范要求,自行建立专用设备设施评分标准:防护罩、盖、栏应完整可靠;各联锁、紧停、控制装置灵敏可靠;局部照明应为安全电压;PE等电器完好可靠;梯台符合要求。5.14 according to the national and local laws and regulations, standards, regulations, to establish special equipment facilities criteria: cover, cover, column shall be complete and reliable;The interlocking, stop, control device is sensitive and reliable;Local lighting should be safe voltage;PE and other electrical appliances in good condition and reliable;Terraces meets the requirements. 3 小计 30 六、作业安全 operation safety 6.1厂区、车间道路通畅;车间实行定置管理;作业区域地面平整,坑、壕、池应设置盖板或护栏。 6.1 the factory, workshop road unobstructed;Arrange the workshop practice;Operation area ground leveling, pit, trenches, pool should be set cover plate or barrier. 2 得分小计 厂区、车间道路堵塞的,每处扣0.5 分;车间未实行定置管理的,不得分;定置管理不符合要求的,扣1分;作业区域坑、壕、池未设置盖板或护栏缺失,每处扣0.5分。 Factory, workshop blocked roads, every 0.5 points;Workshop did not arrange the practice, not score;Management is not in conformity with the requirements of home, 1 points;Pit operation area is not set, trenches, pool cover plate or guardrail is missing, 0.5 points each. 6.2登高作业、危险区域的动火作业、有限空间作业等危险作业,应执行危险作业审批许可制度。作业许可证应包含危害分析、安全措施和应急措施等内容。6.2 high operation, dangerous area of hot work, confined space operations such as dangerous operations, shall implement the license system for examination and approval of dangerous operations.Operation license shall include hazard analysis, safety measures and emergency measures. 无相关审批制度手续的,每项扣2 分;作业许可证未包含危害分析、安全措施和应急措施等内容的,扣1分;内容不全的,扣1分。 No relevant formalities 3 of examination and approval system, each 2 points;Operation license does not contain the hazard analysis, safety measures and emergency measures, 1 points;The content is not complete, 1 points. 6.3临时性作业活动应进行作业许可,明确负责单位、负责人,办理相关票证。 6.3 temporary activities should carry on the work permit, specifically responsible for unit, head, deal with relevant certificates. 未实施作业许可的,不得分;未办理票证的,每项(次)扣1分。 2 Not for homework, do not score;Did not deal with negotiable instruments, each 1 points (time). 6.4划出非岗位操作人员行走的安全路线。非经允许,禁止与生产无关人员进入生产操作现场。 6.4 draw a post the safety of the operation personnel walking routes.The permission has nothing to do with the production personnel shall be prohibited from entering the operation site. 有与生产无关人员进入生产操作现场的,不得分;未划出非岗位操作人员行走的安全路线的,不得分;安全路线设置不合理的,每处扣1分。 2 There is nothing to do with the production personnel to enter the scene of the production operation, not score;Not to draw the post to the safety of the operation personnel walking route, not score;Security line set unreasonable, 1 points each. 6.5设置应急照明并保证正常照明中断时能自动启动。6.5 set up the emergency lighting and ensure the normal lighting can start automatically when interrupt 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 2 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points. 6.6对“三违”行为进行现场检查、管理。 6.6 conduct site inspection of the \violations\behavior, and management. 未对“三违”行为进行管理的,不得 分;无“三违”行为检查记录的,扣1分。 2 Not to management, \violations\behavior does not score;No inspection record \, 1 points. 6.7为从业人员配备与工作岗位相适应的符合国家标准或者行业标准的劳动防护用品,并监督、教育从业人员按照使用规则佩戴、使用。6.7 for professionals equipped with adapted to work in line with 2 无发放标准的,不得分;未及时发放的,不得分;购买、使用不合格劳动防护用品的,不得分;发放标准不符有 national standards or industry standards of labor protection articles, in accordance with the rules and supervision, education practitioners wear and use. 关规定的,每项扣0.5分;员工未正确佩戴和使用的,每人次扣0.5分。 No standard, no score;Not timely, not score;The purchase, use unqualified labor protection articles, not score;To the relevant provisions of the issuing standards, each 0.5 points;Employees are not correctly wear and use, 0.5 points each time. 6.8在全部停电或部分停电的电气设备上作业,应遵守下列规定: (1)拉闸断电,并采取开关箱上锁等措施; (2)验电、放电; (3)各相短路接地; (4)悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作”的标示牌和装设遮拦。 6.8 in all power outage or part of a power outage on electrical equipment, shall comply with the following provisions: (1) a switch power, and adopt measures to switch box locked, etc; (2) check the electricity, discharge, (3) each phase short circuit grounding; (4) hanging \ 有一处不符合要求的,扣0.5分。 2 A place is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points. 6.9在易燃易爆、有毒有害等存在危险因素的场所和有关设备、设施,按照《安全标志》(GB2894)和《安全色》(GB2893)要求,设置安全警示标志和安全色。 6.9 in flammable, explosive, toxic or harmful and places of risk factors and related equipment, facilities, in accordance with the safety sign (GB2894) and the safety color (GB2893) requirements, the safety warning signs and safety color. 有一处不符合规定的,扣0.5分。 2 There is a is not in conformity with the provisions, 0.5 points. 6.10在设备设施检维修、施工、吊装等作业现场设置警戒区域和警示标志,在检维修现场的坑、井、洼、沟、陡坡等场所设置围栏和警示标志。6.10 in equipment maintenance, construction and loading operations, such as field set up warning region and warning signs, the scene of the maintenance of pits, Wells, depression, gully, steep slope and other places set up fences and warning signs. 未按规定在作业现场设置围栏、警 戒区域和警示标志的,不得分;设置不符合要求的,每处扣0.5分。 Not 1 according to stipulations in the job site fencing and warning area and warning signs, do not score;Setup is not in conformity with the requirements, 0.5 points each. 6.11生产经营项目、场所、设备发包或出租必须符合法规和行业规定: (1)承包或租赁方必须具备安全生产条件或者相应资质; 2 未签订协议的,不得分;协议中未明确各自的安全生产管理职责的,扣1 (2)企业必须与外来承包、承租单位签订专门的安全生产管理协议,在承包、承租合同中明确各自的安全生产管理职责。6.11 the production and business operation project, location, the equipment contract or lease and industry must conform to the rules and regulations: (1) contracts or where tenants safety requirements must be met or the corresponding qualification; (2) companies must be signed with the foreign contracting and leaseholders concerning the special production safety management protocol, clear in the contract, tenant contract management of production safety. 分;承包或租赁方不具备安全生产条件的,扣1分。 Not signed an agreement, do not score;Without clear their own safety management duties in the agreement, 1 points;Contract or where tenants not meet production safety conditions, 1 points. 小计 7.1完善隐患排查治理制度,编制各类安全检查表,对企业生产经营相关的安全管理制度、场所、环境、人员、设备设施和活动进行隐患排查。 Hidden perils in 7.1 to perfect the management system, all kinds of safety inspection table, related to the production and operation of an enterprise safety management system, location, environment, personnel, equipment, facilities and activities for hidden perils. 22 2 得分小计 未编制安全检查表的,不得分;编 制不全的,扣1分;未使用安全检查表进行隐患排查的,不得分;隐患排查范围不全的,扣1分。 Did not prepare a list of the safety check, not score;Not all, 1 points;Who did not use the hidden perils in safety check list, not score;Hidden range is not complete, 1 points. 七、隐患排查和治理 Hidden perils and governance 7.2排查治理隐患并登记建档。根据隐患排查的结果,对隐患进行治理,形成闭环。The governance of the February 7.2 threat and archivist files.According to the result of the hidden perils, the hidden trouble management, form a closed loop. 隐患未分级的,扣1分;未建立隐患登记台账的,不得分;未对隐患进行治理的,不得分;治理未完成,也未采取临时措施的,每项扣1分。 发现隐患,未及时整改的,除本小项不得分外,总分加扣6分。 Hidden 2 unrated, 1 points;Hazard registration parameter has not been established, no score;Management of hidden trouble, don't score;Governance is not finished, nor take temporary measures, 1 points each. Found hidden trouble, failed to timely rectification, in addition to these events may not be particularly, total 6 points added. 考评类目 标准条款 7.3按规定对隐患排查治理情况进行统计分析并按规定向安全监管部门和有关部门报告。Hidden perils in 7.3 according to the rules of governance through statistical analysis and report to the safety supervision department and relevant departments according to regulations. 标准分值 2 6 评分方式 自评/评审 扣分 实际得分 未按规定向安全监管部门报告的, 不得分。 Report to the security regulators, not according to stipulations not score. 得分小计 未进行辨识分级的,不得分;未进 行的,扣1分。 Not to identify classification, do not score;No, 1 points. 未对危险源实施监控的,不得分; 监控不全的,扣1分。重大危险源应备案未备案的,不得分。 Not to controlling hazards, do not score;Monitoring is not complete, 1 points.Major hazards should be put on record for the record, do not score. 小计 8.1按照相关规定对本单位的生产设施或场所进行危险源辨识,并进行分级管理。8.1 according to the regulations of the relevant 八、危险源production facilities in their own units or workplace hazards identification, 管理 and classification management. Hazard 8.2对已确认的危险源实施管理,对确定的重大危险源向安全监管部门或相关部门备案,并采取有效防范措施。8.2 to manage the management 2 hazards have been confirmed, to determine the major hazards to the safety supervision department or the relevant departments for the record, and take effective preventive measures. 2 小计 依法开展职业病危害项目申报。9.1 occupational-disease-inductive project application in accordance with law. 9.2作业现场职业病危害因素进行检测并将结果告知从业人员。九、职业卫生 The occupational health 9.2 job site occupational-disease-inductive factors for testing and inform the result to the employees. 4 9.12 2 得分小计 未按相关要求进行申报的,不得分。 未进行检测公布结果的,不得分。 未组织职业健康体检的,不得分;体检每缺一人,扣1分;职业健康设备设施未设置的,不得分;损坏的,每处扣1分。 一年内有新增职业病患者的,除本小项不得分外,总分加扣6分。 得分小计 未编制应急预案或现场处置方案的,不得分;预案编制不齐全的,扣1分;未配置应急救援装备物资的,不得分;配备不全的,扣1分;未制定专兼 9.3依法组织职业病危害岗位的作业人员进行岗前、岗中和离岗的职业健康体检,并提供有效的职业健康防护设备设施。9.3 to organize pre-service, the operator of the occupational-disease-inductive post duty and leave the occupational health examination, and provide effective occupational health protection facilities. 2 小计 十、应急救援、事故管理 10.1结合实际制定生产安全事故应急预案或现场处置方案。配备必要的应急救援装备物资,设置现场急救箱,并指定专兼职应急救援人员。10.1 based on the actual production safety accident emergency plan or site disposal scheme.Equipped with the necessary emergency rescue 6 2 Emergency rescue and accident management equipment supplies, setting the scene first aid kit, and specify the mtcsol emergency rescue personnel. 职救援人员的,不得分。 未开展演练的,不得分;员工对应 急救援措施不清楚的,不得分。 Did not conduct drills, not score;Employee is not clear to emergency rescue measures, no score. 10.2开展应急救援预案演练,员工应掌握必要的应急救援措施以及基本救援技能,避免发生事故时盲目施救。10.2 to carry out emergency rescue preplan drills, staff should master the necessary emergency rescue measures and basic skills of rescue, avoid accident rescue them blindly. 2 10.3发生事故后企业应按规定及时、如实报告,并按“四不放过”的原则进行处理,开展或配合有关部门进行事故调查、分析,落实整改措施,并保存好事故资料。 10.3The accident after enterprises should timely according to regulations, truthfully report, and according to the principle of \processing, or cooperate with relevant departments in accident investigation, analysis, implementation of corrective actions, and save the accident data. 1 未按“四不放过”的原则进行处理的,不得分;资料保存不当的,每项扣0.5分。 Not according to the principle of \saved in inappropriate, 0.5 points each. 小计 十一、绩效评定和持续改进 Performanc10.4对本单位的事故及其他单位的有关事故进行回顾、学习。 10.4 this unit accident, and a review about the accident, the study of other units. 1 6 Did not review to learn about the accident, didn't score. 未对事故进行回顾学习的,不得分。 得分小计 11.1每年至少一次对本单位安全生产标准化运行情况进行总结评估,形成自评报告。并根据自评结果,针对存在的隐患,及时进行整改,做到持续改进。11.1 at least once a year to this unit of safe 2 e evaluation production standardization operation summary assessment, forming the self-assessment report.According to the evaluation results, in view of the and existence of hidden dangers, timely rectification, do continuous continuous improvement. improvement 未进行自评的,不得分;未形成自评报告的,扣1分;发现隐患,未整改的,不得分。 Not for self-evaluation, not score;Did not form the self-assessment report, 1 points;, found hidden dangers rectification, and don't score. 小计 总计
2 100 得分小计 得分总计
考评类目 标准条款编号 扣分说明 扣分分值