2019-2020学年北京市房山区九年级(上)期中英语试卷 下载本文



1. My sister will come to see me tomorrow. I'll meet ______ at the airport.( ) A.you

2. Mrs.Green often goes to work ________ 8:00 in the morning.( ) A.of

3. ﹣﹣ _______ are these apples? ﹣﹣ $3.99.( ) A.How long

4. ﹣ _______ I finish the work tonight? ﹣﹣ No,you needn't.( ) A.Can

5. I'm very proud of that Beijing is one of ______ cities in the world.( ) A.big

6. Get up early, ________ you'll be late for school.( ) A.so

7. It was sunny last Sunday.My family_______ a picnic in the park.( ) A.have

8. Be quiet.Grandma ______ in her bedroom now.( ) A.sleeps

9. ﹣ Hi,Alice.I called you at 9 o'clock last night.But you didn't answer. ﹣﹣ Sorry.I _______ a shower at that time.( ) A.was taking

10. It's glad to see you again.We _____ each other since 2017.( ) A.won't see

B.don't see

C.haven't seen


B.him C.her D.them

B.in C.on D.at

B.How much C.How heavy D.How big

B.Must C.Shall D.Could

B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest

B.and C.or D.but

B.had C.has had D.will have

B.will sleep C.is sleeping D.was sleeping

B.am taking C.take D.will take

D.didn't see

11. A new car parking ________ near our community in 2020.( ) A.will be built

12. ﹣﹣ Could you tell me ________? ﹣﹣ She lives in Nanjing.( ) A.where did Mary live C.where Mary lived

B.where does Mary live D.where Mary lives

B.will build

C.is building




________ picking them up one by one. However, I found more pieces a few moments later. No quiet complaining this time. I called out instead, \No answer. As a result, I saw more bits of paper quietly flying down from upstairs. Looking up, I saw my seven﹣year﹣old son, Paul.

\. They're (2)_______.\did you say? \. He didn't answer me. In fact, I was surprised indeed.

Paul has autism (自闭症) and (3)_______answers a question, especially when he's focused attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs. \butterflies? \. Every time Paul (4)_______ five or more words together, my heart says a lot of thanks. Lately he seems to realize that the benefits of making sentences when communicating are worthy.

\.\(5)_______ them off and handed them to my young artist. \shy smile. \.\. He ran back upstairs quickly to fly his (6)_______ down again. They really did look like beautiful butterflies flying in the sky.

That day, I said thanks to my son. Because Paul reminded me to look up at something (7)_______ instead of down at garbage. How many other artworks do I(8)_______ because I'm too caught up in my housework to take time to see what's right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. It's how we look at it. Now, I look up often. (1) A.laughed (2) A.planes








(3) A.seldom (4) A.spells (5) A.tore (6) A.artworks (7) A.wrong (8) A.look




















When you go on a vacation, the hotel you choose and the room you stay in are important. There are many cool theme hotel rooms around the world. Here are some of them.

The Harry Potter Room The George Hotel in England gives its guests the experience of staying in Harry Potter's world. This 19th century hotel is beside Harry Potter tour bus stop. The bus will take you to the Making of Harry Potter studio tour. Pirate(海盗) Theme Room If you want a more attractive theme room, the Adventure Island Hotel in America is the best choice. In their pirate theme rooms, you will feel like you're on a pirate ship in a world of sea adventures.

Ice Theme Room An ice theme can be found at Hotel de Glace in Canada. In winter, you can get a fireplace and a private spa in the rooms. The ice hotel has new rooms each year. This winter, it will build a room with the theme of Disney's movie Frozen. Night at the Movie Room At the Wensley Hotel in Australia, guests are crazy about the Night at the Movies Room. There they can see different things of Hollywood, such as Hollywood signs over the door and hand﹣painted actors' pictures above the bed. 试卷第3页,总13页

(1)What can guests do during their stay at the George Castle Hotel?________ A. Visit a movie studio. C. Enjoy a movie night.

(2)Who will choose the Adventure Island Hotel?________ A. Kids who love Disneyland. B. Kids who love pirate stories. C. Adults who love castle tower. D. Adults who love watching movies..

(3)Which hotel will a super fan of Hollywood movies choose?________ A. The Wensley Hotel.

C. The George Castle Hotel.

Rubber Fish

My friend and I were sitting on our beach chairs while watching our girls playing in the surf on that summer morning. About 50 yards from us, a man﹣﹣﹣ maybe in his late 50s﹣was fishing with big poles(鱼竿).

After running for a while, the girls reached him and watched him. He smiled at them. They ran back to us﹣all except my three﹣year﹣old, Alice. Instead, she sat down next to the man.

\not talking to strangers weren't working. Hearing me, Alice ran over to me. Then she looked me in the eye, \.\again, and started digging.

Every few seconds I watched back to Alice to make sure she was safe. Just a man fishing. A little girl sitting.

In the second, Alice had started talking. Her mouth was moving. She probably telling the man where we lived and how her father was away on business and how her mother

sometimes let ride bikes with her brother in the driveway alone. He nodded, then laughed. A few seconds later, she ran back to us, waving something very shiny and

slimy. \what he was using for bait(鱼饵). And he'd given it to Alice. The three other girls all reached for the fish. Alice looked at me for help, then at the man, then back to me.

\. Tears were fast falling. Just as I didn't know how to solve the problem, suddenly, there he was: the man, standing right next to us. He was holding three more rubber fish. He handed them to each of the girls.\girls said, with their face shining like the sun. There is evil(罪恶)…but there is also the lesson for mothers to learn that only three﹣year﹣old could teach them. The man waved


B. Have a private spa.

D. Play an adventure game..

B. Hotel de Glace.

D. The Adventure Island Hotel.