外研版九上英语复习题1-8模块带答案 下载本文

Your parents may want you to stay at home and not go anywhere — not even a friend’s house, park, or store. No Internet

Many parents, including Jessi and Joey’s mum, ask their children to wait until a parent is home before going online.

These rules are very important. Follow them when you’re home alone. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( )51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph? A. Jessi could open the door for her mum’s friends. B. Joey could open the door for his mum’s friends. C. Joey can invite over any friend his mum knows well. D. Jessi can invite over any friend her mum knows well.

( )52. If you are home alone and someone calls and asks for your mum, what should you say? A. Sorry, my mum is not home. B. Sorry, you called the wrong number. C. Sorry, my mum doesn’t want to talk to you.

D. Sorry, my mum is busy and can’t answer your phone.

( )53. The underlined word “appliances” means “________” in Chinese. A. 工具 B. 电器 C. 家具 D. 药品 ( )54. Jessi and Joey can go online ________. A. at any time B. at weekends

C. when a parent is home D. when their parents are out ( )55. Which is the best title of the passage? A. Home alone rules B. Some fun family activities C. How to invite a friend over D. How to answer a phone call

Ⅵ. 完成句子(共5分,每小题1分)

根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 56. 开车的时候请特别注意路上的冰。

Please ________________ the ice on the road when you are driving. 57. 上午我给詹妮发了一条短信。

I sent a ________________ to Jenny in the morning. 58. 彼得已经在新学校里呆了两个星期了。

Peter has stayed in the new school for ________________ weeks. 59. 我一到家就给你打电话。

I’ll call you ________________ I get home. 60. 我奶奶每天早上叫醒我。

My grandmother ________________ every morning. Ⅶ. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)

从方框中选择恰当的词,并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。 accept, same, read, ever, when every, friend, young, try, she

Are you smarter than a 3-year-old child? If your answer is yes, then meet Alexis Martin, one of the

world’s (61)________ geniuses (天才)!

Alexis is a 3-year-old girl from Arizona, US. Her IQ is over 160, which is almost the (62)________ as Albert Einstein’s!

Alexis learned to (63)________ at the age of 2 and now reads at a fifth-grade level. She has also taught (64)________ to speak Spanish using her parents’ iPad and can name and locate (找出……的准确位置) (65)________ country’s capital on the world map.

Alexis is a member of the Mensa club which (66)________ members with a high IQ. Alexis is one of the youngest members the club has (67)________ had.

Her parents found Alexis was special (68)________ she began reciting (背诵) full bedtime stories word for word at 12 to 18 months old. Her parents are (69) ________ to find the best way to teach her and help her make (70)________ of her own age. We know this talented little girl will have a bright future! Ⅷ. 书面表达(共10分)


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Ⅰ. 1. Platform 2. shut 3. locked 4. ringing 5. passengers 6. cup 7. burning 8. address 9. actually 10. task

Ⅱ. 11-15 DDCAC 16-20 BABDC 21-25 BBCAD Ⅲ. 26-30 DABCB 31-35 DDCAA Ⅳ. 36-40 DFEAB

Ⅴ. 41-45 DACCA 46-50 BBCDB 51-55 DDBCA Ⅵ. 56. be especially careful with 57. text message 58. a co uple of 59. as soon as 60. wakes me up Ⅶ. 61. youngest 62. same 63. read 64. herself 65. every 66. accepts 67. ever 68. when 69. trying 70. friends Ⅷ. One possible version:

My parents will go to Beijing on business next week. I have to stay at home alone. I’m sure I can take good care of myself. I’ll make sure the clock wakes me up at 6:00 in the morning. I can’t cook food. So I’ll have milk and bread for breakfast. And I’ll have lunch and supper at school. I’ll return home as soon as the school is over and do my homework first. Then I’ll watch TV for half an hour. I won’t play computer games at home.

Module 6 Problems模块基础水平测试题 Ⅰ. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)

A) 根据语境及首字母提示补全所缺单词。

1. She is a(n) h________ girl. We should believe her. 2. I’d like to know the r________ why you’re so late. 3. It’s very kind of you to r________ my bike. It works now. 4. —What do you think of the new m________ group? —They are excellent. I like their songs very much. 5. He is a man of wide k________ and experience.

B) 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。 instrument, volunteer, community, truth, bill 6. They decided to find out the ________.

7. We need ________ to help the old men clean their houses. 8. —Is the boy learning a(n) ________? —Yes, he is learning the piano.

9. Have you received your telephone ___ _____?

10. Our ________ provides us with the medical service and help. Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)


( )11. David likes music. He began to play ________ guitar when he was four years old. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )12. My ________ is that you should finish the work by yourself. I believe you. A. point B. news C. interview D. interest

( )13. It is ________ for you to fill in the form at the door. We can know you well by the form. A. interesting B. necessary C. impossible D. natural

( )14. I must go home now, or my par ents will be ________ with me. They don’t like me to be late. A. patient B. strict C. angry D. careful

( )15. Look at the dark clouds. We’d better not go to the zoo; let’s go to the museum __________. A. actually B. nearly C. alone D. instead

( )16. I would ________ go to that restaurant. It offers terrible food. A. no matter B. no good C. no wonder D. no longer

( )17. You broke Judy’s cup just now. You should ________ to her. A. introduce B. apologise C. sing D. agree

( )18. He is careless and always makes some mistakes in his homework. So he _________ his exam again.

A. improved B. failed C. thought D. planned

( )19. Paul will have a month’s holiday. He is considering ________ to visit the Science Museum in London.

A. go B. to go C. going D. to going

( )20. Philip has got into the habit of ________ a book before he goes to bed. A. read B. reading C. see D. seeing

( )21. —Why not ________ and see Mr Smith this evening? —It’s a good idea.

A. hurry up B. come on C. come round D. warm up

( )22. —Oh, it’s bad. The radio doesn’t work. —Didn’t you ________ the radio before you bought it? A. count down B. try out C. tidy up D. point out ( )23. —When does the early bus start? —You ________ it if you get up at 6:00 am. A. catch B. catches C. will catch D. caught

( )24. Jenny may go with us if she ________ her work before 5:00 pm. A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finished

( )25. —Can I play games on iPad after I finish the housework, Mum? —________ It’s against the rules at home. A. That’s amazing! B. Have a good time! C. No deal. D. That’s a shame. Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)

先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Keeping traditions alive (继续存在) is never an easy thing. Chen Zunkai is the founder (创办者) of Baoyuan Dumpling House. She has spent over 17 years 26 one of the most traditional Chinese foods: dumplings.

Her dumplings are not the white ones simply filled with meat, 27 colourful ones using more than 150 kinds of fillings.

“What I try to do is to make dumplings have a taste of 28 ,” says Chen. “I hope every customer — northerners or southerners, vegetarians (素食者) or non-vegetarians, Chinese people or foreigners — can 29 something familiar (熟悉的).”

Chinese dumplings are believed to be more than 2,000 years old. 30 , people in North China make and eat dumplings at some 31 such as the Spring Festival.

For Chen, her idea came after she found that there were not many 32 for those who prefer lighter fillings. Most vegetarian dumplings have a filling of only two kinds of ingredients (原料), and not one restaurant in Beijing has more than 10 kinds of vegetarian fillings. “I thought 33 could do better,” says Chen.

Baoyuan Dumpling House has 34 done it. Customers can find basic meat dumplings at this restaurant, and it also 35 quite a lot of other choices with different colours and exciting taste.