(附加18套模拟试卷)天津市和平区二十一中 2020年 高考英语 语法-连词与连接词 专题练习含答案 下载本文

Bloom got her yearbook. Bloom was flipping(翻看) through the yearbook when she noticed a very special student. “Seeing a picture of a dog caught my eye pretty quickly, ” Bloom said. “I thought it was so cute, and I knew that some of my underclassmen friends hadn’t seen it yet because they didn’t have their yearbooks so I took a picture and tweeted it. ”

Her tweet has since been retweeted more than 2, 500 times. This very good student is called Alpha, and he’s a service dog for Andrew Schalk. The 16-year-old junior at Stafford High said that he has Type 1 diabetes and Alpha’s job is to alert him when his blood sugar is getting too low or high.

“The amazing thing about Alpha is that he knows 20 to 40 minutes before my blood sugar actually does go low or high due to his amazing sense of smell, ” he said. “He has saved my life multiple times already, by waking me up in the middle of the night to extremely low blood sugars, which are very dangerous, ” Schalk said. “I just brought him with me when I got my yearbook picture taken. ”

Schalk said he started bringing Alpha to school with him last year to get him adapted to the school environment so he would be prepared for this year. “He has become a huge part of my school, coming to my classes with me, and a lot of people know about him, ” Schalk said. So he spoke to the people in charge of the yearbook to see if Alpha could be included in the yearbook, and they were 100 percent supportive. “All the teachers and students were 100 percent supportive, ” Schalk said.

“I just brought him with me when I got my yearbook picture taken. ” Schalk said. “The only thing they changed was the camera height. They just had to lower it a little haha. ” 24. Who was the owner of the dog? A. Diana Bloom. B. Alpha. C. Schalk. A. Treat.

D. Stafford.

B. Warn.

25. What does the underlined word“alert”in Paragraph 2 mean? C. Attend.

D. Persuade.

26. What can we learn about Alpha according to the passage? A. It is a service dog for Diana Bloom. B. It can sense its owner’s heart disease well. C. Its owner met dangerous situation several times. D. It has been in its owner’s school for many years. 27. What’s the best title for the passage? A. A service dog appeared in the yearbook B. A boy with Type 1 diabetes C. A service dog saved his owner’s life D. The work of a service dog


DUBAI (Reuters)—Dubai staged a test flight on Monday for what it said would soon be the world’s first flying taxi service under an ambitious plan by the United Arab Emirates city to lead the Arab world in innovation(革新).

The flying taxi developed by German firm Volocopter resembles a

small, two-seater helicopter cabin with 18 propellers(螺旋桨) at its top.

It was unmanned for its first test run in a ceremony arranged for Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed.

Meant to fly without remote control guidance and with a maximum flight duration(持续时间) of 30 minutes, it comes with plenty of safety measures in case of trouble back-up batteries, rotors(旋翼) and, for a worst situation, a couple of parachutes.

Volocopter is in a race with more than a dozen well-funded European and U. S. firms, each aiming to create a new form of urban transport that is a cross between a driverless electric car and a short-haul, vertical(垂直的) takeoff-and-landing aircraft.

These include aerospace giant Airbus, which aims to put a flying taxi in the air by 2020; itty Hawk, a company backed by Google co-founder Larry Page; and Uber, which is working with partners on its own flying taxi strategy.

“You can use your smartphone, have an app, and order a Volocopter to the next voloport near you. The volocopter would come and autonomously pick you up and take you to your destination, ” CEO Florian Reuter said.

“It already is capable of flying based on GPS tracks today, and we will use full sense capability, also dealing with unknown obstacles on the way, ” he added, saying developers aimed to start the taxis within five years.

28. What can we learn about the flying taxi? A. Its service has started. B. It is the plan of Germany. C. It is similar to a small helicopter. D. It was manned at its first test.

29. What’s the character of the flying taxi? A. It can last more than half an hour. B. It can be controled in the distance. C. It needn’t any parachute. D. Some safe measures are taken. 30. What’s the aim of Airbus? A. To create a helicopter. B. To create a flying taxi.

C. To make a driverless electric car.

D. To make vertical takeoff-and-landing aircraft. 31. How do you order the flying taxi? A. By telephone. B. By the Internet. C. By the taxi station. D. By app.


New drivers who are caught using a phone at the wheel will lose their licence under new law that comes into force today.

From Wednesday anyone found calling, texting or using an app while driving will face a 200 pounds on-the-spot fine and six points on their licence. It means that new drivers—who can lose a maximum of six points before being banned for the first two years after passing their test—will face an immediate ban for sending a single text message. Previously they were able to avoid getting points on their licence by taking part in retraining courses. More experienced motorists can lose their licence if they receive 12 points in a

three-year period.

It follows a tragic(灾难的) incident in which Polish lorry driver Tomasz roker killed four members of the same family after failing to stop while scrolling (滚动) through music on his phone. Twenty-two people were killed and 99 seriously injured in accidents on Britain’s roads in 2015 where a motorist using a mobile was a main cause of accidents.

Research by the RAC has found that one in four motorists admit checking texts, emails and social media while driving. Chris Grayling, the Transport Secretary, said increasing punishment would act as a “strong deterrent(震慑物)”. He added, “Everyone has a part to play in encouraging their family and friends not to use their phones while driving. It is as inexcusable(不可原谅的) as drink-driving. ” 32. People will lose six points on their licence while driving except________. A. calling B. texting C. using an app

D. carrying phones

33. Who will lose his licence according to the passage? A. New drivers lose 5 points for the first two years. B. New drivers lose 6 points during three years. C. Experienced drivers lose 12 points in three years. D. Experienced drivers lose 6 points in three years. 34. What led to the appearance of the new law? A. The research by the RAC. B. A serious accident. C. The survey of the website. D. The news on TV.

35. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. More severe punishment is effective. B. Most of drivers use phones while driving. C. A driver’s family and friends make no difference.

D. Using phones while driving is more harmful than drink-driving. 第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

In years past, you couldn’t talk to me before 10 00 in the morning, much less expect me to get anything useful done. And the weekends? Forget it. If the time had “a. m. ” attached to the end of it, you’d better believe I was face-down in a pillow. 36 I’m mentally forming my to-do list before I even open my eyes. I find that my best writing is done within the first few hours after I wake up. So what’s my secret? 37

Night time preparation is half the battle. A few minutes at night to set up the coffee pot, lay out an outfit, and get your lunch together for the following day can be a godsend come sunrise. ·Set two alarms.

The first one is gentle, within reach and set for five minutes before you really need it. This comforting sound will slowly wake you up. 38 ·Do something that is truly, genuinely you.

39 Enjoy your coffee slowly. Take a walk or do ten minutes of yoga. If you walk out of the door with peace in your heart, you’ll carry it with you throughout the day.

If you generally struggle in the evening hours, don’t push yourself too hard to go against nature. Lean into your afternoon energy but use these tips to help you embrace those tough mornings with a bit more grace(优雅). 40

A. Get things ready in advance.

B. Setting some exciting music for your alarm may also help.

C. Nowadays, however, despite my best efforts I cannot sleep past 8. D. Give yourself a little “me” time before the hustle (忙碌、奔忙) begins. E. In time you might find yourself changing into a “morning person” after all! F. Losing an hour of sleep will decrease your ability to think the following day. G. The second one should be louder, and set for the time you actually need to get up. 第一节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I’ve started driving again, just small journeys until I gain my confidence. Tonight I drove along a road 41 about 12 years ago. As I drove along it I 42 elly.

elly was a 43 when this road was constructed. Her mother 44 when elly was very young. She and her brother were 45 by her father and she herself admitted that she was a(n) 46 child, climbing out windows, staying out drinking etc. The year after I taught her, a 47 thing happened. elly’s dad was about to turn onto the new road 48 he met with a fatal(致命的)accident.

At that stage I didn’t teach elly but had 49 taught on her learning programme. I wrote to tell her that I would help her with one of the six 50 she still had to complete on her second and final year of her programme.

I brought elly to my home where I 51 and supported her through the whole unit. I got her to complete all the assignments at my home so that she would stay 52 . elly got a better performance in the unit I taught her, and this helped raise her overall 53 . My support also helped her focus on her studies at such a 54 time in her life. elly’s lecturer was so 55 with her assignments that she got elly to 56 the higher level parts of the assignments to the rest of the class! This was so good for her self-esteem(自尊心). elly 57 her course. I was so glad she didn’t 58 .

A few years ago I met elly in the town centre. She was 59 a pram(婴儿车), her newly born son sleeping contentedly. I was glad to see life had brought a new family member into elly’s life for her to love. It’s the 60 she deserved.

41. A. created B. ruined C. flooded 42. A. met

43. A. worker

D. blocked

B. hit C. remembered D. recognized B. student C. teacher D. volunteer

D. raised

D. curious D. delightful D. previously D. subjects

D. hired D. happy

44. A. passed away B. backed up C. helped out D. took over 45. A. forgiven B. affecte C. rescued 46. A. active 47. A. strange

B. wild C. optimistic B. mysterious C. terrible

48. A. when B. because C. once 50. A. books B. units C. courses 51. A. admired

D. though

49. A. seldom B. later C. eventually

B. knew C. tutored

52. A. interested B. focused C. awake