比亚迪新能源汽车营销战略研究分析 下载本文



Research Analysis of BYD New Energy Vehicles

Marketing Strategy

摘 要







In recent years, environmental pollution and oil resource exhausting makes human on the traditional car question is more and more intense, for this new energy vehicles clean environmental protection becomes each big auto enterprise and the focus of attention of the countries. In the new energy vehicles to mature consumer market, all parties to this more and more fierce competition strength. In such an environment, China's new energy vehicles correct understanding of consumer behavior characteristic and law of China's new energy vehicles enterprise in product development and design, product positioning, pricing, etc market marketing strategy formulation on have a certain instructive significance.

This paper first introduces the concept of new energy vehicles and current situation of the development, and then introduced the domestic and foreign new energy vehicle market development present situation, the competitive environment. Understand the new energy vehicles to the challenge of the market and difficulties, and new energy vehicle interface with byd marketing strategy as the research object, the new energy vehicles at home and abroad about the market competition environment, consumer demand factors, and further research new energy vehicle market BYD competition environment, marketing strategy, and then puts forward some new energy vehicle market BYD the


problems in the development. Finally through the knowledge, new energy vehicle market analysis BYD face the cause of the problem, and in the light of new energy vehicle market development BYD the problems facing the put forward relevant Suggestions to solve.

Through the above practices, hope the proposed solutions to China's new energy vehicles will be played a positive role in the development of the market, China's new energy vehicle market development gradually narrowing and the world new energy vehicle market gap, and China's new energy vehicles the healthy and orderly development of the development with Chinese characteristic of oneself a new energy vehicles new market.

Key words:BYD;New energy car;Market competition;Marketing strategy

目 录

Abstract ........................................................................................................................ II 前 言 ........................................................................................................................... 5 一、新能源汽车概念及发展背景 ............................................................................... 6

(一)新能源汽车概念 .................................................................................. 6 (二)新能源汽车发展的背景 ...................................................................... 6 (三)在中国发展新能源汽车的意义 .......................................................... 7 二、比亚迪新能源汽车市场竞争环境分析 ............................................................... 8

(一)新能源汽车市场发展现状 .................................................................. 8

1、中国新能源汽车市场现状 ........................................................... 8 2、国外新能源汽车市场现状 ........................................................... 9 (二)新能源汽车市场面临困境和政府导向策略 .................................... 12 三、比亚迪新能源汽车营销战略分析 ..................................................................... 16

(一)比亚迪新能源汽车市场战略分析 .................................................... 16 (二)比亚迪新能源汽车制定营销战略方法 ............................................ 18 (三)比亚迪新能源汽车市场存在问题 .................................................... 19

摘 要 ........................................................................................................................... I