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Abstract:W ith the increase of bi o2w astes and h igher requirem ents fo r environm ental p ro tecti on,circulating fluidized bed(CFBcom2 busting techno logy is p laying a mo re and mo re i m po rtant ro le in recycling and reusing bi o2w astes.T he p resent status of bi o2w astes (w oodcraft w astes,agricultural w astes and hydrophytescom busti on using CFB techno logy is review ed.R esearch of these bi om ass fuels such as w aste w ood,straw,rice2straw,fruit stone,o live cake,sugarcane residue and sunflow er stem com busting in CFB bo ilers are particularly introduced.T he existing p roblem s and o rientati ons are po inted out fo r further study.
Key words:bi o2fuel;bi o2w aste;circulating fluidized bed bo iler;com busti on 072农业工程学报2006年