高中英语单元综合检测3(含解析)牛津译林版必修2 下载本文


I entered my office on the afternoon of December 20th and began to work.As the volunteer coordinator(协调人),I was 21 for filling 2,500 volunteer positions in the month of December alone.

22 the phone rang.The voice on the other end 23 herself as Kimberly.She said she was 24 to see if there were still any positions for her son Jake,who was expecting a(n) 25 of coming to help.She explained what a 26 it would be for Jake to have something to 27 since he'd been diagnosed(诊断)with cancer.However,I 28 having to tell him I could offer him very little 29 because there were no more positions.

After the phone call,I was deep in thought.Then,Mark,in charge of the pony(矮种马)rides,came in.In a(n) 30 voice,he said,“ 31 I have to lift one more kid on one more horse,I may die.Jessica,I 32 need another one with a strong back,even if it's just for a couple of hours.”

A smile lit up my face,and I said,“I think I 33 a guy.”And a phone call later,Jake was scheduled to 34 Mark each night through the end of the event.

The next day,I made my way toward the pony rides.Jake 35 with his back to me on the platform.Another volunteer waved at me,and Jake 36 .A moment later he 37 me and smiled.

“Jessica!”he said 38 .“Thank you for getting me this 39 .Mark says I'm doing a good job,and also my mom is 40 of me!”Then Jake hugged me.I felt very happy!

【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文,题材为生活故事类。圣诞节前夕,作者为一个癌症患者安排了一次做志愿者活动的机会,为此非常高兴。

21.A.anxious C.responsible

B.famous D.suitable

C [根据“As the volunteer coordinator”可知,作者负责协调工作。] 22.A.Suddenly C.Finally

B.Fortunately D.Slowly

A [作者在工作的时候,突然电话铃响了。] 23.A.considered C.made

B.viewed D.introduced

D [根据生活常识可知,首次给不认识的人打电话当然需要先做自我介绍。] 24.A.coming


C.running D.leaving

B [根据“the phone rang”可知,Kimberly是在打电话。] 25.A.ability C.chance

B.opinion D.problem

C [根据最后一段可知,Kimberly的儿子Jake渴望得到参加志愿活动的机会。] 26.A.relief C.failure

B.surprise D.question

A [Jake得了癌症,在家无事可做,如果他能获得一次参加志愿活动的机会,这将是一件令人欣慰的事。]

27.A.say C.need

B.donate D.do

D [Jake得了癌症,在家无事可做,他很想找件事做。] 28.A.risked C.forgot

B.regretted D.stopped

B [根据“because there were no more positions”可知,作者不得不遗憾地说他为Jake找不到任何事做。]

29.A.approval C.work

C [参见上题解析。] 30.A.tired C.calm

B.happy D.sweet B.money D.doubt

A [根据“...I have to lift one more kid on one more horse,I may die”可知,Mark很疲倦。]

31.A.Because C.Though

B.As D.If

D [根据语境可知,该句意为:如果我再将一个小孩扶上马的话,我或许会累死。] 32.A.never C.almost

B.really D.seldom

B [Mark的工作太累人,他确实还需要一名志愿者帮忙。] 33.A.require C.know

B.arrange D.order

C [得知Mark需要志愿者,作者想到了Jake,所以他说:“我想我知道一个人可以帮忙。”]



C.call D.instruct

A [根据下文语境“Mark says I'm doing a good job”可知,Jake是帮Mark做事。] 35.A.jumped C.slept

D [Jake背对着作者坐在平台上。] 36.A.turned up C.turned off

B.turned around D.turned out B.lied D.sat

B [另一个志愿者向作者挥手时,Jake转过身来。] 37.A.recognized C.met

A [过了一会儿,Jake认出了作者。] 38.A.patiently C.excitedly

B.quietly D.coldly B.admired D.accepted

C [根据Jake说话的内容可判断他非常激动。] 39.A.gift C.friend

B.lesson D.job

D [Jake感谢作者给了他这次工作的机会。] 40.A.ashamed C.aware

B.proud D.fond

B [根据“Mark says I'm doing a good job”及“and also”可推断出Jake的妈妈为他感到骄傲。]


My morning routine includes stopping at the local convenient store to pick up the daily news.One morning not long ago,the convenience of the convenient store proved inconvenient to the folks 41. (stick) in line behind two small boys. 42. I approached the counter to pay the attendant,I noticed the two little guys 43. (stand) at the front of the line—a line that was growing longer by 44. minute.The young man behind the counter was clearly angry with the boys,“Look,you 45. (guy)need nineteen cents more to pay for this candy.If you don't have it,you don't get it.Now,what are you going to do?”

I watched,as the small boys seemed to be upset without uttering a word,just 46. (stare) at the attendant, their wide eyes filled with tears.47. (sudden),I felt overwhelmed to give help.

“I've got the nineteen cents,”I shouted above the noise.“Take this dollar for

my paper and keep the change towards their candy.”The attendant seemed relieved to have the matter settled.Everyone in the line turned to eyeball the loud-mouthed lady with the 48. (except)of the two small boys 49. quickly snatched the candy and exited the store.

I handed over the dollar, smiled at the attendant and left.As I 50. (make) my way to my car,a small voice called out to me,“Hey, Lady!”I turned to see one of the boys peering from around the corner of the building.“That was pretty cool!”

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。在一家便利店,作者看到两个孩子买糖果的钱不够时,帮助了他们,使两个孩子十分感动。

41.stuck [此处应用过去分词作定语,表示被困住。]

42.As/When [根据句子结构,此处应填时间状语从句的引导词。]

43.standing [现在分词作宾补,表示动作正在发生。notice sb.doing sth.“注意到某人正在做某事”。]

44.the [by the minute表示“按分钟计算”。] 45.guys [因为是两个孩子,故用guys。]

46.staring [现在分词作伴随状语,表示动作跟谓语动词同时发生。] 47.Suddenly [此处用副词作状语。]

48.exception [此处应用except的名词形式。]

49.who [此处构成定语从句,引导词指人,本身作主语,修饰前面的boys。] 50.made [make one's way to是固定搭配,表示“走向……”。] Ⅴ.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Mr Zhang is sixty years old and had retired.He taught our biology when we were in Grade One.He taught very good. He tried his best to make his classes lively. He usually made good preparations for the lessons and was strict in us. Each time when we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct it. I was poor in biology. He often helps me with my study patiently. With his help I made great progresses.He was very kind to his students. As experienced teacher, he was respected or loved by all the students.



Mr Zhang is sixty years old and has retired.He taught us biology when we were good

in Grade One.He taught very well.He tried his best to make his classes lively. He in

usually made good preparations for the lessons and was strict with us. Each time