高中英语单元综合检测3(含解析)牛津译林版必修2 下载本文





As a kid,Yang Fan was crazy about the beauty of bubbles(气泡).A waterfall at a river near his childhood home in Vietnam created hundreds of tiny bubbles.“I saw another world in bubbles,and I imagined how nice it would be if I could create a big bubble and be inside it,”he says.

Many years later,Yang realized that dream.He has formed bubbles around hundreds of people,made large bubbles that his daughter can walk through,and even made square bubbles.Yang calls himself a“bubble artist”and“bubble scientist”.“So far,I haven't met any other bubble scientists!”he says.

To achieve what he wanted,Yang worked hard for years.“After many years of failure,I finally came out with a bubble solution that made big bubbles with beautiful colors.”Five years later,after lots more practice and experiments,he created the world's largest bubble,which was 156 feet long.

Yang designed a program called the Gazillion Bubble Show.He has many performance tips to offer.He says it's good to make the audience feel tension(紧张)so that they are surprised at the end of a trick(把戏).He also suggests doing performances that are fun to watch,so that the audience will stay interested the whole time.

To perform his tricks,Yang uses bubble equipment that he created himself.He wants kids to know that they're not limited(受限制的)by anything except their imaginations,and they can create whatever they want to help them follow their interests.

“To make art,you need time,love,and hard work,which guided my life and made me successful.I am proud to say that I used something simple—bubbles—and brought it to a completely new world.”

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。介绍了世界上著名的泡泡达人、艺术家、表演家——杨凡。

1.Yang Fan's bubbles . A.are easy to break B.are of different shapes C.come from his hometown river D.can change into different colors

B [细节理解题。根据第二段“large bubbles that his daughter can walk through,

and even made square bubbles.”可知杨凡制造的气泡形状各异。]

2.The audience who enjoy the Gazillion Bubble Show will . A.feel relaxed all the time B.always show great interest C.play tricks on the performer D.know how to make big bubbles

B [细节理解题。根据第四段“the audience will stay interested the whole time”可知,在Gazillion Bubble Show中杨凡会制造出紧张气氛使观众始终保持对表演的兴趣。]

3.What can we know about Yang Fan? A.He created the world's smallest bubble. B.He made all his bubble equipment by himself.

C.He is one of the best bubble scientists in the world. D.His daughter is studying bubble performances under him.

B [细节理解题。 由第五段的“To perform his tricks,Yang uses bubble equipment that he created himself”可知。]

4.What does Yang's story tell us? A.He laughs best that laughs last. B.Two heads are better than one. C.Detail is the key to success. D.Where there's a will, there's a way.

D [推理判断题。杨凡为了实现儿时的梦想,即使失败也不断努力,最终成为了成功人士。他的故事告诉我们:有志者事竟成。]


Operation Green Sweep

(For teens currently in 6th—12th grades)

Operation Green Sweep is a volunteer program organized by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department for teens who want to earn community service hours by assisting with the cleaning of our city parks and community centers.Teens will be supervised (监督) while cleaning up various local parks,doing light trash removal and learning a thing or two about our parks and surrounding environment.

□Fridays,April 17 to May 29,2016 □3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

□Cost:$45—covers the uniform shirt,the training book and transportation How to register:

☆You may register in person or mail your completed form and payment to: Alameda Recreation and Park Department,2226 Santa Clara Avenue,Alameda,94501.

☆Phone registrations are accepted Monday through Friday,8:30 am to 5:00 pm with MasterCard or VISA payment only. Please have your credit card ready before calling (510)747-7529.

☆You may fax your completed registration form with MasterCard or VISA number to (510)747-7566.

☆Save time and register online at www.arpdeplay.com at your convenience. Cancellation and refund policy:

If the program is cancelled by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department,your fee will be fully returned to you.

Cancellations put forward by the client must be requested at least five business days in advance of the start of the program. We'll charge a $15 administration fee.


If you miss more than two days,you may be dropped from the program without earning your hours.Please bring a snack,wear work clothes (no skirts or open-toed shoes) and sunscreen.

Teens are expected to act quickly, learn communication skills and learn to plan ahead. All volunteers must meet at the Veteran's Memorial Building. Do not be late as transportation is provided to take teens to their destinations.

【语篇解读】 本文是一则青少年社区服务活动的介绍。其中提到活动的目的、时间、集合地点以及注意事项等。

5.What can we learn about the Alameda Recreation and Park Department? A.It offers free community service. B.It spreads knowledge on nature. C.It takes care of kids for busy parents. D.It provides volunteer activities for kids.

D [推理判断题。根据“Operation Green Sweep is a volunteer program organized by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department for teens...”可知D为正确答案。]

6.What can you do if you're interested in Operation Green Sweep? A.Mail the park where you want to do the cleaning job. B.Call (510) 747-7566 at 5:00 pm on Tuesday.

C.Fax your registration form and American Express card number. D.Apply online at www.arpdeplay.com at any time.

D [细节理解题。根据“Save time and register online at www.arpdeplay.com at your convenience.”可知D为正确答案。]

7.The cost of the program covers . A.a sunscreen B.food and water C.the training book

D.transportation from the kids' home

C [细节理解题。根据“Cost:$45—covers the uniform shirt,the training book and transportation”可知C为正确答案。防晒霜以及食物和水都是自带的,因此A、B两项错误;根据最后一段,可知只提供从the Veteran's Memorial Building到目的地的交通工具。]


Three years ago,FFI(野生动植物保护国际组织),an international and conservation organization,gave the warning that in Vietnam the 150 elephants were in the danger of becoming extinct.

Though the poachers(偷猎者)still cannot make elephants disappear completely from Vietnam,extinction is a foreseeable thing,if Vietnam cannot do more to protect its elephants.Frank Momberg,a representative of FFI,undertook the job of building

an elephant training center right in the central province of Dak Lak, believed to be the main land for elephants in Vietnam.At that time,people kept optimistic about the project's possibility,believing that this would help much the wildlife conservation plan.

However,in September last year,Mark McDonald,a conservationist,stated that the groups of conservationists all have“surrendered”in the fight to protect Vietnam's elephants.An elephant conservation center has been built in the National Park in Dak Lak Province,becoming the living place for a herd of 29 elephants.However,the small scale of the center and the limited money do not allow the officers here to prevent the illegally hunting to protect the lives of elephants.

Two weeks ago, a couple of elephants were killed right in the forest belonging to the shelter.The officers here discovered the dead body of a male elephant with its tusks cut.Forest protectors are now worried that the death of a male elephant would make it difficult for the elephants to maintain the race.Director of the Dak Lak National Park said the elephant illegally hunting had been developing so rapidly. Six male elephants have been killed so far this year.