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exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficiency 下,这些证候常相互转化。

and excess syndromes are usually found 例如,表邪可以入里,反之simultaneously. For instance, the disease with 亦然;寒证可以化热,反之both the exterior and interior syndromes; the 亦然;虚证可以转实,反之deficiency syndrome mingling with excess 亦然。疾病过程中,一些与syndromes; intertwinement of the cold and heat 疾病性质相反的假象会出syndromes. Under certain conditions these 现。因此,医生根据八纲辨syndromes are often transformed into one 证时,不仅必须精确的掌握another. For example, the exogenous pathogens 每一种证候的特点,也要注may invade the interior and vice versa the cold 意它们之间的共存、交错、syndrome may be transformed into heat syndrome 转化和真假状况,因此才能and vice versa; the deficiency syndrome may be 对疾病有全面的了解,从而transformed into the excess syndrome and vice 为治疗提供可靠的依据。 versa. With the progress of disease, some false appearances contrary to its nature may appear. e. g. ,cold syndrome with pseudo-heat symptoms and vice versa, deficiency syndrome with pseudo-excess symptoms and vice versa. Thus, when applying differentiation of syndrome according to the eight principles, physicians are required not only to have a masterly command of the characteristics of each syndrome, but also to pay attention to their coexisting, interlacing, transforming, and true or false conditions, so and so only can the disease be understood in an all-round way. Thereby, providing reliable basis for treatment. Yin and yang are a pair of principles used to summarize the other three pairs of principles

and are also the key principles in the eight 阴阳是一对可以总结principles. So the other three pairs of 其它三对原则的原则,也是principles are classified under either yin or 八纲中最重要的原则。所以yang. Exterior, heat and excess syndromes are 其它三对原则可被归纳为classified into the category of yang, while 阴或阳。表、热和实证归为interior, cold and deficiency syndromes fall 阳,而里、寒、虚证则归为into the category of yin. Yin syndrome is 阴。阴证以体内阳虚阴盛为characterized by deficiency of yang-qi and 特点。阳证以由体内阳热过excess of yin in the body. Yang syndrome in 盛引起阳亢和脏腑功能亢characterized by the hyperactivity of yang-qi 进为特点。阴阳也通常用于and hyperfunctions of the zang fu-organs, 解释脏腑器官的病理变化,resulting from excess of yang-heat in the body. 例如,阴阳俱虚、阴虚和阳Yin and yang are also used to explain the 虚等。 pathological changes of the zang-fu organ, eg. yin depletion, yang depletion, yin deficiency

and yang deficiency, etc.

Differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of qi, blood and body fluid is a differentiating method to analyse and identify the pathological changes of qi, blood and body

fluid according to the theory of qi, blood and 气血津液辨证是一种body fluid. Qi, blood, and body fluid, are the 根据气血津液理论分析和material basis for the functional activities of 确定气血津液病理变化的the zang-fu organs, their formation and 辨证方法。气血津液是脏腑circulation depend upon the normal functions of 功能活动的物质基础,它们the zang fu organs. Therefore the pathological 的形成和循行依赖于脏腑changes of qi, blood and body fluid may bring 功能的正常。因此,气血津about the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs, and 液的病理改变可以引起脏the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs will be 腑功能的异常,同时,脏腑bound to cause the pathological changes of qi, 功能的异常也必然会导致blood and body fluid. Hence, both of them should 气血津液的病理改变。因closely coordinate and complement each other. Qi 此,它们两者应紧密协调相has many syndromes, which are usually classified 互补充。气有许多证候,通into four classes: qi deficiency, qi sinking, qi 常被分为四种类型:气虚、stagnation and reversed flow of qi. As concerns 气陷、气滞和气逆。就血证blood syndromes, TCM tends to group them under 而言,中医试图将其归为四four heads: blood deficiency, blood stasis, heat 类:血虚、血瘀、血热和血in blood and cold in blood. \寒。在生理上,它们相互补they complement each other and, pathologically, 充;在病理上,它们相互影

affect each other. Thereby, forming 响。因此形成了同一疾病的differentiation of syndromes of the same disease 气血辨证。临床上,有气滞of qi and blood. Clinically, there is qi 血瘀、气不摄血、气血亏虚、stagnation and blood stasis, qi deficiency and 气虚血瘀和气随血脱。津液blood loss, deficiency of both qi and blood, qi 的证候可以归为两类:津液deficiency and blood stasis, and qi prostration 亏虚和水液储留。津液亏虚resulting from hemorrhage. Syndromes of body 可以导致以下的临床表现:fluid may be classified into two categories: 口干、咽干、唇舌干燥、眼insufficiency of body fluid and water retention. 眶凹陷,皮肤干燥、尿少、Insufficiency of body fluid may cause the 便秘、舌红少苔和脉细数。clinical manifestations: dryness of the mouth 而水液储留可以由如停滞and throat, dry lips and tongue, subsidence of 的水湿痰饮的病理物质引eyes, dry skin, scanty urine, constipation, a 起。通常见于水肿、鼓胀和red tongue with scanty saliva and thready, rapid 痰凝。 pulse. Whereas, retention of water may form such pathological substances as water, dampness and phlegm retention. Usually seen in edema,

tympanites and phlegm-retention. Differentiation of syndromes according to 卫气营血辨证是适用the theory of wei (defensive), qi (vital-qi), 于分析和辨证外感热病的

ying (nutrient) and xue (blood) is a 一种辨证方法。它是清代叶differentiating method applied to analysing 天士创建和发展起来的。它and differentiating exogenous febrile diseases. 补充了六经辨证理论,丰富It was developed and created by YeTianshi in the 了中医对外感热病的辨证

Qing Dynasty. It supplements the 论治。这个理论是区分证

differentiation of syndromes by the theory of 候、确定变化和决定治疗的

the six meridians and enriches the 基础。卫气营血理论有极高differentiation of syndromes and treatment for 的实践价值,因为,一方面,exogenous febrile diseases in TCM. This theory 它将外感病的病理变化归is the basis used to classify syndromes, to 为四种证候:卫分、气分、identify transformation and determine 营分和血分。另一方面,它treatment. The theory of wei, qi, ying and xue 代表了四个不同的阶段:外is of great practical value because, for one 感热病发展中的浅深和轻thing, it generalizes the pathological changes 重阶段。它也被认为是外感of febrile dis-eases as the four kinds of 热病发展变化的规则。卫气syndromes: weifen, qifen, yingfen and xuefen, 阶段的疾病轻浅,而营血阶for another, it represents the four different 段的疾病则深重。 stages: superficial or deep and mild or serious in the development of exogenous febrile diseases. It is also believed as a law of the development and changes of exogenous febrile diseases. Diseases of the wei and qi stages are mild and superficial, whereas those of the ying

and xue stages are deep and serious. Differentiation of syndromes according to the zang-fu theories a differential method by which symptoms and signs are analysed to clarity

the cause, the location and nature of disease as 脏腑辨证是一种根据well as the conditions between vital qi and 脏象、阴阳和五行理论通过pathogens in light of the theories viscera 症状和征象对疾病的根源、figure (manifestation) , yin yang and five 位置和性质以及正邪状态elements. It is the basis of various hinds of 进行分析和归类的辨证方differentiation of syndromes and the basic 法。它是其它辨证的基础,diagnostic method of all clinical branches of 也是所有中医临床分支学TCM, and an important component part of all 科的疾病诊断方法,是中医differential system in TCM. Differentiation of 辨证系统的重要组成部分。syndromes according to the theory of the zang-fu 脏腑辨证包括脏病辨证,腑organs includes differentiating syndromes of 病辨证和脏腑辨证。 zang-organs diseases, fu-organ diseases and complicated diseases of both zang-organs with

fu-organs. Differentiation of syndromes acording to the 六经辨证是中医辨证

theory of six meridians is a method of 外感病的一种辨证方法。它differentiating exogenous diseases in TCM. It 是东汉时期一位杰出的医

was put forward in Treatise on Febrile Diseases 生—张仲景在《伤寒杂病by Zhang Zhonjing-a distinguished physician in 论》中提出的。根据阴阳理the Eastern Han Dynasty. In Light of the yin-yang 论,六经证候可以分为三阳theory, the syndromes of the six meridians may 证—太阳、阳明和少阳以及be divided into three yang syndromes-taiyang, 三阴证—太阴,少阴和厥

yangming and shaoyang and three yin 阴,从而为辨证论治提供基syndromes-taiyin, shaoyin and Jueyin. Thereby 础。六经证是脏腑经络病理providing a basis for differential diagnosis and 变化的反应,三阳证以六腑treatment. Six meridians syndromes are the 的病理变化为基础,而三阴reflections of pathological changes in the 证以五脏的病理变化为基zang-fu organs and meridians, among which three 础。 yang syndromes take the pathological changes of

the six fu organs as their basis, while three yin

syndromes take the pathological changes of the

five zang organs as the their basis. Besides differentiating syndrome in light of the theory of triple energizer is one of methods of differential diagnosis for febrile diseases, put forward by Wu Jutong, a distinguished

physician of the Qing Dynasty. Wu Shi takes 三焦辨证是辨证热病triple energizer as the guiding principle of 的一种方法,由清代的一位differentiation of syndromes of seasonal 杰出的医生—吴鞠通提出febrile disease in conjunction with 的。吴氏以三焦结合卫气营differentiation of syndromes according to the 血辨证为辨证温病的指导theory of wei, qi, ying and xue, to emphasizes 原则,强调温病中与三焦相the pathological changes of the zang-fu organs 关脏腑的病理变化、证候特related to triple energizer during the course of 点和转化规律。温病是由四seasonal febrile diseases,the characteristics 季中不同的温热之邪引起of syndromes and the law of transmission and 的所有急性热病的总称。三transformation. Seasonal febrile disease is a 焦辨证也是治疗的前提和general term for all acute febrile diseases 基础。 resulting from various warm-heat pathogens in the four seasons. Differentiation of syndromes by the theory of triple energizer is also the

premise and foundation of treatment. As a whole, conditions of differentiating


syndromes are complex, what has been discussed


in this unit is only those common, typical


differentiating syndromes, they should be


applied flexibly so as to decide the therapeutic


principle on the basis of correct


differentiating syndromes.