(完整word版)牛津译林版七年级英语下册:Unit1Dreamhomes单元基础知识测试题 下载本文

42. How many (zero) are there in the number 2,015? 43. The bridge over the river is about 10 (foot) long. 44. This is my (nine) time to visit the Great Wall.

45. There is no (wash) machine in my home. I think we need to buy one. C) 选择方框里合适的词组填空,并注意形式的变化。

in bed; of one’s own; be full of; call …back; have fun

46. Millie always_______ playing basketball with her classmates after school. 47. The house_______ furniture(家具) I can’t get into it at all.

48. Can you ask your parents me when you go home tomorrow? 49. It’s bad for your eyes to read books_______.

50. Nancy has a nice bedroom in her new flat. . 五、完成句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,满分10分) 51、法国面积超过26万平方英里。

France _______ _______ _______ _______ over 260,000 square miles. 52、课堂上不要朝外看树上的鸟。

Don’t_______ _______ _______ the birds in the tree in class. 53、老舍茶馆是互相聊天最好的地方。

Laoshe Teahouse is_______ _______ _______ _______ chat with each other. 54、你的房子和我们镇上的公寓真不一样。

Your house_______ _______ _______ _______ the flats in our town. 55、谢谢你邀请我来参加你的99岁生日宴会。

Thank you for_______ _______ _______your_______ birthday party. 六、阅读下面的材料,完成后面的表格,每个空格只能填一个单词。(每小题1分,满分10分)

Bill Gates lives in a very modern house in the USA. It’s in the town of Medina near Lake Washington. He spends$63,000,000 in building the house. His house doesn’t look big because much of it is in a hill. It is about 6,600 square metres in size.

The modern and large house has a swimming pool with a music system(系统). Bill Gates and his friends can enjoy swimming and listening to music at the same time. It has a beach. And the sand(沙) on it is from the sea. He can take a walk on the real beach after supper.

The dinning room is on the third floor. It is big and 24 people can have dinner in it together. Bill Gates can enjoy the beautiful view(风景) when he has dinner, because the dinning room has a lot of big windows.

根据短文内容,完成下列表格(每格只能填一个词)。(10分) Title: Bill Gates’ 56 Location (位置) 59 Cost It is in a town 57 Medina near Lake Washington. Much of it is in the 58 . About 6,600 square metres. It 60 him sixty-three 61 dollars It has a 62 system. The sand is from the sea. It is on the third floor. It is big 64 for 24 people to have A swimming pool Wonderful A 63 places around the house The dinning room

dinner in it It has 65 big windows 七、首字母填空。(每小题1分,满分10分)

根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词) Lily and Lucy are talking about their new houses.

Lily: My house is a big one w 66 a small beautiful garden .I grow f 67 in it in spring and it will be very beautiful in summer. Near my home, there is a good l 68 . I like it very much because I can read a lot of i 69 books there. My mother puts a computer in her bedroom b 70 she wants to do her work when she is free.

Lucy: My home is in the centre of the city. The street in front of my house is very b 71 and crowded (拥挤的). It is very clean and wide(宽的). Our house is not l 72 but is very nice. I often l 73 to music in my bedroom. Our neighbours are f 74 and I make friends with them .We often c 75 with each other in the garden. We live very happily here .


一、1-5DBDBA 6-10CBDBB 11-15BCADA 16-20CABCD 二、16-20ACCBA 21-25ABCAB 三、26-30CBDBA 31-35BBCDB

四、36. palaces 37. videos 38. countries 39. double 40. shares 41. knives 42. zeros 43. feet 44. ninth 45. washing 46. has fun 47. is full of 48. to call; back 49. in bed 50. of her own

五、51. has an area of 52. look out at 53. the best place to 54. is really different from 55. inviting me to ninety-ninth

六、56. House 57. named/ called 58. hill 59. Area 60. costs 61. million 62. music 63. beach 64. enough 65. many

七、66. with 67. flowers 68. library 69. interesting 70. because 71. busy 72. large 73. listen 74. friendly 75. Chat