高二英语听力模拟试题4 下载本文






1. Where is Pat calling from?

A. From her home. B. From her school. C. From her office. 2. Who does Pat want to call?

A. Tom. B. Her friend Anna. C. Tom and Anna. 3. Why can’t Pat speak to Anna now?

A. Because Anna is at work. B. Because Anna is busy. C. Because Anna isn’t at home?


4. Whaere does the man live?

A. Washington. B. London. C. Potohac. 5. How far is his home from Washington?

A. About 15 miles. B. About 45 miles. C. About 25 miles.

6. How long does it take the man to go from home to work in the morning? A. 55 minutes. B. 45 minutes. C. 15 minutes.


7. What are they talking about?

A. Children. B. Vacation. C. Jobs. 8. Will the man take a vacation this summer? A. Yes. B. No. C. He isn’t sure yet.

9. What do you know about the woman’s two sons? A. They are on vacation now. B. They are both in college. C. They will graduate next year.


10. Why do the speaker and her husband mormally not go to the sales? A. They don’t care for cheap things.

B. They don’t like crowds and they lack money. C. They cannot afford to buy anything on sale. 11. Why did they decide to go to the sales last year? A. The husband needed some new clothes. B. They wanted to buy a TV set.

C. They wanted to buy some new clothes and a TV set.


12. What was in the box the speaker’s husband was carrying?

A. A TV set. B. Toys for their children. C. New clothes for his wife.


13. What can we learn from the passage? A. More men than women are now crying.

B. More women are now working outside their homes. C. More Heart diseases are on the rise. 14. Why do people cry?

A. Because they are suffering from certain diseases. B. Because they have to work ouside their homes

C. To get rid of poisonous things produced by strong feelings.

15. What effect does living and working in a modern society have on some people? A. It makes them cry.

B. It makes them produce chemicals.

C. It gives them heart disease and other deseases.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


What to do The man would like to talk about (16)_________________________________. What The man How What From the (17)___________________of his studies the woman knows the man is studying maths. I’d like to apply for admission to (18)__________________________________. The woman thinks that the man’s record has been very good and there may be (19)_____________________________. The man wants to ask the woman to help him with (20)____________________.


1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BBABB 11-15 CABCC 16. his studies

17. the record 18. the teachers’s college 19. no trouble 20. his lessons