新概念英语精品课堂4 下载本文

7.drop to/fall to/decrease to/come down/ go down 数量值的下降 I hope the price will come down. taper off/slide/dwindle 逐渐地下降

House values may begin to taper off/slide/dwindle。 plummet/plunge/nosedive/take a nosedive 在短时间内大幅度下降,骤降

Since January, sales of cars and trucks have plummeted/ have plunged/have nosedived/have taken a nosedive.

rise/go up/increase/climb/escalate 数量值的上升 House prices have escalated to a worrying level. soar/rocket 数量值暴涨

Gold prices soared/rocketed to their highest level since 1983.

8.imaginations soar 暗喻 将imaginations比喻成birds metaphor 暗喻(喻体全隐式) His hunger gnawed at him.

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested. —Sir Francis Bacon

有些书应该浅尝即可,其它些书应该囫囵吞下,只有少数书才值得咀嚼和消化。 penalize 惩罚

9.predicts: 预言,预测(主语一定是人) foretell:预言;预兆 (主语是人或物)

Timely snow foretells a bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。

10.perfect: v. 使完美,使完善 bring sth. to perfection adj. 完美的,完善的 e.g.

The violinist spent years perfecting his technique.

The violinist spent years bringing his technique to perfection.

11.giving the U.S. A jump on

spawn 原义:鱼或青蛙产卵,引申为使一系列(很多)东西同时出现 a new generation of supersonic airliners

start-up: a new small company, especially one whose work involves computers or the Internet 新诞生的小公司

课文翻译错误,start-up 不能指技术人员 an Internet start-up

get a/the jump on sb. 得到了超越其他人的优势 =gain an advantage over sb.

give sb. a jump on sb. 使某人具有超越其他人的优势

12.thrive on

We've got more promising garage start-ups. thrive on sth. 靠??繁荣 e.g.

He thrives on criticism.

I wouldn't want much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it. We also thrive on Asians.

How to grow old

1.How to grow old with a positive attitude

Bertrand Russell: British philosopher, mathematician and Nobel laureate 伯特兰·罗素: 著名的英国哲学家,数学家,和诺贝尔奖获得者 He developed new ideas connecting mathematics and logic.

He was also known as a pacifist, and he was one of the leading members of the opposition to nuclear weapons.

He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1950.

[$i$]The Principles of Mathematics[$/i$] 《数学原理》 [$i$]A History of Western Philosophy[$/i$] 《西方哲学史》

2.are oppressed by the fear of

be oppressed by the fear of... 因为害怕??而烦恼

Many people are oppressed by the fear of unemployment/inflation. Many girls are oppressed by the fear of getting fat.

Many Chinese people are oppressed by the fear of being unable to afford the medical, educational and housing expenses.

3.“In”表示在某人身上 e.g.

You can feel helpfulness and care even in these small children. In this tall lean man, you can see a leader of great modesty.

4.there is a justification for... 对??来说有正当理由 In this condition, there is a justification for intervention. 在这种情况下,进行干预是完全正当的。

there is no justification for... 对??来说没有任何正当理由 There is no justification for suicide bombing. In the young the feeling is justified/justifiable.

5.in battle

有理由担心自己战死疆场的年轻人在想到自己被剥夺了生活所赋予的最美好东西的时候而感到痛苦,这是情有可原的。 in (a) battle in action

justifiably 有理由的 bitter: painful; sorrowful shed bitter tears

6.in the thoughts that...= thinking that... in the thought of...=thinking of... 名词结构代替动词,书面语特征

7.cheat of

cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗走某人某个东西 be cheated (out)of sth. 剥夺某人某个东西

rob/deprive/strip/divest sb. of sth. 没收 confiscate

Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets.

8.know 本文表示经历过 know: experience

China has known many wars.

The city must have known prosperity. He has seen better days.

joys and sorrows: ups and downs


whatever 无论什么,引导宾语从句 it形式主语

in him中的“in”表示某人能力范围之内

somewhat: to some extent/degree more or less kind of/sort of little by little bit by bit by degrees

10.overcome: conquer conquer the fear/shyness

at least: at any rate 至少说 at least it seems so to me

11.gradually wider and more impersonal

gradually: little by little; bit by bit; by degrees 逐渐地,慢慢地; 一点一点地 to make your interests gradually wider to broaden/expand your interests gradually to broaden/expand your horizons

impersonal 超脱个人的情感 to meet like-minded people Don't indulge in solitude. Don't be egocentric.

Make yourself liberal and sociable.

12.The walls of ego wall 本义:墙壁 常作比喻义:

tariff wall 关税壁垒

The years had built a wall between the two families.


The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self. — Albert Einstein

13.merge in

merge 合并,融合成一体 be merged in/into

The three companies were merged/joined in/into one. The remote hills gradually merged into the dark sky.


“universal”应该理解成为:全世界的,全体的,共同的 你的生活会逐渐地融入到大众的生活之中去。