情深深雨蒙蒙雪姨敲门英文版 下载本文

21:30~27:27 X:雪姨 H:何书桓 L:李副官 Y:依萍 F:傅文佩

X:傅文佩,傅文佩,你开门,你开门。 Fu Wenpei! Open the door! Open the door! Y:是雪姨。她来干什么?

It’s Auntie Snow. Why’s she coming?

L:哼 她来一定没好事。我去开门,她见到我,准把她给吓跑。

Hum, she'd come to no good. I go to open the door. She’ll be scared away once she sees me. F:李副官,拜托了,你别去吧。闹开了有什么好呢。 Come on, Adjutant Li, don’t go, it’s no good rowing again.


Auntie I go, Whatever, we should be calm and reasonable, we’d rather suffer than have conflicts with her. Y:嗯。 Okay


Fu Wenpei, don’t be fainhearted timid! I know you’re at home! You dare commit adultery, how can you have no guts to open the door! Just open the fucking door! X:哼 好哇 小子也在这。真是太好了。今天我们一并算总账。 Hum, great, you deep-fried Chicken. Today is our day of reckoning!

H:雪姨,对不起如萍的是我。你要算账的话,找我一个人算,不要找她们的麻烦。 Auntie Snow, I am sorry about Rupin’s stuff. Just get even with me, it’s none of their business! X:你是逃不掉的,她们也别想逃! You’re doomed, they won’t escape too!

X:李副官,好久不见了。原来你也在这 哼 哼 哼。真是物以类聚呀 你们家可云,16岁就会勾引少爷,依萍会抢别人的未婚夫,文佩的段数最高,老的连头发都白了,照样风骚。 Long time no see Adjutant Li. You are also here. Hum. Well, birds of a feather flock together. Your daughter Keyun can seduce her young master, Yipin can be a mistress of other’s fiance. Wenpei is the best! The older the sexier!


Wang Xueqin, shut the fuck up! How many enmities we’ve accumulated these years! How much hatred I have gathered these years! In the past for admiral’s sake I forgave you, but now, if your dare mess up at madam’s place. I’ll kick your ass !

X:哼 夫人 好大的口气。夫人,你什么时候变成夫人的?你多高贵呀,你真会给自己脸上贴金。

Hum What high-sounding sentiments! Madam? When did you become one? How noble you are! Don't put feathers in your own cap. L:王雪琴.... Wang Xueqin

X:我告诉你 其实你和我差不多,都是人家家里面,三妻四妾中的那个妾字。我想你是读过书的,你应该知道什么是妾吧。居然好意思自封为夫人。

I tell you, we are almost the same, among all the women in the family, we are just the concubines. I know you know what it means, you should have the face to say you are the madam.

Y:雪姨,我已经痛下决心,要和你和平相处了,但是 你刚刚说的话,实在让人无法忍耐,我是看在如萍和尓豪的面子上,才不跟你计较的。你骂够了没有。骂够了以后赶快离开我家。 Auntie Snow, I have determined to live peacefully with you. But what you said is really unbearing.For the sake of Rupin and Erhao, I won’t condescend to argue with you. Haven't you said enough? Fuck off if it’s enough for you.


Here is master’s tiny residence, not your home. Six years ago, had I showed leniency or mercy, you bastards should have already been banished to Northeast! Not to mention a home! Y:我不要跟你吵。你现在马上离开,要不然的话,我就不客气了。 I don’t wanna argue with you, leave now, or I would have my guts for garters. X:不客气?你来呀 你要怎样。你能吃了我吗? 呸 你这个小荡妇! guts for garters? Come on! What can you do ? Eat me? Pei! You little slut! Y:李副官! Adjutant Li! L:有! I’m here!


My dad is not here, you help my dad deal with the shrew

L:是的 依萍小姐 李正德遵命。 我要打死你,你这个疯婆子。我打死你。 Aye lady Yiping, I’ll beat you to death! You nuts! I’ll beat you to death!


Don’t! Adjutant Li! Don’t! Shuhuan stop him! We can’t do anything to her anyway! After all she’s Zhenghua’s lady. Yiping! Think about Ruping. Y:雪姨 我们讲和吧 大家停手。可不可以。 Auntie Snow, let’s sheathe the sword ok?

X:哼 讲和 连门都没有。你这个不要脸的老狐狸精,生出个小狐狸精来。来跟我耍暗的 耍阴的 今天我要撕破你这脸。

Hum sheathe the sword? No way ! you shameless old foxtrel, bear a little foxtrel to plot against me! I'll fight it out with you. I

L:我打死你 我打死你。让我轰她出去,让我轰她出去。

I’ll beat you to death! I’ll beat you to death! let me throw her ass out! let me throw her ass out! F:李副官,李...李副官。 Adjutant Li!

H:雪姨,你快回去吧。一切罪过都是我造成的 不干依萍母女的事。..................

Auntie Snow, please go back soon. It’s all my fault none of their business. 25:44-26:31删去


You have beaten me, will you sleep off your anger?

Y:书桓 书桓 你怎么可以让她打你呢。就算你要赎罪,你也不能站在这儿挨打,就算你挨了打,这个疯女人也不会放过我们的。

Shuhuan Shuhuan! How can you let her beat you! If you want your redemption, you are not bound to be beaten here, even if you are beaten, that crazy woman won’t forgive us! X:你过来的正好,我还要打你呢。 Here you com, I am about to beat you! L:你敢!夫人! You dare! Madam! Y:妈 妈 ! Mammy!

L:夫人 夫人! Madam! Madam! H:伯母。 Auntie

L:正德该死。 I am frigging!

H:伯母 你不要紧吧。 Auntie! R u ok? L:正德该死。 I am frigging!

X:哈哈哈哈哈,大水冲了龙王庙,自家人打自家人,哈哈哈哈哈,真是一场好戏啊。 HAHAHAH~ the water god is flooded by water, and you guys beaten by your kinsman, HAHAHAHAH~ Such a funny play.