四川省2017年普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试 下载本文





第I卷(共两部分 满分70分)


1.必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑。 2. 第I卷共两部分,满分70分

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分30分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. --Are you coming to Sharon's birthday party tonight'? -- ______? I'll be there by 7.

A Why not B. What for C . How so D. How come 2. We all agree that she is such ____ useful person to our company. A an B a C the D/

3. Try the cake ---It was made ____ my daughter. A from B by C in D of

4. Sue sold her new car. I wonder ____ she did it. A . if B. that C. what D. why

5. Believe me, you're not the first person ____that mistake today. A makes B made C to make D. make 6. Liz is excited. She ____to England with her mom.

A has gone B goes C. is going D. is gone 7. ____beautiful weather! Let's go for a picnic.

A. How B What C. Where D Why

8. It was at the parents' meeting yesterday ________I met her for the first time. A that B where C when D which 9. It is about to rain. There are no birds flying ____ .

A. somewhere B. elsewhere C. nowhere D. anywhere 10. Everyone ______ worked at the student center was a volunteer. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 11. Pets ______ in this park.

A. allow B. are allowing C. are allowed D. are to allow 12. The shop assistant knew Jim ______ he often came to the shop. A. unless B. that C. because D or 13. I think I have _______ weight. I need to take more exercise.

A. put off B. put in C. put up D. put on 14. She asked the young man ______ loudly in the hospital.

A. not to talk B not talking C. not talk D. to not talk 15. ----_________ we go shopping this afternoon? ---- Yes, let's do that. A .Shall B. Do C. Must D. Will

笫二节 语言应用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Part A根据下列图片所提供的信息,从16—22题所给的三个选项(A、B、C )中,选出最佳

选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16.To take a bus, you should _________.

A. turn left B. turn right C. go forward 17. To buy one bottle of the sauce, you should pay________.

A. ﹩4.50 B. ﹩S2.69 C. ﹩2.25 18. This notice is most likely for people who are_______.

A. walking B.eating C. watching a game

19. How much can Eman earn by taking care of' a school age child for two hours?

A. ﹩l0 B.﹩15 C.﹩20

20. The workers will get their money__________.

A. daily B. weekly C. monthly 21. What is the total cost of the meals in Seattle?

Travel Expense Report Meals Hotels Transport San Jose 25-Aug-97 37.74 112.00 45.00 26-Aug-97 27.28 112.00 45.00 subtotals 65.02 224.00 90.00 subtotals 379 .02 Seattle 27-Aug-97 96.25 109.00 36.00 28-Aug-97 35.00 109.00 36.00 subtotals 131.25 218.00 72.00 Totals 196.27 442.00 162.00 A.﹩442.00 B.﹩196.27. C.﹩S131.25 22. The show was held in _________.

421 .25 800.27

A. London B. Matilda C. Cambridge

Part B根据下图所提供的信息,从23~25题所给的三个选项( A.B、C)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:35-8:50 8:50-9:05 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths 9:05-9:20 9:20-9:35 9:35-9:50 Recess Recess 9:50-10:00 10:00-10:15 Science Science Science lab 10:15-10:30 science science 10:30-10:35 10:35-10:50 10:50-11:05 World World 11:05-11:20 music Writing art language language 11:20-11:35 Social Social Social Social Social 11:35-11:50 science science science science science