2017 2018秋外研版初中英语七年级上册全套全册语法要点及复习巩固练习题 下载本文


5. _______ ______ ______ ______ in autumn? It's cool.


Module 1 My classmates


作谓语时,一、 年龄、状态等。 说明身份。1.

我是你们的老师,你们是我的学 're my students. I'm your teacher and you 生。 托尼和贝蒂是我们的朋友。 Tony and Betty are our friends. 说明年龄。2.

岁。我13m thirteen years old. I' 岁。艾玛也是13Emma is thirteen years old too.


我们现在在教师里。We are in our classroom now.

上海是一个非常大的城市。Shanghai is a very big city.

在这儿看到大家非常高兴。's nice to see you all here. It be动词的常用句式。二、 其他”;+be+表语+1. 陈述句是“主语 她是我们班上新来的学生。She is a new student in my class. ;主语+其他”be提到主语之前,构成疑问句语序,即“Be+2. 一般疑问句把 她来自英格兰。 She is from England.

她来自英格兰吗? Is she from England? 我来自中国。 from China. I am

你来自中国吗? from China? Are you 注意第一人称第二人称 我们是好朋友。We are good friends.

你们是好朋友吗?youAre good friends?

3. 特殊疑问句是“特殊疑问词+be动词的一般疑问句”。 Where are you from? 你来自哪里? 语法专练

Tony: Hi, my name ______ Tony. What ______ your name? Daming: Hi, Tony. I ______ Daming. Where ______ you from?

Tony: I'm from London. It ______ a very big city. This ______ Jack, and this


Betty. They ______ my friends.

Daming: It ______ nice to meet you, Jack and Betty.

Jack and Betty: Nice to meet you too. How old ______ you, Daming? Daming: I'm twelve years old. What about you?


Tony: I ______ twelve years old too. Jack and Betty ______ thirteen years old.

Module 2 My family

this, these, that, those

1. this, that, these和those在英语中称作指示代词。this和that是单数,复数是these和those。指示代词含有方向性,用来指示或标识人或物。this, these指较近的人或物,that, those指较远的人或物。 This is my family photo. 这是我的全家照。 That's my pencil. 那是我的铅笔。

These are my parents. 这是我的父母。

Those are Uncle Paul's son and daughter. 那是保罗叔叔的儿子和女儿。

2. 指示代的疑问句是把助动词提到指示代词之前,答语中this, that一般用it代替,these和those用they代替。

This is a farm. 这是一个农场。 (肯定句) Is this a farm? 这是一个农场吗? (一般疑问句) Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 (肯定回答) No, it isn't. 不,它不是。 (否定回答) (肯定句) 那是我的外祖父母。myThose are grandparents. 注意人称变化那是你的外祖父母吗?(一般疑问句) your grandparents? Are those Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。 (肯定回答) No, they aren't. 不,他们不是。 (否定回答) 3. 指示代词可以单独使用,也可修饰名词。 These are desks and those are chairs. 这些是桌子,那些是椅子。

These boys are from Class One. Those girls are from Class Two. 这些男孩来自一班。那些女孩来自二班。


用this, that, these, those, they, it填空。 1. Look here. What's ________? _______ is a photo of my family.

2. Can you see the man over there? Is ______ Lily's father? 3. Are _______ your books in this bag? No, _______ aren't.

4. Are these boys from America?


Yes, _______ are.

5. Are ________ Uncle Paul's son and daughter in that photo? Yes, _______ are.

Module 3 My school

there be句型的用法

1. there be句型表示“某处有某物”或“某处有某人”等,各种句式见下表:


There i a computerThereisn' computerIs ther aYes there i. on the teacheson the teachescomputer on the是的,有 desk.desk.teaches desk?No,there

老师的讲桌上有老师的讲桌上没老师的讲桌上is. 电脑。 电脑。 电脑吗? 不,没有。

There is some hot There isn't any hot Is there any hot Yes, there is.

water for you. water for you. water for me? 是的,有。 给你准备了些热水。 没有给你准备热水。 有给我准备热水No, there 吗? isn't. 不,没有。

There are some There aren't any Are there any Yes, there

buildings in our buildings in our buildings in your are. 是的,school. school. school? 有。 No,

在我们学校里有一在我们学校里没有你们学校有一些there aren't. 些建筑物。 建筑物。 建筑物吗? 不,没有。

2. there be 句型中的主语是be动词后的名词,所以be动词的单复数取决于be动词后名词的单复数形式,注意be动词的单复数遵循就近原则,即第一个名词的单复数决定be动词的单复数。

There is some furniture and books in the library. 图书馆里有一些家具和书籍。

There are some books and furniture in the library.

图书馆里有一些书和家具。 语法专练


1. There are some computers in the classroom.(改为否定句) _______ ________ ________ ________ in the classroom.

2. There are some pictures on the wall. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) _______ ________ ________ ________ on the wall? _______, ________ _________. _______, ________ _________.

3. There is a television and some computers in the computer room. (改为同义7 句)

_______ ________ ________ ________ and a television in the computer room. 4. There are six science labs in the science building. (对画线部分提问) _______ ________ ________ ________ _________ in the science building?


一、英语中的介词或介词短语可以表示方位。介词又称前置词,它不能单独作句子的成分,必须与句词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语构成介词短词才能充当句子的成分。 1. at在(某地点):at the station 在车站 at school 在学校

2. in在??上/里:in the playground 在操场上 in the library 在图书馆里 3. on在??上:on the desk 在桌面上 on the blackboard 在黑板上

4. near在附近:near the school gate 在学校大门附近 near the hotel 在旅馆附近 5. behind在??后面:behind the building 在建筑物的后面 behind the wall 在墙的后面

6. on the left/right 在左/右边

7. in front of 在??前面(不在物体范围内)

The library is in front of the science building. 图书馆在科学楼的前面。 8. in the front of (在物体范围内)

The teacher's desk is in the front of the classroom. 老师的讲桌在教室的前面。 9. in the middle of 在??中间

The playground is in the middle of the school. 操场在学校的中间。

10. between 在??之间 between…and… 在??和??之间 The library is between the dining hall and the science lab. 图书馆在餐厅和科学实验室之间。 二、介词短语在句中的作用:

1. 修饰名词,位于名词的后面,翻译时常根据汉语习惯放在名词前。 The building on the left is the sports hall. 左边的建筑物是体育馆。