广东省深圳市2019-2020学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(含听力)牛津深圳版 下载本文




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听力部分 (15分)

I. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答句。句子念两遍。(共3小题,每小题1分) ( )1. A. It’s interesting.

B. Good idea. C. You are welcome. ( )2. A. Yes, there are.

B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, there is only one. ( )3. A. He is tall.

B. He likes English. C. He is my English teacher. i



( )4. What will the girl do this afternoon?

A. She will go to the library with the boy. B. She will go shopping with Eliza. C. She will go to the library with Eliza. ( )5. What does Eliza look like?

A. She is tall with long hair. B. She is short with long hair. C. She is tall with short hair. ii 听第二段对话,回答第6-7小题。 ( )6. Who could Sally visit in Dalian?

A. Her friend. B. Her grandparents. C. Her aunt.

( )7. What did Sally NOT do in Dalian?

A. Play on the beach. B. Swim in the sea. C. Go shopping.



iii 听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(共3小题,每小题1分) ( )8. How old was Li Hua when he came to Chongqing?

A. Six. B. Seven. C. Thirteen. ( )9. What makes the air in Chongqing clean and wet?

A. Mountains and rivers. B. Forests and rivers. C. Mountains and lakes.

( )10. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Li Hua lived in Chongqing seven years ago. B. It’s very hot in summer in Chongqing. C. Li Hua always goes to Liaoning once a year.

iv 听短文,根据所听内容补全下列小短文。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每空1分)

I am Paula. Last Sunday I travelled to Beijing (11) __________. I arrived in Beijing at 2 o’ clock in the afternoon. I lived in. Jenny’s home. She is my best friend. After a short rest, we went to some (12) _______________, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. The traditional buildings there were so beautiful that I wanted to stay there longer. On the way, Jenny told me (13) __________about the history of China. I was very (14) _____________it. The trip was interesting. I will never (15)__________ it.



找出下列单词中划线部分的发音与其他不同的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 16. A. here B. there C. beer D. cheerful ( ) 17. A. wear B. care C. idea

D. chair

( ) 18. A. tour B. poor C. sure D. about ( ) 19. A. change B. encourage C. orange D. magazine ( ) 20. A. studies B. sites C. noses D. dresses


i)根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( )21. — What is the village famous for?

—It is famous for its beautiful beach.

A. interested in B. good at C. known for

( )22. — If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday.

—OK, I will. And I hope we can go to Shanghai. A. have a trip B. enjoy ourselves C. become rich

( )23. — I’m going to attend a meeting. Would you please help me take care of my child?



—OK. I love kids. A. look for



after C. look at

( )24. — Don’t make fun of the blind. It is impolite (不礼貌的).

—Sorry, I won’t.

A. laugh at


think of C. wake up

( )25. — What do you think of your brother?

—He is smart. He can work out problems very quickly. A. funny B. clever C. cheerful

( )26. — Jack, let’s finish our Maths homework together.

—OK. Let’s do it in my home.

A. find B. follow C. complete

( )27. — Where are the islands?

—The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain. A. remain

B. are C. follow

( )28. — Your English is excellent. You must come from America.

—You are wrong. I come from England.

A. very great B. very boring C. very different

ii)从下面每题的A.B.C三个选择中选出最佳答案 (共7小题,每小题 1分) ( )29.— If someone is________, he works very hard.

A. real B. hard-working C. careful

( )30. —Your_______ is the number of your house and the name of your street and your town.

A. address B. fair C. direction

( )31.—If you_ someone, you think of him or her and want to see him or her.A. save

B. push C. miss

( )32. — Did you join the club? —Yes. I’m a_______ of the club.

A. relative

B. member C. person

( )33. — Were you________ in finding a new house?

—Yes. I will move there tomorrow afternoon. A. successful B. useful C. colourful

( )34. — Do you think you can_____ the bad habit?

—Yes. It is difficult, but I will try my best to throw it away. A. provide with

B. learn about C. give up

( )35. —_____ __ —He is short with straight hair.



What are you doing? B. What does he look like? C. What would you like to do?




“Maggie, come here please.” called Grandpa. “I went to the town and had a __36__ for you.” Grandpa was standing next to a big __37_. “Grandpa,” Maggie called. “Is that my surprise? What is it?” she asked __38__.

“open it up and find it by yourself” Grandpa said.

Maggie opened the box. “It’s a puppy,” Maggie said. She picked up a small, brown __39__ With big ears.

“Oh, Grandpa. I __40__ him. He should have a __41__. Let me think! Spot? Rover? No, they are not cute.” Maggie said.

The puppy __42__ to dig (挖) a hole in the ground.

“Grandpa, I’m going to __43__ him Digger. He likes to dig,” Maggie smiled

“That’s __44__. But make sure that he doesn’t dig my flowers up,” Grandpa said and went back to the house.

That night Maggie fell asleep with __45__ lying next to her. What a wonderful surprise to get a little dog! ( ) 36. A. guide

B. diary C. surprise D. fair

D. cat D. friendly D. dog D. miss D. coat

( ) 37. A. house B. box C. book ( ) 38. A. happily ( ) 39. A. snake ( ) 40. A. love ( ) 41. A. home ( ) 42. A. started

B. easily C. sadly B. rabbit C. bird B. hate C. believe B. mother C. name

B. refused C. finished D. caught B. call C. want

D. help

( ) 43. A. paint ( ) 44. A. nice ( ) 45. A. Spot


B. terrible C. dangerous D. ugly B. Rover C. Digger D. Grandpa



“Look, Mom! What a pretty fish!\ John’s mother asked, “Where did you get it, John?”

“Frank caught it in the river. I went to the river to get some water and saw this little fish. Then I told Frank about the fish, and he ran to get his fishnet (鱼网). He put the net into the water, and caught the fish. I put it into this box,” “Well, what will you do with it?” asked John’s mother.
