形容词和副词用法详解及练习(附答案)1 下载本文

afraid asleep aware glad sorry难过的 alive alone ill fond content awake ashamed well身体健康的 pleased alike If you weaken and have a cigarette, don’t be ashamed. 如果你因为意志不坚定又吸烟了,不用感到难为情。 Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life. I’m pleased to hear that he will come back. The little boy is fond of painting.

2.以a-开头的表语形容词(alike除外)不能用very修饰,常用much, very much修饰。

He is much afraid to sleep at home alone.



kind-hearted 好心的 dark-blue 深蓝的 tired-looking 面带倦容的 clean-washed洗得干净的 She is one of the most kind-hearted girls that I saw.

The colonel was a middle-aged man, grey and tired-looking.上校是个中年人,脸色阴郁,神情很疲乏。


hard-working 勤劳的 newly-made新建的 I admire their hard-working spirit.

This newly-made film has been remarked upon by many critics. 3.“名词+形容词/现在分词/过去分词”

world-famous 世界著名的 peace-loving 爱好和平的 snow-covered 白雪覆盖的 man-made 人造的 A world-famous violinist is playing at tonight’s concert.

The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.冰雪覆盖的山峰反射着阳光。 4.“数词+名词-ed/名词/(名词+形容词)”:

three-hour 3小时的 four-storeyed 4层楼的 ten-year 10年的 500-meter-long 500米长的 It took us a long time to get to the amusement park. It was a three-hour journey.



a nearby town = a town nearby附近的镇 the total sum = the sum total 总数 the following years = the years following 以后的几年

the only possible solution = the only solution possible 唯一可行的解决办法 2.一些形容词既可前置也可后置,但意义不同。

the present situation 目前的形式 a responsible person 可信赖的人 the people present 在场的人 the person responsible 负责人 the general idea 中心意思 a concerned look 关注的神情 the secretary general 秘书长 the comrades concerned 有关的同志 an involved story 复杂的故事 a proper arrangement 适当的安排 the issues involved 有关的问题 the problem proper 问题本身 the given time 特定的时间 the time given 给予的时间


有些形容词可与定冠词the连用,相当于名词,泛指一类人或事物。 The beautiful is not always the same as the good. The doctor used to help the poor.


类 别 时间副词 地点副词 方式副词 程度副词 疑问副词 关系副词 例 词 now, then, today, before, ago, soon, immediately, lately, early等 outside, inside, upstairs, here, there, home, near, away, in, back, off, up, anywhere等 quickly, happily, loudly, suddenly, luckily, badly, easily, fast, again等 very, quite, rather, too, much, so等 when, where, why, how, how long, how soon, how often, how far等 when, where, why等 频率副词 often, always, sometimes, once, twice, usually, seldom等 七.同根副词

有些副词具有两种形式,一种是和形容词同形,还有一种是由该形容词加后缀-ly构成。这两种形式的副词在意思上的区别有以下3种情况: 1.含义相同:

两种形式的副词含义相同,在某些场合可以互换。 They sang loud/loudly in the house next to ours. The stars were shining bright/brightly. Marie held the baby tight/tightly in her arms. How slow/slowly the time passes!

He got the information direct/directly from the police. 2.含义不同:


high高 highly高度地 wide广阔地 widely广泛地,普遍地 deep深 deeply深刻地,深沉地 free免费地 freely自由地 close接近地 closely仔细地,严密地 hard努力地 hardly几乎不 late迟,晚 lately近来 near在附近 nearly几乎,差不多 most非常 mostly大多数

We are working hard to serve our country better in the future. He got up very late and hardly had time for breakfast. She always came home late. Lately I’ve had trouble sleeping.

The meeting went on in a most friendly atmosphere.

Your answers are mostly correct. = Most of your answers are correct. National Day is drawing near. I nearly fell into the river.

They were sitting close together on the couch. Watch him closely. 3.含义相似:


Look! The kite is flying high in the sky.

The teacher spoke very highly of her work.(高度评价) He opened the door wide.

English is widely used in the world.(广泛运用) When winter comes, frogs go deep into the mud. Her lies hurt my father deeply.(深深地)

Section 2 形容词和副词的位置 一.形容词的位置


Mr Smith is a successful businessman. 2.多个形容词修饰同一名词时的排列顺序:

(1)多个形容词修饰同一名词时,一般与被修饰的名词之间关系密切的形容词靠近名词。 (2)如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词放在前,音节多的放在后。 (3)通常情况下,它们的顺序大致遵循以下原则:“限定词(these,those)+数量词(second,three)+描绘性形容词(beautiful)(性质+状态)+大小、长短、高低(large,long,high)+形状+新旧(new,old)+颜色(red,green)+国籍(Chinese)+材料(wood)+用途(medical,writing)+名词”。

His small new black foreign car.他的那辆新的黑色的外国小汽车 [限定+大小+新旧+颜色+出处]

A unique Olympic torch replay 一次别开生面的奥运圣火接力传递 [限定+描述+出处+用途]

A fine old stone bridge 一座漂亮的旧石桥 [限定+描述+新旧+材料]

John Smith, a successful businessman, has a large white German car. 成功商人约翰?史密斯拥有一辆德国产的白色大轿车。 [限定+大小+颜色+国籍]

This is his big square old black Chinese writing desk. 这就是他的又大又旧的中国式方形