形容词和副词用法详解及练习(附答案)1 下载本文


教学目的:1. 掌握形容词和副词的比较等级用法;

2. 了解比较级和最高级前的修饰语和倍数的表达; 3. 能够识别常用形容词和副词的词义辨析;

4. 学会使用形容词作表语、定语的句法功能及其所构成的固定句型结构;



1.考查形容词和副词词义辨析。如:rather, still, such, surprised, surprising, therefore, though, too, very, yet等。

2.考查形容词修饰名词时的词序,即指示代词/不定代词+数词(序数词、基数词)+描绘性形容词(nice, good, interesting, beautiful等)+特征性形容词(大小、长短、高低、形状、年龄、新旧)+颜色形容词+国籍、出处+物质、材料+用途、类别+中心名词。


(1)倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as…; (2)倍数+the size/length/width/depth/height of…; (3)倍数+形容词或副词比较级+than+被比较对象。

4.考查与形容词和副词有关的习语结构。如: more than, not more than, no more than, less than, not less than, no less than, other than, rather than,nothing else than“仅仅, 只不过”,more than a little “非常,很”,more often than not “经常,在大多数情况下”,cannot(never, hardly)…too(enough)“无论……也不过分,越……越好”等。


形容词就其词形来说分为简单形容词和复合形容词。简单形容词是由一个字构成的,如:big, good, yellow, long等。 1.复合形容词的构成

单个形容词的构成比较复杂,考生要熟记常见的形容词的后缀(如:-able,-al,-en,-ful,-ish,-ous -y,-ly等等)。而复合形容词是有规律可循的。 1>.由一些名词加字尾构成形容词

规 则 例 词 use--useful有用的 beauty--beautiful美丽的 wonder--wonderful奇妙的 harm--harmful有害的 friend--friendly友好的 love--lovely可爱的 brother--brotherly兄弟般的 规 则 例 词 luck--lucky幸运的 rain--rainy多雨的 noise--noisy喧闹的 health--healthy健康的 名词+ful 名词+y 名词+ly comfort--comfortable舒适的 名词+able/ible value--valuable有价值的 expanse--expansible可扩展的 fool--foolish愚蠢的 self--selfish自私的 hope--hopeless没希望的 harm--harmless无害的 名词+less care--careless粗心的 use--useless无用的 2>.由一些动词加后缀构成形容词

规 则 动词+ant/ent 例 词 please--pleasant愉快的 differ--different不同的 名词+ish 规 则 动词+ive/ative 例 词 act--active活跃的 talk--talkative多嘴的 change--changeable变化的 agree--agreeable令人愉快的 response--responsible负责任的 tire--tiresome令人厌倦的 trouble--troublesome麻烦的 动词+able/ible change--changeable变化的动词+able/ible agree--agreeable令人愉快的 favor--favorite最喜爱的 动词+some 动词+ite 3>.复合形容词


规 则 形容词+名词-ed 形容词+形容词 形容词+现在分词 形容词(副词)+形容词 副词+现在分词 副词+过去分词

2.副词的构成 规 则 在形容词后加“ly” 将形容词的词尾 “le”变“ly” 词尾“y”变“i+ly” 特殊词 例 词 entirely curiously exactly fortunately attentively immediately comfortable—comfortably gentle—gently possible—possibly probable—probably busy—busily easy—easily heavy—heavily angry—angrily hungry—hungrily lucky—luckily happy—happily true—truly 例 词 kind-hearted dark-blue ordinary-looking wide-awake hard-working newly-built 规 则 名词+形容词 名词+现在分词 名词+过去分词 名词+(普通)名词 数词+名词-ed 数词+名词 例 词 world-famous peace-loving snow-covered English-language two-faced twenty-year 第二模块----课堂新授


Section 1 形容词和副词的用法 一.形容词和副词的句法功能 1.作定语:

形容词作定语一般位于被修饰词的前面;副词作定语多表示时间或地点,位于被修饰词的后面,如here, there, up, down, then, below, above, in, out等。

He has never seen such a more interesting film. My mother tells me a funny story. On our way home,we saw a traffic accident. The people here are very friendly to us.

通常情况下,副词作定语放在名词之后,若放在名词之前则被视为形容词。 the upstairs room [upstairs为形容词] the room upstairs [upstairs为副词] 2.作状语: 形容词作状语通常说明主语的情况,主要表示原因、结果或方式,可位于句首、句中和句末;副词作状语,修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和句子。

Hot and wet, you couldn’t imagine the climate here in summer. (表原因) The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. (表方式) She stared into the distance, speechless for a long time. (表伴随) My own position is rather different. (adv.修饰adj.)

Can you see the words clearly on the blackboard? (adv.修饰v.)

Fortunately, everything worked out all right in the end. (adv.修饰整个句子) 3.作表语:

形容词作表语,常位于连系动词be, feel, get, turn, become, prove, seem等之后;副词作表语,表示主语的方位、方向、动作和状态等。

Our teacher are strict with us in the study. The weather is getting colder and colder.

I have to be off now.

Sorry,Mr.Smith isn’t in.He is out. 4.作补足语:


The fish was caught alive. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile. He kept the fire on for a few minutes. 注意:副词主要用来作状语,只有少量的副词如:away,up,on,in,off,out等才可以用来作表语和宾语补足语。here,there可以用来作表语,还可以后置修饰名词用作定语。

有些表示地点、时间的副词还可以作介词的宾语。如:here和there可以与along, around, down, from, in等介词连用,但通常不与to连用(from here to there)除外,而表地点的副词abroad则只与from连用。 【练习】

①—Many a student has a ________ opinion of him. —But he is spoken ________ of by the leaders. A. bad; worse

B. badly; highly

C. bad; more

D. bad; better

【解析】答案为D 。have a bad opinion of sb.对某人评价不高;speak highly/well of sb.



②To their great relief, the missing child returned home, ______, after an absence of two weeks. A. felt tired and sound C. feeling tired but soundly

B. tiring and soundly D. tired but sound





