08 非谓语动词真题+模拟题(教师版)-高考英语语法突破真题精讲+课件 下载本文

非谓语练习集锦 【考点集训】

考点一 非谓语动词作宾语


1.(2019届云南玉溪一中二次调研,70)Now linguists are taking action to prevent this incredible cultural heritage from (disappear). 答案 disappearing

2.(2018河南郑州一次质检,67)In my mind, they're helping us to become calm and consider (win)and solving real problems as well. 答案 winning

3.(2018湖北黄冈元月调研,70)Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we fail (enjoy)the coffee. 答案 to enjoy

4.(2018湖北武汉2月调研,69)Aiming (carry)forward the spirit of peace, cooperation, openness and inclusiveness(包容)for shared benefits through concrete projects, the New Silk Road has already received a warm response from more than 60 countries and a number of international organizations. 答案 to carry Ⅱ.单句改错

5.(2019届甘肃兰州一中9月月考)He hopes create an environment for his students that is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. 答案 hopes后添加to

6.(2018河南中原名校五次联考)Mobile phone addicts can't help check their mobile phones all day, even when they are walking on the road. 答案 check→checking或help后加but

7.(2018福建福州3月质检)In the beginning, I wasn't used to talk to strangers. 答案 talk→talking

8. (2017山东临沂一模)You can make more friends from different parts of the country by serve them when working there. 答案 serve→serving

考点二 非谓语动词作定语

1.(2019届河南驻马店经济开发区高级中学一次月考,61)The Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai ethnic minority(少数民族) falls on April 13th to April 16th. It is the most important festival (observe) by the Dai people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province.

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答案 observed

2.(2019届山西新绛汾河中学一次月考,65)At the 41st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (hold) in Poland, Hoh Xil was approved as a new world heritage site, becoming the 51st world heritage site in China. 答案 held

3.(2018河北五个一联盟二次联考,64)This site reports science news (cover)a wide range of subjects. 答案 covering

4.(2018广东五校协作体一次联考,62)The museum, (locate)next to the Wuzhen scenic spot, covers an area of5,000 square meters. 答案 located

5.(2017江西九江一中月考,69) There are always lots of people in the street, and there is always something (see)or do. 答案 to see

考点三 非谓语动词作主语、表语

1.(2018湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学月考,46)The cart got (stick)in the mud, but the farmer made no effort to get it out. 答案 stuck

2.(2018山西长治二中等五校联考,69)His new idea was (make)the shell shapes on the roof into the shape of a ball.

答案 to make/making

3.(2017江西九江十校二次联考,69) But conservationists say that (make) ivory legal to sell would lead to even more illegal hunting. 答案 making

考点四 非谓语动词作状语


1.(2018河南郑州一中六次测试,47)But by 1955, the paintings were beginning to become difficult (see). 答案 to see

2.(2018河北衡水中学五次调考,43)She first came across this phenomenon while (research)North American children living in India. 答案 researching

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3.(2018江西宜春中学一次诊断,68) (compare)with the western medicine's high fees, TCM has a reasonable price that ordinary people can afford. 答案 Compared

4.(2018河北沧州质检,68)A total of 400,000 tons of steel were used in the project, equal to 60 times the steel used (build)the Eiffel Tower. 答案 to build Ⅱ.单句改错

5. (2019届广东中山一中二次统测)As is often the case, people tend to talk loud in public places annoyed others around.

答案 annoyed→annoying

6.(2019届甘肃民乐一中第一学期一诊)Known that our school is going to set up elective English courses, I'd like to give some advice. 答案 Known→Knowing

7.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模)We gathered at the Sunshine Square and gave out leaflets to passers-by, tell them the importance of environmental protection. 答案 tell→telling

8.(2018甘肃兰州二模)We were making dumplings together with the old, talking and laugh. 答案 laugh→laughing

9.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ) In addition, attracting by interesting topics, you are free to get involved in the weekly discussion. 答案 attracting→attracted

考点五 非谓语动词作补语

1.(2018湖南株洲质量检测Ⅰ,65)Apart from the massive size, it also has unmatched accuracy and sensitivity, allowing scientists (find)previously hidden stars. 答案 to find

2.(2018福建永春一中等四校联考Ⅰ,65)During the Qin dynasty,to keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shihuang had all the walls (join)up. 答案 joined

3.(2018湖南长郡中学五次月考,66)The robot is powered by a battery on its back, which can keep it (operate)for an hour. 答案 operating


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考点一 非谓语动词作宾语

1.(2018天津,12)I didn't mean (eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn't help trying it.

答案 to eat

2.(2017江苏,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help (shape) your year ahead. 答案 shape

3.(2016浙江,19)I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do (work)with students. 答案 working

4.(2014陕西,12)It's quite hot today.Do you feel like (go)for a swim? 答案 going

考点二 非谓语动词作定语

1.(2017天津,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting,as I had a train (catch). 答案 to catch

2.(2017北京,32)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time (spend) with his students. 答案 spent

3.(2016浙江,10)To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study (conduct)in Australia in 2012. 答案 conducted

4.(2016江苏,28)In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message (hide)within the work. 答案 hidden

5.(2015北京,23)The park was full of people, (enjoy) themselves in the sunshine. 答案 enjoying

6.(2014大纲全国,23)Today there are more airplanes (carry)more people than ever before in the skies. 答案 carrying

考点三 非谓语动词作主语、表语

1.(2018天津,8)It took him a long time (acquire) the skills he needed to become a good dancer. 答案 to acquire

2.(2018北京,3) (travel)along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.

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