AWL单词列表及练习 下载本文



AWL单词列表及练习 .............................................................................................................. 1 Sublist 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2 Sublist 2 ................................................................................................................................. 6 Sublist 3 ............................................................................................................................... 10 Sublist 4 ............................................................................................................................... 15 Sublist 5 ............................................................................................................................... 19 Sublist 6 ............................................................................................................................... 24 Sublist 7 ............................................................................................................................... 29 Sublist 8 ............................................................................................................................... 33 Sublist 9 ............................................................................................................................... 37 Sublist 10 ............................................................................................................................. 42


Sublist 1

* analyze [??n?laiz] vt.〈美〉分析, 分解, 解释

* constitute [?k?nstitju:t] vt.构成, 组成建立, 制定选定, 任命 * establish [is?t?bli?] vt.建立, 成立安置确定, 证实

* indicate [?indikeit] vt.标示, 指示, 指出象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性 * occur [??k?:] vi.发生; 举行; 存在被发现; 想到[起] * role [r?ul] n.作用, 职责角色

* approach [??pr?ut?] n.靠近, 接近, 临近通路, 入口, 途径方式, 方法 vt.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理 vt. & vi.接近, 走近, 靠近

* context [?k?ntekst] n.背景, 环境上下文, 语境

* estimate [?estimeit] n.估计, 估价报价判断 vt. & vi.估计; 评价, 评估 * individual [??ndi?vidju?l] adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的独特的 n.个人人 * percent [p??sent] n.百分比,百分数

* section [?sek??n] n.章节部分部门, 科截面, 剖面地区, 区 * area [???ri?] n.面积区域, 地区领域, 方面

* contract [k?n?tr?kt] n.契约, 合同 vt.缔结; 订契约 vt. & vi.染上(恶习, 疾病等)缩小; 紧缩

* evident [?evid?nt] adj.明显的, 明白的

* interpret [in?t?:prit] vt.解释; 说明 vt. & vi.口译; 翻译

* period [?pi?ri?d] n.(一段)时间时期, 时代学时, 课时句号, 句点 * sector [?sekt?] n.部门; 领域防御地区, 防卫区域扇形, 扇形面 * assess [??ses] vt.估价, 估计评定, 核定

* create [kri?eit] vt.创造, 创作, 创建引起, 产生

* export [eks?p?:t] n.输出, 出口输出[出口]物 vt. & vi.出口, 输出

* involve [in?v?lv] vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果; 需要使参与, 牵涉 * policy [?p?l?si] n.政策, 方针策略, 精明的行为, 上策保险单

* significant [siɡ?nifik?nt] adj.重要的, 重大的, 可观的有意义的, 有用意的意味深长的 * assume [??sju:m] vt.假设, 臆断, 猜想假装承担, 担任, 就职呈现, 采取 * data [?deit?] n.资料, 材料

* factor [?f?kt?] n.因素, 要素〈数〉因子, 因数

* issue [?isju:] n.问题, 议题; 争论点发行物放出, 流出; 发出, 发行〈正〉结果, 结局 vi.冒出, 流出; 传出 vt.出版, 发行发表, 发布分配, 发给

* principle [?prins?pl] n.原则, 原理准则, 规范操守, 道义工作原理 * similar [?simil?] adj.类似的; 同类的; 相似的; 同样的 * authority [?:?θ?riti] n.权力, 职权官方, 当局权威, 专家 * define [di?fain] vt.精确地解释; 界定规定, 确定

* finance [fai?n?ns] n.财政, 金融财源, 资金, 财务情况 vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动

* labour [?leib?] n.劳动, 努力; 工作劳工, 工人分娩, (分娩时的)阵痛 vi.劳动; 努力艰难行进

* proceed [pr??si:d] vi.前进; 行进进行; 继续下去

* source [s?:s] n.河流的源头, 发源地来源, 出处原因提供资料者, 资料来源


* available [??veil?bl] adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的, 可与之交谈的 * derive [di?raiv] vt. & vi.得到源于

* formula [?f?:mjul?] n.准则, 原则公式, 方程式配方 * legal [?li:ɡ?l] adj.法律上的; 合法的; 法定的

* process [?pr?uses] n.过程, 进程工序, 制作法 vi.列队行进 vt.加工; 处理

* specific [spi?sifik] adj.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的具体的, 特有的, 特定的仅限于…的; 只发现于…的 n.特效药具体方面, 细节

* benefit [?benifit] n.益处, 好处救济金, 保险金 vt. & vi.有益于, 得益 * distribute [dis?tribju:t] vt.分配, 分给散发; 散播; 分布

* function [?f??k??n] n.功能; 作用; 职责函数; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物社交集会 vi.工作, 运行, 起作用

* legislate [?led?isleit] vt. & vi.立法; 制定法律

* require [ri?kwai?] vt.有赖于…; 需要命令, 指示要求, 规定想要

* structure [?str?kt??] n.结构, 构造有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物 vt.组织; 安排; 构造; 制定

* concept [?k?nsept] n.概念; 观念; 想法

* economy [i?k?n?mi] n.节约, 节省经济体制, 经济状况

* identify [ai?dentifai] vt.认出, 识别支持, 同情 vt. & vi.等同于; 有关联 * major [?meid??] adj.较大的; 主要的; 严重的 n.少校专业; 主修科目 vi.〈美〉主修, 专攻

* research [ri?s?:t?] n.研究; 探讨 vi.做研究, 探究, 研究, 探讨 vt.从事…的研究, 为…而做研究

* theory [?θi?ri] n.学说理论, 原理意见, 看法 * consist [k?n?sist] vi.组成, 构成在于, 存在于

* environment [in?vai?r?nm?nt] n.环境, 周围状况, 自然环境 * income [?ink?m] n.收入, 所得, 收益

* method [?meθ?d] n.方法, 办法秩序, 条理

* respond [ri?sp?nd] vi.有反应; 有效果; 有影响 vt. & vi.回答; 回报; 响应

* vary [?v??ri] vi.呈现不同 vt. & vi.(使)变化, 改变

Exercise 填空练习,选择恰当的词填入句子中 contract legal period available similar analysis indicates research factor economy

1. He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Master's thesis. 2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _______________ limit of alcohol.

3. The culture of the United States is quite _______________ to that of Canada. 4. The Canadian _______________ is largely based on natural resources.

5. Environmental pollution seems to be an important _______________ in the increase in cancers all over the world.

6.The apartment will be _______________ on June first.

7. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a _______________ with a major record label.


8. Your continued lateness for class _______________ to me that you are not really a very serious student.

9. Living in Berlin during the _______________ when the Berlin Wall was torn down was an unforgettable experience.

10. Some _______________ into second language learning suggests that oral fluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol.

respond approached legislation financial environment benefit individual policy source created

11. The government is offering more programs which _______________ low income families.

12. She _______________ her boss about getting a raise.

13. Celebrities generally receive so much fan mail that it is impossible to _______________ to each and every letter personally.

14. Victoria is generally a safe and friendly _______________ for foreign students to study in.

15. My father's company has been experiencing some _______________ difficulties, so they are going to have to lay off some staff.

16. Many people the world over are urging governments to pass _______________ limiting the development of new cloning technologies.

17. In the past 5 years, this government has _______________ 15 new major parks in the province.

18. The refund _______________ at this store allows you to return items for a credit, but not for cash.

19. The main _______________ of jobs for teenagers in Victoria during the summertime is the tourist industry.

20. Do you believe that _______________ rights are more important than the collective rights of society?

data majority role interpretations establishment area formulating principles conceptualize specifically

21. Very young children _______________ ideas of depth, height and size in different ways from adults.

22. Guatemala is the only country in the world where American Indians are a _______________.

23. The _______________ of a U.N. peacekeeping force was supposed to reduce the number of conflicts internationally.

24. Varying _______________ of the Bible have resulted in the creation of many different religious groups within Christianity.

25. Penelope is hoping to play the _______________ of the nurse in \ 26. The oranguatan obviously spent a lot of time and effort _______________ his plan for escape from the zoo.

27. This is the first time that a political party has done advertising _______________ aimed at minority voters.


28. In April of 1978, Afghanistan's armed forces seized power, and established a government based on Islamic _______________.

29. There is a large play _______________ for the children near the entrance to the housing complex.

30. Analysis of _______________ is a difficult and complicated process

function consist estimate method involves proceed structure assess define section

31. We will use the first week of classes to _______________ your speaking ability.

32. The test will _______________ of a series of true or false questions and two essay questions.

33. Nick's job as a salesman _______________ a lot of travelling around the province. 34. The traditional family _______________ has undergone a great many changes in the last few decades, due to the increase in the divorce rate.

35. The _______________ of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body. 36. The grammar notes appear in the back _______________ of the book. 37. His _______________ for the renovations to our house was $2,250.

38. Attention passengers on flight 514 to Honolulu. Please _______________ to gate 33 where your plane is now boarding.

40. It can be quite difficult to clearly _______________ abstract ideas such as love or friendship.

sector process derive evidence constitute assume issues identifies occur theories

41. About 16% of Americans work in the manufacturing _______________.

42. Current _______________ trace our first human ancestor to Africa about 5 to 7 million years ago.

43. Bananas and coffee together _______________ almost 38% of Costa Rica's export earnings.

44. One can _______________ some important conclusions using the results of a proper set of experiments.

45. He doesn't have enough _______________ to support his theories just yet.

46. Our response to the controversial social _______________ of our time will determine our future.

47. The music which the world _______________ with Argentina is the music of the tango. 48. It will take a least a month to _______________ your application for a visa.

49. Many people seem to _______________ that Canadians are just the same as Americans.

50. Earthquakes _______________ in the world about once every hour.

income percent contextualize exportation various distribution significantly requirements labourer authorize

51. You have to _______________ the remark in the overall discussion to fully understand what was meant.


52. I'm not allowed to _______________ any purchases. You'll have to talk to my boss. 53. The _______________ of raw logs to Asia and the U.S. continues to be one of this province's most important industries.

54. Highly unequal income _______________ remains a serious problem in Brazil. 55. Denmark has the highest rate of _______________ tax in the world, at 68%. 56. Inflation has risen by less than 1 _______________ this year.

57. Obviously, one of the first _______________ to be a firefighter is that you be in excellent physical shape.

58. Her English improved _______________ after she got a Canadian boyfriend. 59. He works as a _______________ on a roadbuilding crew for the city.

60. This restaurant has a wonderful buffet with dishes from _______________ countries.

Sublist 2

* achieve [??t?i:v] vt.取得, 获得实现, 达到, 完成

* community [k??mju:niti] n.社区, 社会, 团体大众, 公众共有, 共享

* design [di?zain] n.图样, 设计图设计, 布局目的, 打算 vt.计划, 筹划 vt. & vi.设计, 绘制

* institute [?institju:t] n.协会, 学会; 学院, 研究院 vt.建立, 制定; 开始, 着手 * potential [p??ten??l] adj.潜在的, 有可能的 n.潜力, 潜势, 可能性 * restrict [ris?trikt] vt.限制; 约束

* acquire [??kwai?] vt.获得, 得到, 养成

* complex [?k?mpleks] adj.由许多部分组成的, 复合的复杂的, 难懂的 n.综合体, 集合体〈心〉情结, 夸大的情绪反应

* distinct [dis?ti?kt] adj.截然不同的, 完全分开的清晰的, 明白的, 明显的 * invest [in?vest] vt.授予 vt. & vi.投资; 花费

* previous [?pri:vi?s] adj.先前的, 以前的过早的, 过急的

* secure [si?kju?] adj.牢固的; 可靠的有把握的; 确切的 vt.握紧; 关牢使安全(使)获得; 把…弄到手

* administer [?d?minist?] vt.管理, 支配给予执行, 实施 * compute [k?m?pju:t] vt.计算, 估算

* element [?elim?nt] n.(化学)元素成分, 要素, 原件一伙人基础, 纲要, 原理 * item [?ait?m] n.一项, 一件, 一条; 项目

* primary [?praim?ri] adj.首要的; 主要的; 基本的最初的; 初级的 * seek [si:k] vi.企图; 试图 vt.请求, 征求; 求教 vt. & vi.寻找; 探寻 * affect [??fekt] vt.影响感动假装

* conclude [k?n?klu:d] vt.得出结论; 断定决定 vt. & vi.结束 * equate [i?kweit] vt.认为某事物(与另一事物)相等或相仿 * journal [?d??:nl] n.杂志, 期刊日志, 日记

* purchase [?p?:t??s] n.购买, 购置买到的东西 vt.购买

* select [si?lekt] adj.精选的, 挑选出来的限制性的, 选择严格的 vt.选择; 挑选 * appropriate [??pr?upriit] adj.适当的, 恰当的 vt.挪用; 占用; 盗用拨出(款项) * conduct [k?n?d?kt] n.举止, 行为管理(方式), 实施(方式) vt. & vi.引导, 带领, 担


任指挥控制, 管理传导

* evaluate [i?v?ljueit] vt.评价, 估计, 估价

* maintain [mein?tein] vt.保持; 继续保养, 维护坚持; 主张供给; 赡养

* range [reind?] n.一系列变化幅度, 范围射程, 距离(山)脉 vi.变化 vt.排列 * site [sait] n.位置, 场所, 地点 vt.使坐落在; 设置 * aspect [??spekt] n.方面方位, 朝向面貌, 模样, 神态 * consequent [?k?nsikw?nt] adj.作为结果的, 随之发生的

* feature [?fi:t??] n.特征, 特色面貌, 相貌特写, 专题节目(电影的)正片, 故事片 * normal [?n?:m?l] adj.正常的, 平常的正规的; 标准的 * region [?ri:d??n] n.地区; 地带; 区域; 范围

* strategy [?str?tid?i] n.战略学, 兵法战略, 策略策略, 计谋 * assist [??sist] vt. & vi.帮助, 促进

* construct [k?n?str?kt] vt.修建, 建立构成, 组成

* final [?fain?l] adj.最后的, 最终的决定性的, 确定性的 n.决赛(大学的)期终考试 * obtain [?b?tein] vi.通行; 流行 vt.获得, 得到; 买到 * regulate [?reɡjuleit] vt.控制, 管理调整; 调节

* survey [s??vei] n.调查 vt.眺望; 纵览测量; 勘察检查, 鉴定通盘考虑, 回顾 * category [?k?tiɡ?ri] n.种类, 类别

* consume [k?n?sju:m] vt.消耗, 消费, 耗尽大吃, 大喝烧毁, 毁灭

* focus [?f?uk?s] n.焦点, 焦距; 中心 vt. & vi.(使)集中, (使)聚集调整(镜头, 眼睛)焦点[焦距]以便看清

* participate [pɑ:?tisipeit] vt. & vi.参加, 参与 * relevant [?rel?v?nt] adj.有关的, 切题的

* text [tekst] n.正文, 本文原文, 全文教科书, 课本 * chapter [?t??pt?] n.章, 回, 篇

* credit [?kredit] n.赊购; 赊购制度存款; 存款数额借款; 贷款赞扬, 荣誉, 功劳信任, 相信学分 vt.相信, 信任把…记入贷方, 存入(账户)

* impact [?imp?kt] n.影响, 作用冲击(力), 碰撞 vt. & vi.对某事物有影响 * perceive [p??si:v] vt.感觉, 察觉, 理解 * reside [ri?zaid] vi.居住; 定居 * tradition [tr??di??n] n.传统惯例

* commission [k??mi??n] n.授权, 委托委员会佣金, 回扣 vt.委任, 委托

* culture [?k?lt??] n.文化休养, 教养, 精神文明养殖, 培养, 栽培 vt.培植, 培养 * injure [?ind??] vt.伤害, 损害

* positive [?p?zitiv] adj.确实的, 明确的积极的; 肯定的表现得有信心和有希望的, 确信的〈数〉〈电〉正的, 阳性的完全的; 纯粹的 n.〈语〉原级形容词确实; 正量, 正数正片

* resource [ri?s?:s] n.资源(必要时可给予)帮助、支持或安慰的事物才智; 机敏; 创造精神

* transfer [tr?ns?f?:] n.转移; 转让; 转录中转, 换乘, 改变路线 vt.转让 vt. & vi.转移; 迁移

achieve obtained computed instituted credit residents evaluated assist primary site

1. He _______________ a final mark of just over 80%.


2. If I can _______________ you in any way, please let me know. 3. We have to give her a lot of _______________ for our success.

4. The government is looking for a _______________ on which to build a new school in this area.

5. The _______________ reason he has done so well at school is that he works incredibly hard.

6. Firemen had to evacuate the elderly _______________ of a local nursing home after smoke was seen coming from one of the rooms.

7. If you want to _______________ real progress in your speaking skills, you need to speak English as often as possible while you are here.

8. The English Program has _______________ many changes over the years in an attempt to provide an increasingly better program.

9. The results of the poll have now been _______________, and will be distributed to the news media this afternoon.

10. Every employee's work performance will be _______________ on a yearly basis.

categories invest strategies purchased concluded resources features acquire culture participates

21. Malaysia's natural resources fall into three basic _______________: agricultural, mineral, and energy.

22. Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely _______________ a vocabulary of more than twenty words.

23. The bacteria _______________ that we examined under the microscope was actually quite beautiful to look at.

24. This company needs to _______________ in new machinery if it wants to survive. 25. Paul Nation has noted that the most successful second language students are those who use several different vocabulary learning _______________.

26. The landscape of our planet is dominated by _______________ formed by running water.

27. The American Psychological Association has _______________ that viewing violence on TV promotes aggressive behaviour in children.

28. Our company simply doesn't have the _______________ to take on a project of that size.

29. Everyone who _______________ in the run will receive a free T-shirt.

30. It is said that the island of Manhattan was _______________ from the native people of the area for about $24 worth of goods.

ranges survey administration conducted designer restrictions finalize perceive items chapter

31. The local _______________ of Greenpeace is protesting against water pollution in our area.

32. The Nike swoosh was created by an American _______________ in 1971 for $35. 33. Male Siberian tigers have home _______________ extending up to 1,000 square kilometres.


34. The short-term memory capacity for most people is between five and nine _______________ or numbers.

35. _______________ teams working in China have spent the past three years searching for signs of giant pandas in the wild.

36. The _______________ has decided that the only way to cut costs is by reducing the number of employees.

37. We hope to _______________ details of the agreement over the next couple of days. 38. The most important process in socialization is learning to _______________ one's acts from the standpoint of other people.

39. _______________ on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.

40. Only the most rigorously _______________ research can produce results which are truly meaningful.

commissioned journal distinct affected secure positive regions focus text consequences

41. He broke the law, and now he has to face the _______________ of his actions.

42. The local government has _______________ a study to see if it is worth trying to save some of the old historic buildings downtown.

43. Japan covers four _______________ climate zones, from the tropics of Okinawa to the snow country of the far north.

44. The results of the experiment were published in an important chemistry _______________.

45. Her brother has just tested _______________ for AIDS, so she is very upset.

46. You are trying to do too many things at once. It would be better to just _______________ on one thing in order to do it properly.

47. The professor's lecture just repeated what is written in our assigned _______________.

48. His job doesn't pay very well, but it is very _______________, so he doesn't really want to give it up.

49. The economy of Canada has been _______________ a great deal by the Asian economic crisis.

50. In some _______________ of Canada, winter lasts more than half the year.

consumes transferred aspect normal previous selected injury complex equated relevant

51. Patricia Chan has been _______________ to represent this company at the New York conference.

52. Politics are too _______________ for me to understand, and I don't even know who to vote for.

53. Teaching students to have realistic expectations is an important _______________ of second language instruction.

54. An adult grey whale _______________ about 1,100 kilograms of food per day.

55. Please ensure that you attach all the _______________ documents to your



56. The African continent is often _______________ with images of starving children, but many of the people there live quite comfortably.

57. The original inhabitants of New Zealand, the Maori, _______________ their history down the generations largely by word of mouth.

58. His knee _______________ prevented him from playing professional basketball.

59. Other than the fact that he was born with two heads, he is a fairly _______________ sort of guy.

60. On April 15th, 1865, American president Abraham Lincoln died after being shot in the head the _______________ night

Sublist 3

* alternative [?:l?t?:n?tiv] adj.两者择一的, 供替代的不寻常的, 非传统性的非正统的 n.取舍, 抉择, 可供选择的事物选择的余地, 可供选择的机会

* convene [k?n?vi:n] vt. & vi.召开, 召集 * emphasis [?emf?sis] n.强调, 重点

* interact [??nt?r??kt] vi.相互作用[影响], 互相配合 * philosophy [fi?l?s?fi] n.哲学人生哲学, 人生观达观 * sex [seks] n.性别; 性男性; 女性性关系性活动, 性行为

* circumstance [?s?:k?mst?ns] n.环境, 条件, 情况境遇, 经济状况

* coordinate [k?u??:dineit] adj.同等的, 并列的 n.〈数〉坐标 vt.使协调; 使调和 * ensure [in??u?] vt.确保, 担保担保获得[避免] * justify [?d??stifai] vt.证明…有理; 为…辩护

* physical [?fizik?l] adj.身体的, 肉体的物质的自然规律的, 按自然法则的自然(界)的物理学的 n.身体检查, 体格检查

* shift [?ift] n.转换, 转变轮[换]班轮班工人计谋, 手段切换键 vi.快速行进 vt. & vi.改变, 变换, 转移, 移动去掉; 摆脱掉换挡

* comment [?k?ment] n.评论, 意见, 解释, 批评 vt. & vi.评论; 谈论 * core [k?:] n.果核核心, 精髓, 要点

* exclude [iks?klu:d] vt.排除; 不包括在内 * layer [?lei?] n.层, 层次

* proportion [pr??p?:??n] n.均衡; 相称, 协调一物与他物在数量、大小等方面的关系; 比例部分; 份儿

* specify [?spesifai] vt.详述指定

* compensate [?k?mpenseit] vt. & vi.补偿, 报酬 * corporate [?k?:p?rit] adj.社团的, 法人的 * framework [?freimw?:k] n.构架; 结构

* link [li?k] n.环, 联系, 纽带 vt. & vi.连接, 联系 * publish [?p?bli?] vt. & vi.出版公布

* sufficient [s??fi??nt] adj.足够的; 充足的

* component [k?m?p?un?nt] n.成分, 组成部分, 部件, 元件 * correspond [?k?ris?p?nd] vi.相符合, 相一致相当, 相类似通信


* fund [f?nd] n.基金, 专款现款; 资金储备, 蕴藏 vt.为…提供资金, 给…拨款 * locate [l?u?keit] vt.找出, 指出(地点或位置) vt. & vi.(在…)设置, 坐落于 * react [ri??kt] vi.起反应; 有影响反对; 对抗 * task [tɑ:sk] n.工作; 任务; 差事

* consent [k?n?sent] n.准许, 同意, 赞成 vi.同意; 赞成 * criteria [kra??t??r??] n.标准

* illustrate [?il?streit] vt.给…加插图说明, 阐明; 表明

* maximise [?m?ksimaiz] vt.使(某事物)增至最大限度最大限度地利用(某事物)

* register [?red?ist?] n.登记(表), 注册(簿)记录器暖气, 调风器 vt. & vi.记录; 登记; 注册显出注意到, 记住

* technical [?teknik?l] adj.技术的; 应用科学的艺术的, 工艺的(指书等)要求有专门知识的, 使用术语的, 专业的

* considerable [k?n?sid?r?bl] adj.相当大(或多)的 * deduce [di?dju:s] vt.推论, 演绎 * immigrate [?imiɡreit] vi.移入

* minor [?main?] adj.较小的, 较少的, 低级的, 次要的 n.未成年人副修科目 * rely [ri?lai] vi.信任; 信赖; 依赖, 依靠

* technique [tek?ni:k] n.技巧, 手法, 技术技能

* constant [?k?nst?nt] adj.始终如一的, 恒久不变的不断的, 连续发生的忠实的, 忠诚的

* demonstrate [?dem?nstreit] vi.举行示威游行(或集会) vt.说明, 演示论证, 证明显示, 表露

* imply [im?plai] vt.暗示, 暗指必然包含

* negate [ni?ɡeit] vt.取消, 使无效否定; 否认

* remove [ri?mu:v] vi.迁移; 移居 vt.移走; 排除开除

* technology [tek?n?l?d?i] n.科技(总称); 工艺; 应用科学工业技术 * constrain [k?n?strein] vt.强迫, 强使; 限制, 约束

* document [?d?kjum?nt] n.公文, 文件, 文献 vt.证明记录, 记载 * initial [i?ni??l] adj.最初的, 开头的 * outcome [?autk?m] n.结果

* scheme [ski:m] n.阴谋, 诡计计划, 方案 vt. & vi.策划; 图谋

* valid [?v?lid] adj.正当的, 有充分根据的, 符合逻辑的有效的有法律效力的 * contribute [k?n?tribjut] vi.起促成作用 vt. & vi.捐献, 捐助, 贡献出撰稿, 投稿 * dominate [?d?mineit] vt.耸立于, 俯临 vt. & vi.控制, 支配, 统治在…中占首要地位

* instance [?inst?ns] n.例子, 实例

* partner [?pɑ:tn?] n.伙伴, 同伙, 合伙人, 股东同伴, 搭档配偶, 情人 vt.做…的搭档

* sequence [?si:kw?ns] n.有关联的一组事物, 一连串先后次序, 顺序, 连续 * volume [?v?lju:m] n.卷, 册, 书卷体积; 容积, 容量音量, 响度

alternative considerable fund documents minor tasks cores scheme proportion interact


1. He donated $50 to a _______________ to help victims of the fire.

2. International oil and cocoa prices have _______________ impact on the economy of Cameroon.

3. I have to go to my lawyer's to sign some _______________ relating to the sale of our house.

4. His injuries were relatively _______________, so he was released from the hospital within a couple of hours of being admitted.

5. The animal with the largest brain in _______________ to its size is the ant.

6. Songs and story books are a wonderful way for parents to _______________ with their children.

7. One of the most important _______________ in learning a foreign language is to get over one's fear of making mistakes.

8. The company that I work at has a _______________ to increase its sales without increasing its costs.

9. Faced with worsening health, and a doctor that didn't seem able to help him, Craig decided to try _______________ medicine.

10. Stars can exist only as long as energy continues to move from their _______________ to their surfaces.

sequence illustrates corporate dominated negated circumstances justified technical constant published

1. A car travelling at a _______________ speed of 100 kilometres per hour would take more than 48 million years to reach the nearest star.

2. In the 1530s, a printing press was set up in Mexico City, and the country's first newspaper was _______________ there in 1541.

3. Racist comments against others are totally unacceptable, no matter what the _______________.

4. A proper essay _______________ its ideas clearly and effectively.

5. We feel that animal testing should be reduced to a minimum and carefully _______________ in each case.

6. The increase in tax revenues has been _______________ by rising costs for the public health system.

7. Top _______________ executives are meeting today to urge the American government to lower taxes.

8. The Book of Genesis in the Bible deals with the _______________ of creation, as seen by the Christian religion.

9. All _______________ questions should be directed to the staff at the computer help desk.

10. For centuries, Korea was _______________ by its larger and more aggressive neighbours.


constraints immigrants commentary techniques reaction emphasizes sexual outcomes correspondence layers

1. Wearing _______________ of clothing will help you to keep warm in extreme cold conditions.

2. To prepare for an exam, try looking at old tests and analyzing what the professor _______________ in class.

3. Operations on animals helped to develop organ transplant and open-heart surgery _______________.

4. The DVD of the movie features a special _______________ by the director and the film's stars.

5. The boss has turned down our request to expand the Research and Development Department due to financial _______________.

6. He is a very rich and famous performer, but he still personally answers all his _______________ from his fans.

7. I have a lot of admiration for _______________ because I think it takes a lot of courage to move to a new country, and adapt to a new culture.

8. When using new vocabulary or expressions, be sure to watch for the listeners' _______________, in order to see if you are using the language properly.

9. Jokes of a _______________ nature are very common in almost every culture.

10. People usually take credit for actions which produce favourable _______________, but blame the situation when their actions are questionable or lead to failure.

compensate register link ensure shifted partner technology contributes imply criteria

1. The _______________ between smoking and cancer is too strong to ignore.

2. Much of the modern _______________ used today in wristwatches was developed in Switzerland.

3. He _______________ a lot of time and money to helping people with AIDS.

4. You'd better _______________ that everything the salesman promises is written into the contract.

5. The grizzly bear's amazing sense of smell helps _______________ for its poor eyesight. 6. Over time, the world's human population has _______________ from rural to urban areas.

7. My golf _______________ is really slow, so we had to let a number of people play through.

8. She didn't say she wanted to break up, but she certainly seemed to _______________ it when she said that it might be good for us to see other people.

9. Students in our program will be graded according to the _______________ described in the course outline.

10. You'd better _______________ for the course pretty soon before it fills up.


valid components locate convened philosophy initial exclude specify deduce relies

1. Psychologists have observed that most of the process of forgetting occurs soon after _______________ exposure.

2. We didn't have time to finish our discussion of the issue so an additional meeting will be _______________ tomorrow morning.

3. The various _______________ are manufactured by different suppliers around the world and assembled in our factory in Mexico.

4. My parking pass is only _______________ for another week.

5. The police say the evidence to this point does not _______________ the possibility that the victim was murdered.

6. Rescue forces have as yet been unable to _______________ the plane that crashed into the forest yesterday evening.

7. He doesn't have a car so he always _______________ on his friends to give him a lift when they go out.

8. Western _______________ was largely founded on the writings of Plato and Aristotle. 9. The detectives were able to _______________ valuable information about the killer through careful examination of the murder scene.

10. The television report stated that many people had died, but didn't _______________ the exact number.

framework maximize uncoordinated instances demonstrable consensus volume physical removable sufficiently

1. The class decided by _______________ what the consequences would be for lateness and absenteeism.

2. The big bang which created the universe filled the entire _______________ of the universe from the first moment.

3. I was always kind of _______________ as a kid, and hated playing sports because I did so badly.

4. Your thesis has a number of very serious and _______________ errors that need to be addressed.

5. A constitution provides the essential _______________ for orderly government, and for relations between people and their government.

6. Several _______________ of late deliveries resulted in a considerable loss of business for the store.

7. The ability of modern science to describe the internal structure of the moon is based on a variety of _______________ observations.

8. Forgetting material which is stored in long-term memory cannot be _______________ explained by the simple passage of time.

9. My son wants a pair of roller blades with _______________ wheels so they can double as shoes.


10. There are certain strategies you can utilize in order to _______________ your chances for success in school.

Sublist 4

* access [??kses] n.通道, 入口接近[取得]…的方法[权利等] vt.存取(计算机文件) * communicate [k??mju:nikeit] vi.通讯; 交际, 交流相连; 相通 vt. & vi.传达; 表达 * error [?er?] n.错误过失, 失误

* internal [in?t?:n?l] adj.内部的国内的, 内政的体内的

* parallel [?p?r?lel] adj.(指至少两条线)平行的类似的; 相对应的 n.平行线[面]极相似的人[事物]类似(点), 相似(之处)比较纬线, 纬圈 vt.与…平行; 与…相当

* resolve [ri?z?lv] vt.(指委员会或集会)表决解决(问题、疑问等)分解, 解析(某物) vt. & vi.决定; 决心

* adequate [??dikwit] adj.充分的, 足够的适当的, 胜任的

* concentrate [?k?ns?ntreit] vt.浓缩 vt. & vi.专心于; 注意集中, 聚集 * ethnic [?eθnik] adj.种族的, 部落的某文化群体的 * investigate [in?vestiɡeit] vt.调查; 审查

* parameter [p??r?mit?] n.(限定性的)因素, 特性, 界限〈物〉〈数〉参量, 参数 * retain [ri?tein] vt.保持; 保留止住; 容纳

* annual [??nju?l] adj.每年的, 年度的, 一年一次的 n.一年生植物年刊, 年报, 年鉴

* confer [k?n?f?:] vi.〈拉〉商谈, 商议 vt.授予, 赋予 * goal [ɡ?ul] n.球门进球得的分努力的对象, 目标 * job [d??b] n.职业, 职位(一件)工作职责, 责任

* phase [feiz] n.阶段, 时期(月亮、行星的)位相 vt.分阶段计划[安排] * series [?si?ri:z] n.连续的同类事物, 系列串联

* apparent [??p?r?nt] adj.显然的, 明白的, 清晰可见的表面上的, 貌似(真实)的 * contrast [?k?ntr?st] n.对比, 对照差异, 差别对照物, 明显的对比物 vt. & vi.对比, 对照

* grant [ɡrɑ:nt] n.补助金, 助学金, 津贴 vt.准许; 答应给予承认 * label [?leib?l] n.标签, 标记称号; 符号; 标示 vt.贴标签于把…列为 * predict [pri?dikt] vt. & vi.预言; 预测; 预示

* statistic [st??tistik] adj.统计的,统计学的 n.统计量

* approximate [??pr?ksimit] adj.近似的, 大约的 vt. & vi.近似, 接近 * cycle [?saikl] n.循环, 周期自行车, 摩托车 vi.骑自行[摩托]车 * hence [hens] adv.从此时起, 从此处因此, 所以

* mechanism [?mek?niz?m] n.机械装置构造, 机制办法, 技巧, 途径

* principal [?prins?p?l] adj.最重要的; 主要的 n.负责人, 校长资本, 本金被代理人, 委托人

* status [?steit?s] n.身份, 地位情形, 状况 * attitude [??titju:d] n.态度, 看法姿态, 姿势

* debate [di?beit] n.讨论, 辩论 vt. & vi.辩论, 争论 * hypothesis [hai?p?θisis] n.假说, 假设, 前提


* obvious [??bvi?s] adj.明显的; 显而易见的 * prior [?prai?] adj.优先的; 在前的; 较早的

* stress [stres] n.压力, 紧张强调, 重要性重力重音 vt.重读强调

* attribute [??tribju:t] n.属性, 特性 vt.认为…是; 归因于…认为某作品出自某人之手认为某事[物]属于某人[物]

* despite [dis?pait] prep.不管, 尽管

* implement [?implim?nt] n.工具, 器具, 用具 vt.使生效, 贯彻, 执行 * occupy [??kjupai] vt.占领; 占有使从事; 使忙于

* professional [pr??fe??n?l] adj.职业的, 专业的内行的, 有经验的有意的, 故意的 n.具有某专业资格的人, 专业人士内行, 专家专门职业者, 职业选手

* subsequent [?s?bsikw?nt] adj.随后的, 继…之后的

* civil [?sivl] adj.公民的, 平民的; 非军职的, 非宗教的; 国民间的, 民用的民事的, 民法的文明的, 有教养的

* dimension [di?men??n] n.尺寸, 度量方面, 部分规模, 程度 * implicate [?implikeit] vt.牵连, 涉及

* option [??p??n] n.选择(的自由)可选择的办法附件, 配件买卖选择权, 期权

* project [pr??d?ekt] n.项目, 计划, 方案, 课题 vt.规划抛; 投; 射 vt. & vi.伸出, 突出; 表达特点

* sum [s?m] n.总数, 总和金额算术 vt. & vi.合计总结, 归纳

* code [k?ud] n.法典, 法规, 章程密码, 电码代号, 编码 vt.将…译成电码 * domestic [d??mestik] adj.本国的, 国内的家庭的, 家用的驯养的 * impose [im?p?uz] vi.利用, 占便宜; 欺骗 vt.强迫, 强加课税, 惩罚 * output [?autput] n.产量输出, 输出功率

* promote [pr??m?ut] vt.提升, 提拔筹划, 发起, 创立推销〈正〉促进; 推动; 增进 * summary [?s?m?ri] adj.即刻的, 立即的匆忙的, 草率的概括的; 简要的 n.摘要, 概要

* commit [k??mit] vt.犯罪; 犯错承诺; 使自己受约束托付; 交付 * emerge [i?m?:d?] vi.出现; 显出; 暴露

* integrate [?intiɡreit] vt.使结合成为整体 vt. & vi.(使)融入

* overall [??uv?r?:l] adj.总体的; 全面的; 综合的全面考虑的 adv.大体上, 总的来说一切包括在内, 全部的 n.长罩衣工装裤; 工作裤

* regime [rei??i:m] n.政治制度, 政权, 政体

* undertake [??nd??teik] vt.担任, 承揽; 保证着手, 开始


status hence occupy attributed confer internal access promote domestic phase

1. There's something wrong with our Internet connection; I can't _______________ my e-mail account.

2. Karen _______________ the failure of her marriage to her husband's inability to accept her change from a mother to a businesswoman.

3. The airline has more than 100 _______________ flights a day.

4. The students were well-prepared for the exam, _______________ their high scores. 5. Children need something to _______________ their time; otherwise, they get bored.


6. The Russian president flew to Washington this morning to _______________ with the American president on the crisis developing in the Middle East.

7. Doctors and lawyers are high _______________ jobs in our society.

8. One of the goals of the United Nations is to _______________ respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

9. Most teenagers go through a _______________ in which they argue a lot with their parents.

10. The driver of the car suffered minor _______________ injuries from his seatbelt, but was otherwise okay.

stress emerged hypotheses adequate contrasted investigating options predict civil regime

1. The scientific method is the main tool used by psychologists for _______________ both the mind and behaviour.

2. Martin Luther King, Jr. devoted his life to fighting for the _______________ rights of black Americans.

3. In December 1978, a large Vietnamese army swept into Cambodia, and overthrew the _______________ of Pol Pot.

4. You have a number of payment _______________, including credit cards, Interac, personal cheques or cash in all major currencies.

5. My mom is under a lot of _______________ at work right now, so she gets angry for no reason.

6. The politician's statements before the election _______________ greatly with his actions once he was in power.

7. Athens _______________ as the political and cultural centre of Greece following the defeat of the Persians around 480 B.C.

8. Because of the traffic jam, it's hard to _______________ how long it will take to get to the airport.

9. About a quarter of the population of India is too poor to be able to afford an _______________ diet.

10. A number of different _______________ have been put forward to explain the rise in global temperatures.

implementation subsequently annually output cycles job coded principally unresolved erroneously

1. The information _______________ on DNA must be preserved for the survival of an organism.

2. Harvey is overweight _______________ because he doesn't ever do any exercise.

3. The remark was _______________ attributed to the president, but it was actually the minister of defence who made the comment.

4. Experts say that as many as 4.6 million people living in Ethiopia need food assistance _______________.


5. Jim Fox once remarked, \work a day in your life.\

6. The manufacturing _______________ of the tiny nation of Andorra consists mainly of cigarettes, cigars, and furniture.

7. The union and management have agreed on most issues, but the question of contracting out remains _______________.

8. While we sleep, we experience repeated _______________ of brain activity.

9. Independent for more than 300 years, Iceland was _______________ governed by Norway and Denmark until 1944.

10. Since the _______________ of the NAFTA agreement in 1994, Mexico's trade with Canada and the U.S. has tripled.

debate committed retain prior overall labels apparent ethnic sum implicated

1. The leaders of the two major political parties will have a _______________ on television tonight.

2. Police believe the murder was _______________ by two men who were known to the victim.

3. Asians are the fastest growing _______________ group in the United States.

4. It is quite _______________ to me that she is no longer in love with him; she just ignores him completely.

5. Most adults learning a second language will _______________ their native accent to some degree.

6. Without any _______________ experience as a waitress, it will be hard to find a job in a restaurant in this town.

7. Information on _______________ for products sold in Canada is written in both English and French.

8. My marks in math are a little low this semester, but _______________ I'm doing quite well.

9. The president himself has been _______________ in a scheme to buy votes in the upcoming election.

10. The _______________ of five plus five is ten.

summary series imposed despite parallel professional approximated mechanisms goals communicate

1. If you want to succeed, you need to set yourself some _______________, and then make plans on how to achieve them.

2. Studies suggest that over 60 percent of adults in this country believe it may be possible to _______________ with the dead.

3. I wasn't sure how many people would be coming to the company barbeque, so I just _______________.

4. When finished a meal in China, it is polite to place your chopsticks in _______________


across your dish or bowl.

5. There are generally no set hours for a working _______________; you work as much as is required to get the job done, and you're not paid for overtime.

6. When you write a _______________ of a newspaper article, you should give the essential information, and leave out minor details.

7. He jumped in the water to save the young girl, _______________ being unable to swim himself.

8. The government has _______________ a wage freeze for the next year in the public sector.

9. Eating is a requirement for living; therefore, there must be _______________ in the body and mind that make us hungry and interested in eating at regular intervals. 10. We listened to the first episode in the \World\soap opera _______________ in our language lab today.

concentrations grant parameters dimensions statistically attitude obviously integrated undertakes projections

1. The Serengeti National Park has among the greatest _______________ of wildlife on the African continent.

2. In February of 1996, Princess Diana of Wales announced that she would _______________ Prince Charles a divorce.

3. A Dutch proverb notes that he who _______________ many things at once seldom does anything well.

4. The _______________ of the oil find are even greater than originally predicted. 5. _______________, travelling by air is the safest means of transportation.

6. She really changed her _______________ once she understood how the others felt. 7. The head office is responsible for defining the _______________ which guide policy decisions at the local level.

8. Emile Durkheim hypothesized that the more _______________ individuals are into their society, the less likely they are to kill themselves.

9. Our sales _______________ for the next year anticipate a steady growth of at least 5%. 10. She is _______________ in love with him; she stares at him all the time.

Sublist 5

* academy [??k?d?mi] n.专科学校研究院, 学会

* consult [k?n?s?lt] vt.请教, 咨询; 找(医生)诊治翻阅, 查阅顾及, 考虑 vt. & vi.商议, 商量

* evolve [i?v?lv] vt. & vi.演变; 进化

* licence [?lais?ns] n.许可证, 执照许可, 特许放纵, 放肆

* orient [??:ri?nt] n.东方, 亚洲 vt.使熟悉, 使适应使朝向; 使确定位置

* style [stail] n.风格, 格调; 文体行为方式, 作风种类, 类型; 流行式样; 款式风度;


格调; 气派

* adjust [??d??st] vt. & vi.(改变…以)适应; 调整; 校正

* contact [?k?nt?kt] n.接触联系, 联络, 交往社会关系, 熟人, 门路触点, 接头 vt. & vi.联系

* expand [iks?p?nd] vt. & vi.使…变大, 扩大, 扩张伸展, 伸开, 张开, 展开 * logic [?l?d?ik] n.逻辑(学), 逻辑性推理方法合理的想法

* perspective [p??spektiv] n.远景, 景前途; 希望透视透视图观点, 想法 * substitute [?s?bstitju:t] vt. & vi.代替, 替换, 代用 * alter [??:lt?] vt. & vi.改变, 更改

* decline [di?klain] n.下降, 减少, 衰退 vi.(太阳)落下 vt. & vi.辞谢; 谢绝(邀请等) * expose [iks?p?uz] vt.曝光暴露; 显露揭露, 袒露

* margin [?mɑ:d?in] n.页边空白边, 边缘差数, 差额; 余地

* precise [pri?sais] adj.精确的, 准确的恰好的; 正是的周密的, 细密的, 精细的 * sustain [s??stein] vt.承受, 支撑维持长期保持; 使继续经受, 遭受 * amend [??mend] vt. & vi.改良; 修改, 修订 * discrete [dis?kri:t] adj.分离的, 不相关联的

* external [eks?t?:nl] adj.外面的, 外部的外观的, 表面的外国的 * medical [?medik?l] adj.医学的, 医疗的, 医术的内科的

* prime [praim] adj.首要的; 主要的; 基本的最好的, 第一流的 n.全盛时期 vt.使准备好, 使完成准备工作事先指导, 事先向…提供情况

* symbol [?simb?l] n.象征, 标志符号, 记号 * aware [??w??] adj.意识到的, 知道的

* draft [drɑ:ft] n.草稿, 草案, 草图汇票应召入伍者; 特遣队 vt.起草, 画草图, 草拟选派, 抽调征募, 征召…入伍

* facilitate [f??siliteit] vt.使便利, 减轻…的困难

* mental [?mentl] adj.精神的, 头脑的, 心理的, 智力的精神病的 * psychology [sai?k?l?d?i] n.心理学心理; 心理特点

* target [?tɑ:ɡit] n.(射击的)靶子(欲达到的)目[指]标(服务的)对象; (攻击的)对象 vt.瞄准某物

* capacity [k??p?siti] n.容量, 容积才能, 能力身份, 职位 * enable [i?neibl] vt.使能够; 提供做…的权利[措施]使可能

* fundamental [?f?nd??ment?l] adj.基本的; 重要的, 必要的 n.基本原则, 基本法则

* modify [?m?difai] vt.修饰 vt. & vi.修改, 更改

* pursue [p??sju:] vt.追捕, 追击追求继续; 从事, 经营 * transit [?tr?nsit] n.搬运; 载运; 运输

* challenge [?t??lind?] n.挑战, 邀请比赛怀疑, 质问艰巨的任务 vt.挑战质疑考验 * energy [?en?d?i] n.活力, 干劲, 能力精力〈物〉能, 能量, 能源 * generate [?d?en?reit] vt.生成, 产生引起, 导致

* monitor [?m?nit?] n.监视器, 监听器; 检测器(学校)班长; 纠察员 vt.监听, 监视监测, 检测

* ratio [?rei?i?u] n.比, 比率

* trend [trend] n.趋势, 倾向流行

* clause [kl?:z] n.从句(法律文件等的)条款


* enforce [in?f?:s] vt.实施, 执行强迫, 迫使

* generation [?d?en??rei??n] n.同时代的人, 一代人, 一代产生, 发生

* network [?netw?:k] n.网状物(电视与计算机)网络, 网状系统广播网, 电视网 * reject [ri?d?ekt] n.被拒货品, 不合格产品 vt.拒绝, 谢绝; 驳回舍弃, 排斥, 退掉 * version [?v?:??n] n.(个人对事件的)描述, 说法, 看法版本, 形式译本, 剧本

* compound [?k?mpaund] n.复合物, 化合物(筑有围墙的)院子, (围起来的)场地 vt.使混合, 使合成使严重; 使恶化

* entity [?entiti] n.实体, 独立存在体, 实际存在物

* image [?imid?] n.形象, 概念镜像, 影像, 图像印象酷似的人[物], 翻版比喻, 引喻, 明喻外形, 外表, 模样

* notion [?n?u??n] n.概念, 观念, 看法突然的念头, 奇想; 意图, 打算 * revenue [?rev?nju:] n.收入, 收益; 财政收入, 税收

* welfare [?welf??], 幸福, 繁荣福利〈美〉政府的福利(制度) * conflict [?k?nflikt] n.战斗, 斗争冲突, 抵触, 争论 vi.抵触, 冲突 * equivalent [i?kwiv?l?nt] adj.相等的, 相当的

* liberal [?lib?r?l] adj.心胸宽阔的, 无偏见的慷慨的, 大方的开放的; 主张变革的自由的, 不拘一格的 n.宽容大度的人自由主义者

* objective [?b?d?ektiv] adj.客观的; 不带偏见的 n.目标; 目的 * stable [?steibl] adj.稳定的; 安定的沉稳[持重]的 * whereas [hw??r??z] conj.但是, 而


entity declined logic facilitate academy stable network transit prime challenge

1. Learning a second language is a _______________, but with continued effort you can make continual progress.

2. You need to apply a proper system of _______________ to solve these problems. 3. A _______________ of volunteers is working to distribute food and blankets to the homeless on this cold, winter night.

4. One of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen is struggling to build a _______________ government, and a strong economy.

5. His parents sent him to a military _______________, because they thought he was getting a little too wild.

6. The purpose of the trade deal is to _______________ the exchange of goods between the two nations.

7. In the last 30 years, the average family size in Ukraine has _______________ from 5 members to 3.

8. Gander, Newfoundland is an important _______________ point for international flights.

9. Rents for _______________ office space in Central Tokyo are the highest in the world. 10. The Soviet Union as a political _______________ ceased to exist in the late 1980s.


generation discrete fundamental notions stylishly margin equivalent psychological clause adjusting

1. The hockey star had a _______________ inserted in his contract guaranteeing him 50% of his salary in the event that an injury ended his career.

2. Jack had difficulty _______________ to life on his own after his wife passed away.

3. In 1791, the U.S. Bill of Rights incorporated _______________ of freedom of speech, press, and fair trial into the new U.S. Constitution.

4. The instruction manual for the software breaks down the installation process into a series of _______________ steps.

5. Studies show that regular exercise promotes _______________ well-being.

6. One of the _______________ values of democracy is that all people should be treated as equals.

7. A 1995 vote in Ireland resulted in a _______________ of less than 1% in favour of removing the country's ban on divorce.

8. Americans today use four times as much energy as their grandparents' _______________ did.

9. Women will not be satisfied until their wages are _______________ to those of men doing the same kind of work.

10. It seems to me that the women in Montreal dress more _______________ than women here on the West Coast.

trend medically objectively redraft generates compounds pursuit substitution unalterable evolution

1. The contract has already been signed, and the conditions are _______________.

2. Now that we have more information, I think we should _______________ our original plan.

3. The _______________ of the thumb allowed human beings to become tool-makers. 4. The soldiers ran down the street in _______________ of the enemy.

5. Scientists say that since 1970 there has been a marked _______________ in the rise of global temperatures, due to global warming.

6. A nurse is not _______________ qualified to prescribe drugs.

7. Chemical analysis of chromosomes show that they consist of four basic _______________.

8. Our sun _______________ nuclear energy in its deep interior.

9. _______________ speaking, I would have to say that my son is not the best player on the team.

10. The _______________ of cream instead of milk in the recipe makes for a richer dessert.

sustain version mental ratio enabled images expand amended conflicts orient

1. Using a computer has _______________ me to do my work much more quickly and efficiently.


2. He has been able to _______________ his business through advertising on the Internet.

3. We need food and water in order to _______________ life.

4. It is important for children to learn how to resolve _______________ through discussion.

5. Your little brother told me a different _______________ of the fight that you had with him.

6. The university tennis club has _______________ its rules to allow players to wear grey or light brown clothing, rather than just white.

7. It will take a few days to _______________ you to the routine in our office. 8. Our handicapped 18-year-old son has a _______________ age of about 3.

9. One of the most important _______________ of the fall of communism in the 1980s was the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

10. Salad dressing is usually made with an oil to vinegar _______________ of 3 to 1.

welfare exposed modified symbol energy reject liberal consult perspective aware

1. He received a heart transplant, and had to take drugs for the rest of his life so that his body wouldn't _______________ it.

2. After working all day, she simply didn't have the _______________ to go out dancing in the evening.

3. Be sure to _______________ with your doctor immediately if your condition changes at all.

4. Only insects have true wings; other flying creatures, like bats and birds, fly using legs that are _______________ to be wings.

5. When Sam lifted up the rock at the beach, he _______________ many different kinds of sea animals living underneath.

6. Despite the fact that we are no longer consciously _______________ of the external world during sleep, our minds continue to actively process information.

7. People living in the urban areas of the country generally seem to have more _______________ views than those in the countryside.

8. The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new _______________ on life.

9. Denmark's social system is characterized by its extensive government _______________ measures.

10. Pb is the chemical _______________ for lead.

contact unlicensed target enforcement unmonitored whereas capacity revenue externally precisely

1. When giving a presentation in small groups, it is important to make eye _______________ with your entire audience.

2. According to the instructions, this medicine is to be used _______________ only. 3. My


parents were both in a serious car accident when they were in their early twenties, but my mother broke her neck, _______________ my father only received a few cuts and bruises.

4. The daycare centre was _______________ and did not meet the minimum safety and health requirements.

5. The head of the F.B.I. once observed that no amount of law _______________ can solve a problem that goes back to the family.

6. Tobacco brings _______________ to government in the form of taxes. 7. If left _______________, the children may hurt themselves.

8. Many living creatures are very _______________ adapted to particular ways of life. 9. The factory has increased its production _______________ by over 15% to meet the growing demand.

10. The country of Wales was long a _______________ for invaders from Rome, Normandy, and England.

Sublist 6

* abstract [??bstr?kt] adj.抽象的抽象派的 n.抽象, 抽象概念, 抽象性抽象派艺术作品摘要, 梗概 vt.提取, 抽取做…的摘要

* capable [?keip?bl] adj.有能力的, 有技能的

* exceed [ik?si:d] vi.(在数量、质量上)突出, 领先 vt.超过; 超越 * incidence [?insid?ns] n.发生率, 影响范围 * migrate [mai?ɡreit] vi.迁移; 移往 * recover [ri?k?v?] vi.恢复健康(体力、能力等) vt.恢复; 重新获得, 找回〈正〉恢复(适当的状态或位置)

* accurate [??kjurit] adj.精确的, 准确的正确无误的 * cite [sait] vt.引用, 举例表彰, 嘉奖传唤, 传讯

* expert [?eksp?:t] adj.专家的, 内行的, 熟练的 n.专家, 能手

* incorporate [in?k?:p?reit] vt.包含, 加上, 吸收把…合并, 使并入组成公司 * minimum [?minim?m] adj.最低的, 最小的 n.最低限度, 最小量 * reveal [ri?vi:l] vt.显示; 露出泄露; 透露

* acknowledge [?k?n?lid?] vt.承认, 供认告知已收到鸣谢, 感谢 * cooperate [k?u??p?reit] vi.合作; 配合, 协助

* explicit [iks?plisit] adj.详述的, 明确的, 明晰的直言的, 毫不隐瞒的, 露骨的 * index [?indeks] n.索引标志, 象征; 量度(物价或工资的)指数〈数〉指数, 幂 vt.给…编索引, 指示出

* ministry [?ministri] n.(政府的)部

* scope [sk?up] n.余地, 机会(处理、研究事务的)范围

* aggregate [??ɡriɡit] n.〈正〉数, 总计 vt.总计达… vt. & vi.(使)聚集

* discriminate [dis?krimineit] vi.歧视, 有差别地对待 vt. & vi.分别, 辨别, 区分 * federal [?fed?r?l] adj.联邦(制)的联邦政府的 * inhibit [in?hibit] vt.阻止; 抑制 * motive [?m?utiv] n.动机, 目的

* subsidy [?s?bsidi] n.补贴, 津贴, 补助金


* allocate [??l?keit] vt.分配, 分派把…拨给

* display [dis?plei] n.陈列, 展览陈列的货物、艺术品等 vt.陈列, 展览显示, 显露 * fee [fi:] n.费, 酬金

* initiate [i?ni?ieit] vt.开始, 着手传授; 使初步了解接纳新成员, 让…加入

* neutral [?nju:tr?l] adj.中立的, 不偏不倚的中立(国家)的暗淡的; 非彩色的(化学中)中性的不带电的 n.(汽车或其他机器的)空挡位置中立人士; 中立国

* tape [teip] n.带子录音磁带; 录像带 vt.用带子捆起来 vt. & vi.录音 * assign [??sain] vt.分配; 交给指派, 选派指定, 订出 * diverse [dai?v?s] adj.不同的, 多种多样的

* flexible [?fleks?bl] adj.易弯曲的, 柔韧的灵活的, 可变通的

* input [?input] n.输入, 投入〈电〉输入端输入的数据 vt.把…输入电脑 * nevertheless [?nev?e??les] adv.仍然, 然而, 不过 conj.尽管如此, 然而

* trace [treis] n.踪迹; 痕迹; 形迹极微的量 vt.追踪; 追溯发现; 找到描绘; 标出 vt. & vi.缓慢而困难地书写

* attach [??t?t?] vt. & vi.贴上; 系; 附上

* domain [d?u?mein] n.范围, 领域版图, 领土地产, 产业 * furthermore [?f?:e??m?:] adv.而且, 此外

* instruct [in?str?kt] vt.命令, 指示教, 指导通知

* overseas [??uv??si:z] adj.(在)海外的, (在)国外的(向或来自)外国的 adv.在[向]海外; 在[向]国外

* transform [tr?ns?f?:m] vt. & vi.改变

* author [??:θ?] n.著作家, 作者创造者, 创始人; 发起人

* edit [?edit] vt.剪辑(电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等) vt. & vi.编辑 * gender [?d?end?] n.〈语〉性

* intelligent [in?telid??nt] adj.聪明的; 理解力强的 * precede [?pri?si:d] vt. & vi.在…之前, 先于

* transport [tr?ns?p?:t] vt.运送; 流放使万分激动

* bond [b?nd] n.联系, 关系连接, 接合, 结合有息债券合同, 契约, 票据 vt.使粘结, 使结合

* enhance [in?hɑ:ns] vt.提高, 增加, 加强 * ignorant [?iɡn?r?nt] adj.无知的, 愚昧的 * interval [?int?v?l] n.间隔时间幕间休息

* presume [pri?zju:m] vi.冒昧地做某事; 错用自作主张, 放肆 vt.以为; 假定 * underlie [??nd??lai] vt.位于或存在于(某物)之下构成…的基础(或起因); 引起

* brief [bri:f] adj.短暂的, 短时间的简洁的, 简短的 n.概要, 摘要 vt.向…介绍基本情况, 作…的摘要

* estate [is?teit] n.土地, 地区庄园, 种植园地产, 财产; 遗产

* incentive [in?sentiv] n.激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机

* lecture [?lekt??] n.演讲; 讲课冗长的训斥[谴责] vt.责备, 教训, 训斥 vt. & vi.(向…)演讲; (给…)讲课

* rational [?r???nl] adj.神智清楚的理性的; 理智的; 合理的; 出于理性的 * utilize [?ju:tilaiz] vt.利用, 使用



tape abstract flexible incidence presumed cooperate attach instructed enhance ministered

1. Be sure you _______________ a recent photo to your passport application.

2. There has been a noticeable drop in the _______________ of crime in the area since the teen centre opened up.

3. If we all _______________, I'm sure we'll be able to finish on time.

4. It can be quite difficult to really define _______________ ideas, such as love or friendship.

5. My wife is quite _______________ because she practises yoga, and she does all these poses to stretch her muscles.

6. A group of volunteers _______________ to the needs of the victims of the tornado. 7. I _______________ she was talking to me because she was looking right at me when she said it.

8. The boss _______________ him to send the report out as soon as it was completed. 9. Reading in English is an excellent way to _______________ your vocabulary. tape abstract flexible incidence presumed cooperate attach instructed enhance ministered

10. We made a _______________ of our baby's first sounds to send to my parents.

accurate exceeding motivated incorporate authors furthermore intelligence discriminate trace rational

1. Tara was fined $75 for _______________ the speed limit.

2. The witness gave an _______________ description of the criminal - she even knew his eye colour!

3. Seeing the film about Guatemala _______________ Charlie to travel there during his holidays.

4. Perico is much more _______________ than Anatole, so his co-workers value his advice a lot more.

5. This new drug is able to _______________ between healthy cells and cancerous cells, and only attacks the cancerous cells.

6. The _______________ of the study hope their research findings will help prevent others from dying of the disease.

7. If you don't do your homework, you will get a zero, and _______________, you may be asked to leave the program.

8. It is difficult to measure the _______________ of dolphins, but we do know that they have very large brains.

9. Cars of the future will likely _______________ more than one type of fuel system.

10. Current scientific theories _______________ our first human ancestors to Africa about 5 to 7 million years ago.

expertise bonds acknowledging indexed interval transformation gender recovery neutralising display


1. Atoms form _______________ with each other by sharing or exchanging electrons. 2. Doctors believe my mother's quick _______________ from her illness was partly due to her desire to see her grandchildren again.

3. Studies show that almost all animal societies _______________ clear patterns of territorial, hierarchical, and sexual inequality.

4. Drinking milk is an effective way of _______________ the burning feeling caused by eating spicy food.

5. Our company has built up a great deal of _______________ in creating successful web-sites.

6. In 1215, Britain's King John was forced by his lords to sign the Magna Carta _______________ that free men are entitled to judgment by their peers, and that even a sovereign is not above the law.

7. The longest _______________ between the birth of two children on record is 41 years; a Welsh woman had a girl in 1956, and then a boy in 1997.

8. According to scientists, oysters can change from one _______________ to another and back again depending on which is best for mating at a given moment.

9. China has undergone an incredible economic _______________ in the last 20 years. 10. Books in the library are _______________ by author, title, subject, and key word.

aggregate inhibited revealed nevertheless explicit ignorant transported brief diverse lecture

1. I'm not really interested in history, but the lecture was quite interesting _______________.

2. A lot of people seem to be happily _______________ of the real threat of global warming.

3. Our chemistry _______________ was so boring today that I fell asleep in class.

4. Let's try to keep this discussion _______________; everyone is tired, and wants to go home.

5. African religions were brought to Cuba by the thousands of slaves _______________ to the island by the Spanish.

6. With Internet technology nowadays, photos and films of _______________ sex are just a mouse click away on the home computer.

7. The young woman was so shy that it _______________ her ability to make friends. 8. Just before she died, his grandmother _______________ to him that she had had a lifelong love affair with her neighbour.

9. Montreal has beaten Toronto three times this season, with an _______________ score of 10 - 6.

10. Canadian society today is quite culturally _______________, with immigrants from all over the world.

initiated federal domain preceding overseas allocate capable scope migrate incentive 1. I'm already at the top of my pay scale at work so I don't really have any economic


_______________ to work harder.

2. The human brain is _______________ of recording over 86 million bits of information daily.

3. The _______________ parliament in Canada consists of the House of Commons and the Senate.

4. Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed using different objects to make tools, a skill previously thought to be the exclusive _______________ of humans.

5. The language in the text is beyond the _______________ of all but those who are experts in the field.

6. James Watt _______________ the Industrial Revolution in 1769 with the invention of the steam engine.

7. Cancer cells can _______________ throughout the body and produce additional tumours.

8. After Cortez brought chocolate back from Mexico to King Charles V's royal court in 1528, it became a profitable industry for Spain, which planted cocoa trees in its _______________ colonies.

9. A plan has been outlined to _______________ a sizeable portion of the land under development to the construction of low-cost housing.

10. People dream an average of five times a night, and each subsequent dream is longer than the one _______________ it.

input edit utilized fees reassigned minimum estates citation subsidizes underlying 1. Old railway beds are now _______________ as bicycle paths in many cities.

2. Cultural insiders are often unconscious of the _______________ meanings of their own cultural categories.

3. The policeman was given a _______________ for bravery after saving a child from a burning car.

4. In December of 1972, the government of Uganda nationalized 41 foreign-owned farms and tea _______________.

5. The union is asking the teachers for their _______________ as to what they would like to see negotiated during the next contract talks.

6. With a computer, it is very easy to _______________ and update your documents. 7. The policeman has been _______________ to a desk job until the investigation into charges of brutality is complete.

8. In ancient China, doctors would only receive _______________ for their services if the patient stayed in good health.

9. A reasonable used car will cost you about $1,500, _______________.

10. Studies show that women's unpaid labour directly and indirectly _______________ men's paid labour.


Sublist 7

* adapt [??d?pt] vt.改编, 改写 vt. & vi.(使)适应, (使)适合

* contrary [?k?ntr?ri] adj.相反的, 相违的 n.相反, 反面, 对立面 * empirical [em?pirik?l] adj.以观察或实验为依据的 * identical [ai?dentik?l] adj.同一的

* phenomenon [fi?n?min?n] n.现象特殊的人[事物]

* submit [s?b?mit] vi.屈服, 认输 vt.提交, 呈递〈正〉建议, 主张, 申辩 * adult [??d?lt] adj.成熟的成年人的, 适宜于成年人的 n.成年的人或动物 * convert [k?n?v?:t] vt. & vi.(使)转变, (使)转化皈依, 改变(信仰) * equip [i?kwip] vt.装备, 配备使有能力, 使胜任 * ideology [?aidi??l?d?i] n.思想(体系), 思想意识 * priority [prai??riti] n.优先权, 重点优先考虑的事

* successor [s?k?ses?] n.接替的人或事物, 继任者, 继承人

* advocate [??dv?keit] n.提倡者, 拥护者辩护律师, 辩护人 vt.提倡, 主张 * couple [?k?pl] n.一对, 一双一些, 几个夫妻, 情侣 vt.连接, 联结, 联系

* extract [iks?tr?kt] n.摘录, 引用提炼物, 浓缩物 vt.(费力地)拔出, 抽出提取, 榨出 * infer [in?f?:] vt.推断, 推知

* prohibit [pr??hibit] vt.禁止; 阻止

* survive [s??vaiv] vi.幸存, 活下来 vt.比…活得长, 经历…之后还存在 * aid [eid] n.帮助, 援助, 救助助手, 辅助物, 辅助手段 vt.帮助, 援助 * decade [?dekeid] n.十年, 十年间

* file [fail] n.文件夹, 公文箱卷宗, 文件; 计算机文件纵列 vi.排成纵队前进 vt.把…归档提交(申请等), 呈递用锉锉

* innovate [?in?uveit] vi.改革, 创新

* publication [?p?bli?kei??n] n.发表, 公布出版, 刊行, 发行出版物, 书刊 * thesis [?θi:sis] n.论题, 命题, 论点论文, 毕业(或学位)论文 * channel [?t??nl] n.海峡通道; 水沟, 水渠渠道, 途径频道 * definite [?definit] adj.明确的, 确切的一定的, 肯定的 * finite [?fainait] adj.有限的, 有限度的〈语〉限定的

* insert [in?s?:t] n.添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图) vt.插入, 嵌入 * quote [kw?ut] vt.提到…以支持某论点报(价); 开(价) vt. & vi.引用, 援引 * topic [?t?pik] n.题目, 论题, 话题

* chemical [?kemik?l] adj.化学的 n.化学药品 * deny [di?nai] vt.否认知情拒绝

* foundation [faun?dei??n] n.建立, 设立, 创办基础, 基本原理, 根据地基基金(会) * intervene [??nt??vi:n] vi.干涉, 干预; 调解干扰, 阻碍

* release [ri?li:s] n.释放, 排放, 解除释放令公映的新影片, 发布的新闻[消息] vt.释放; 放开发布; 发行; 发售

* transmit [tr?nz?mit] vt.传播, 传染传导 vt. & vi.发射, 播送, 广播

* classic [?kl?sik] adj.(著作, 赛事等)最优秀的, (可作)典范的(病例等)典型的, 标准的(衣服, 设计等)传统式样的, 典雅的(因为时已久)著名的; 传统的 n.文豪, 大艺术家; 文学名著, 经典作品, 杰作优秀的典范


* differentiate [?dif??ren?ieit] vi.区别对待 vt. & vi.区分, 区别, 辨别 * globe [ɡl?ub] n.地球, 世界球体; 球状物地球仪 * isolate [?ais?leit] vt.使隔离, 使孤立, 使脱离

* reverse [ri?v?:s] adj.相反的, 颠倒的, 反向的 n.相反钱币的反面[背面]失败, 挫败 vt. & vi.(使)反转; (使)颠倒; (使)翻转推翻, 取消使倒退, 逆转

* ultimate [??ltimit] adj.最后的, 最终的基本的, 根本的最大的, 极限程度的 * comprehensive [?k?mpri?hensiv] adj.广泛的, 综合的

* dispose [dis?p?uz] vt.布置使愿意或准备做 vt. & vi.处理; 处置

* grade [ɡreid] n.(官阶、质量)等级, 品级, 阶段, 程度〈尤美〉 (考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级〈尤美〉 (学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面)〈美〉 年级; (按年级划分的)小学生

* media [?mi:dj?] n.媒体

* simulate [?simjuleit] vt.假装模仿, 模拟

* unique [ju:?ni:k] adj.独一无二的, 仅有的, 惟一的异常的, 特有的, 少见的 * comprise [k?m?praiz] vt.包含, 包括, 由…组成组成, 构成

* dynamic [dai?n?mik] adj.有活力的, 强有力的不断变化的动力的, 动态的

* guarantee [?ɡ?r?n?ti:] n.保证, 保障; 保证书; 保用期担保, 担保人担保品, 抵押品 vt.保证; 担保使(事情)可能发生

* mode [m?ud] n.方式, 样式样式, 风格

* sole [s?ul] adj.单独的, 惟一的专有的, 独占的

* visible [?viz?bl] adj.看得见的, 可见的, 有形的明显的, 可察觉到的 * confirm [k?n?f?:m] vt.证实, 证明; 肯定, 确认使巩固, 加强批准; 认可 * eliminate [i?limineit] vt.消除, 排除忽略淘汰〈口〉干掉 * hierarchy [?hai?rɑ:ki] n.等级制度统治集团, 领导层

* paradigm [?p?r?daim] n.(一词的)词形变化表范例; 样式; 模范 * somewhat [?s?mhw?t] adv.稍微, 有点, 达到某种程度 * voluntary [?v?l?nt?ri] adj.自愿的, 志愿的义务的, 无偿的 Exercise

isolated topics classics dynamic sole adapt couple prohibits finite identical

1. Disney's early cartoon features are now considered _______________ in the field of animation. 2. Victoria has enacted a new bylaw which _______________ smoking in all public buildings. 3. The better your English language skills, the more you are able to talk about difficult _______________.

4. _______________ twins develop from the equal division of a fertilized egg.

5. After the birth of her little brother, Sophie was shocked to find that she was no longer the _______________ object of her parents' affection.

6. The _______________ economy of the U. S. is the envy of the world.

7. Our oil and gas reserves are _______________, so we must take steps to develop alternative energy sources.

8. In April of 1932, after 5 years of research, an American science professor _______________ vitamin C.


9. It has taken my family a long time to _______________ to the cold of Canada. 10. I'll be ready in a _______________ of minutes.

eliminating publication ideology decades foundation comprehensive media adulthood transmitted somewhat

1. We need to do a _______________ review of the plan before putting any large amounts of money into the idea.

2. Capitalist _______________ does not necessarily have to mean that the poor are left entirely on their own.

3. When we are born, we have 300 bones, but by _______________, we have only 206.

4. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by _______________ one olive from each salad served in first-class.

5. Studies show that the world's governments spent $21,000 billion on the military in the three _______________ from 1960 to 1990.

6. Participation by the citizenry is the _______________ of democracy.

7. Author Stephen King's _______________ of his novel as a serialization on the Internet was a miserable failure.

8. She likes to mix different _______________, such as paint, plastic and sound in her art works. 9. The planet Mars has a surface which is _______________ similar to that of our moon. 10. The concert was _______________ by satellite to over 100 different countries.

submitted ultimate empirical quoted globe mode infer comprises definite advocate 1. Scientists estimate that hydrogen _______________ around 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the universe. 2. Scientific knowledge accumulates through _______________ observations of the world around us.

3. The first _______________ to show America was made in 1519.

4. The fastest _______________ of transportation in London is the Underground. 5. Personally, I do not _______________ the death penalty under any circumstances. 6. They were able to _______________ from her sad look that she didn't get the job.

7. Visiting the wreck of the Titanic on the ocean floor is the _______________ deep sea diving adventure.

8. The essay must be _______________ by the end of the month.

9. The mayor was _______________ in the newspaper as being against the proposal.

10. I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a _______________ answer until we have a bit more information.

graded unique successor denied paradigm innovative confirmed released equipped aid 1. Everest was not _______________ as the highest mountain peak on Earth until 1863.

2. A black bear was captured in the city and later _______________ in a forested area about 100 miles from here.

3. The apples have been _______________ according to size, colour and taste.


4. In many developing countries, girls are marginalized and disadvantaged, and are _______________ access to a quality education.

5. Seat belts are necessary even if your car is _______________ with airbags.

6. The new _______________ for a successful business is to encourage more input from the workers.

7. Boris Yeltsin prepared Vladimir Putin to be his _______________ as the leader of Russia. 8. Bennetton's _______________ advertising techniques brought them a great deal of attention, both positive and negative.

9. While penguins cannot fly, they do flap their wings under water to _______________ in swimming.

10. The meanings of _______________ symbols, rituals, and institutions can be difficult to explain to different cultures.

survived guarantee reverse channel phenomena visible inserting extracted differentiate contrary 1. In order to get an accurate reading of your temperature, you should close your mouth for a minute or so before _______________ the thermometer.

2. The ocean is just barely _______________ from our house.

3. You should learn some contextual clues to help you _______________ between the various parts of speech for English vocabulary which is unfamiliar to you.

4. Citric acid which is _______________ from fruits such as oranges and lemons can be used to make powerful cleaning products.

5. _______________ to popular belief, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis can actually be somewhat beneficial to your health.

6. We _______________ that if you're not completely satisfied with our product, you'll get your money back, no questions asked.

7. The boys were able to swim across the _______________ between the two islands in just under 30 minutes.

8. I didn't realize the car was in _______________, and I accidentally backed into the wall.

9. Science does not yet have all the answers to explain the _______________ of black holes in space.

10. She _______________ a car accident in which both her parents were killed.

prioritize conversion intervention simulations filed thesis voluntarily chemicals hierarchical disposable

1. In Vietnam, the emperor Bao Dai _______________ gave up his throne to show his support for that nation's independence.

2. A study done a few years ago discovered that women's _______________ razors are more expensive than men's, even though the only difference is colour.

3. The _______________ notions of the traditional culture clash with the democratic principles of increasing numbers of the population.

4. The _______________ of Eastern European factories into modern facilities since the fall of


communism has been an expensive process.

5. Nicaragua _______________ a claim against Honduras in 1999 over a disputed maritime boundary.

6. You have a lot of different things to do in this job, so it is important to _______________ your tasks to make sure the most important things are done first.

7. In Hungary in 1956, a revolt and announced withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact were met with a massive military _______________ by the Soviet Union.

8. Many people feel that scientific tests could be done using computer _______________ instead of live animals.

9. Greg is defending his _______________ this Thursday.

10. In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so full of oil and _______________ that it actually caught fire.

Sublist 8

* abandon [??b?nd?n] n.放任; 纵情 vt.离弃, 丢弃遗弃, 抛弃放弃 * clarify [?kl?rifai] vt. & vi.使清楚; 澄清 * deviate [?di:vieit] vi.偏离; 越轨

* induce [in?dju:s] vt.引诱, 劝导〈正〉引起, 导致

* plus [pl?s] adj.正的比所示数量多的附加的, 称心的, 有利的 n.加号, 正号 prep.(表示包容)外加; 另有(表示运算)加, 加上(表示数目)在零(度)以上, 正

* tense [tens] adj.拉紧的肌肉绷紧的神经紧张的 n.〈语〉(动词的)时态 vt.(使某人或某物)变得紧张

* accompany [??k?mp?ni] vt.陪伴, 陪同伴随…同时发生伴奏 * commodity [k??m?diti] n.商品, 货物有用的东西 * displace [dis?pleis] vt.替换, 取代移走

* inevitable [in?evit?bl] adj.不可避免的, 必然发生的〈非正〉总会发生的, 照例必有的, 惯常的

* practitioner [pr?k?ti??n?] n.习艺者, 实习者从业者(尤指医师) * terminate [?t?:mineit] vt. & vi.结束; 使终结 * accumulate [??kju:mjuleit] vt. & vi.堆积; 积累

* complement [?k?mplim?nt] n.补充, 互为补充的东西需要的或允许的数额补足语 vt.补足, 补充

* drama [?drɑ:m?] n.戏剧, 剧本戏剧文学[艺术]戏剧性事件[场面] * infrastructure [?infr??str?kt??] n.基础设施; 基础结构 * predominant [pri?d?min?nt] adj.占主导地位的, 显著的 * theme [θi:m] n.主题, 主旨, 题目

* ambiguous [?m?biɡju?s] adj.引起歧义的; 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的 * conform [k?n?f?:m] vi.遵守, 符合顺应, 一致

* eventual [i?ventju?l] adj.(事件)最终发生的; 结果的 * inspect [in?spekt] vt.检查, 检验视察

* prospect [?pr?spekt] n.景象, 景色前景; 前途可能成为主顾的人; 有希望的候选人 vi.勘探; 勘察


* thereby [?e??bai] adv.由此; 因而 * append [??pend] vt.附加

* contemporary [k?n?temp?r?ri] adj.当代的同时代的, 同属一个时期的 n.同代人, 同龄人

* exhibit [iɡ?zibit] n.展览品, 陈列品在法庭提出的证物 vt.显示, 显出 vt. & vi.陈列; 展览

* intense [in?tens] adj.强烈的, 剧烈的; 极端的热情的, 热切的紧张的, 认真的 * radical [?r?dik?l] adj.根本的, 基本的; 彻底的, 完全的激进的, 激进派的 * uniform [?ju:nif?:m] adj.全都相同的, 一律的, 清一色的 n.制服

* appreciate [??pri:?ieit] vt.感激, 感谢欣赏, 赏识, 重视意识到, 体会 vt. & vi.(使)增值, 涨价

* contradict [?k?ntr??dikt] vt.与…发生矛盾, 与…抵触 vt. & vi.反驳, 否认…的真实性

* exploit [iks?pl?it] n.业绩, 功绩, 功勋, 事迹 vt.开采; 开发剥削 * manipulate [m??nipjuleit] vt.熟练控制[操作]

* random [?r?nd?m] adj.任意的; 无计划的(统计)随机的 * vehicle [?vi:?kl] n.交通工具, 车辆传播媒介, 手段

* arbitrary [?ɑ:bitr?ri] adj.随意的, 主观的专横的, 独断专行的 * crucial [?kru:??l] adj.决定性的, 紧要关头的 * fluctuate [?fl?ktjueit] vi.波动, 涨落, 起伏

* minimise [?minimaiz] vt.把…减至最低数量[程度]对(某事物)作最低估计; 极力贬低(某事物)的价值[重要性]

* reinforce [?ri:?n?f?:s] vt.增强; 加强

* via [?vai?] prep.(表示方式)通过(某人), 凭借(某种手段)(表示关涉)经由, 经过 * automate [??:t?meit] vt. & vi.(使)自动化

* currency [?k?r?nsi] n.通货, 货币流通, 通用, 流行 * guideline [?ɡaidlain] n.指导方针, 准则

* nuclear [?nju:kli?] adj.核的, 原子核的使用或生产核能的 * restore [ri?st?:] vt.归还; 交还使恢复修复; 重建

* virtual [?v?:tju?l] adj.实质上的, 事实上的, 实际上的 * bias [?bai?s] n.偏见, 偏心, 偏袒 vt.使倾向于

* denote [di?n?ut] vt.为…的符号; 为…的名称指示; 指出

* highlight [?hailait] n.最精彩的部分, 最重要的事情 vt.强调, 突出, 使显著 * offset [??fset] vt.抵消, 补偿

* revise [ri?vaiz] vt.修订, 修改 vt. & vi.复习 * visual [?vi?u?l] adj.视觉的, 看得见的

* chart [t?ɑ:t] n.图表航海图唱片的每周流行榜 vt.绘制地图, 在图上标出跟踪; 记述

* detect [di?tekt] vt.发现; 发觉, 查明

* implicit [im?plisit] adj.不言明[含蓄]的无疑问的, 绝对的 * paragraph [?p?r?ɡrɑ:f] n.段落短篇报道

* schedule [??edju:?l] n.时间表, 日程安排表清单, 明细表 vt.排定, 安排 * widespread [?waidspred] adj.分布广的; 普遍的, 广泛的



uniform predominant revising minimize complements arbitrarily induced abandoned exhibits denotes

1. Greenwich was _______________ established in 1884 as longitude 0 degrees.

2. Aristotle believed that the heavenly bodies moved only in circular orbits at a _______________ speed.

3. Ginger really _______________ the flavour of the vegetables in a stir fry.

4. English is the _______________ language in two of the six inhabited continents.

5. Careful planning can help to _______________ the damage which may occur during an earthquake.

6. The Royal British Columbia Museum features beautiful _______________ of native Indian artwork.

7. The house has looked _______________ since the Bates family moved away 2 years ago. 8. We cannot always anticipate the ways in which natural systems will adjust to changes _______________ by the activities of modern society.

9. A longer nail on the baby finger of a Chinese man often _______________ a background of wealth and privilege.

10. We are _______________ the report to include additional information received in the last couple of weeks.

conform vehicle automated nuclear exploit prospects detecting inevitable accompanied scheduled 1. Northcote Parkinson once suggested that the chief product of an _______________ society is a widespread and deepening sense of boredom.

2. _______________ regularities in behaviour through observation is an important part of the scientific method as applied in the field of psychology.

3. It was _______________ that Sam would be fired because he was always coming to work late and leaving early.

4. The vast majority of people in this world _______________ to the values and traditions of their own particular culture.

5. The _______________ family is becoming the standard in more and more countries of the world.

6. Bicycles are the most popular _______________ on the planet, with over a billion riders worldwide.

7. The wind was _______________ by a mixture of snow and rain.

8. His _______________ for finding a better job are much greater now that he has a bit of experience.

9. Final exams have now been _______________ for the last week of June.

10. The development of tools increases people's capacity to _______________ their environment.

accumulates fluctuating radical offset contemporary tense biased infrastructure via deviated 1. When sampling a population, researchers may end up with an unrepresentative or


_______________ sample unless the proper precautions are taken.

2. The countries of Eastern Europe went through some fairly _______________ changes after the fall of communism.

3. Most students feel _______________ before the speaking test.

4. The value of the Canadian dollar has been _______________ between 80 and 82 cents American for the last few months.

5. When she was 6 years old, Josie decided to become a doctor, and she never once _______________ from the pursuit of that goal.

6. Despite its high economic growth rate, Laos remains a country with a primitive _______________; it has no railroads, a simple road system, and limited external and internal telecommunications.

7. The U.S. government has promised a large aid package to _______________ the cost of repairing the damage caused by the war.

8. The Vancouver Art Gallery has an excellent exhibit of paintings by _______________ Canadian artists.

9. Scientific knowledge _______________ through empirical observations of the world around us. 10. They flew to Japan _______________ Hawaii.

random inspected contradict paragraph guidelines terminate chart virtual displaced ambiguous 1. His answer to our question was somewhat _______________, so I don't really know what he's going to do.

2. The results of his experiment seem to _______________ the findings of earlier studies. 3. We are doing a reading course at school that lets us _______________ our progress.

4. Dating, mating and the sexual act are all governed by rules and _______________ which are specific to a given culture.

5. Tourism has _______________ fishing as this province's principal source of revenue. 6. Summarize the main idea of each _______________ in your own words.

7. The young woman decided to _______________ her pregnancy when she realized that her boyfriend had no intention of helping her raise the child.

8. Restaurants must be _______________ on a regular basis to ensure standards of cleanliness are met.

9. A big shopping mall is a _______________ heaven for my teenage daughter.

10. Some psychologists believe that dreaming is simply a consequence of _______________ activity in the brain.

highlighted visually clarify intense reinforces crucial theme dramatically plus appended 1. Let me _______________ what I meant by putting it another way. 2. The media often _______________ stereotypes regarding minorities.

3. The number of young people starting smoking dropped _______________ when the government raised taxes on cigarettes by over 10%.

4. There are over 20 pages of grammar notes _______________ to the dictionary.

5. The twin attributes of language and culture have been _______________ in enabling the human


species to adapt to a wide range of conditions and environments.

6. Four people have died in the _______________ cold which has hit Southern Ontario and Quebec this past weekend.

7. Peace is the dominant _______________ in Islam; peace with Allah, with one's soul, with family and friends, and with all living creatures.

8. The ability to speak a foreign language is a real _______________ in today's job market. 9. Crocodiles and alligators sometimes communicate _______________ through body language. 10. The opposition leader's speech _______________ the need for an increase in health care spending in our province.

thereby currency commodity eventually practitioner implicit appreciable manipulated widespread restoration

1. In the dry country of Botswana, the name of the national _______________, the pula, means \

2. Uruguay has neither coal nor petroleum in _______________ quantities.

3. In 1660, the English parliament called for the _______________ of the monarchy, and invited Charles II to return from France.

4. In modern society, men generally have primary responsibility for _______________ production.

5. His wife works as a massage _______________ in a medical office downtown.

6. Solon, the ruler of Attica (639-559 B.C.), made it illegal to export figs out of Greece, _______________ making sure there were plenty available for his own citizenry.

7. Indonesians traditionally believe that everyone will _______________ get married, so even a 60-year-old man, when asked if he is married, will answer \

8. In 1739, nearly 500,000 people died in Ireland due to the _______________ crop failure of potatoes.

9. Easily _______________ and exploited, children are often forced into serving as soldiers in some countries.

10. _______________ in the government's agreement to reduce taxes for the company is a promise to provide more jobs for local workers.

Sublist 9

* accommodate [??k?m?deit] vt.容纳向…提供住处使适应, 顺应 * commence [k??mens] vt. & vi.〈正〉开始

* duration [dju??rei??n] n.持续, 持续的时间, 期间

* mature [m??tju?] adj.成熟的, 成年人的深思的; 慎重的 vi.成熟, 长成

* preliminary [pri?limin?ri] adj.初步的, 预备的, 开端的 n.准备工作, 初步行动 * sphere [sfi?] n.球(体)(兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域 * analogy [??n?l?d?i] n.类似, 相似类推, 类推法

* compatible [k?m?p?t?bl] adj.可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的


* erode [i?r?ud] vt. & vi.侵蚀, 腐蚀

* mediate [?mi:dieit] vi.调停, 调解, 斡旋 vt.居间促成

* protocol [?pr?ut?k?l] n.礼仪; 外交礼仪(外交条约的)草案, 草约; (尤指)议定的条款, 议定书

* subordinate [s??b?:dinit] adj.级别或职位较低的, 下级的次要的, 附属的 * anticipate [?n?tisipeit] vt.先于…行动预感, 期望 * concurrent [k?n?k?r?nt] adj.同时存在(发生、完成)的 * ethic [?eθik] n.道德规范,伦理

* medium [?mi:dj?m] adj.中等的, 适中的 n.媒介, 手段, 方法, 工具折中, 中间物生活条件, 环境通灵的人

* qualitative [?kw?lit?tiv] adj.定性的, 性质(上)的; 质量的 * supplement [?s?pliment] n.补遗, 补编 vt.增补l * assure [???u?] vt.使相信; 使确信保险

* confine [k?n?fain] n.界限, 范围 vt.限制; 局限于禁闭; 管制; 关起来 * format [?f?:m?t] n.设计, 安排格式, 样式, 版式 vt.使格式化, 编排格式 * military [?milit?ri] adj.军事的, 军用的; 军人的 n.军人; 军队, 武装力量

* refine [ri?fain] vt.精炼; 精制; 使纯净使文雅高尚; 使去掉粗俗言行; 使变得完善 * suspend [s??spend] vt.暂停, 终止悬, 挂, 吊 * attain [??tein] vt. & vi.实现, 达到, 得到 * controversy [?k?ntr?v?:si] n.公开辩论, 论战 * found [faund] vt.创办, 成立; 建立

* minimal [?minim?l] adj.〈正式〉最小的; 极少的 * relax [ri?l?ks] vt. & vi.(使)轻松(使)松弛; 放宽 * team [ti:m] n.队, 组 vi.(与某人)一起工作, 合作 * behalf [bi?hɑ:f] n.方面, 利益, 赞同

* converse [k?n?v?:s] adj.相反的, 逆的 n.逻辑上的事物; 反面说法 vi.交谈, 谈话 * inherent [in?hi?r?nt] adj.固有的; 内在的

* mutual [?mju:t?u?l] adj.相互的, 彼此的共同的, 共有的 * restrain [ris?trein] vt.抑制, 遏制; 管制, 克制, 约束 * temporary [?temp?r?ri] adj.临时的, 暂时的, 短时间的

* bulk [b?lk] n.(巨大)物体, (大)块, (大)团主体, 绝大部分 vt. & vi.变得越来越大(或重要)

* device [di?vais] n.装置, 设备, 器具手段, 策略

* insight [?insait] n.洞察力, 洞悉, 深刻的见解领悟, 顿悟 * norm [n?:m] n.标准, 规范准则, 行为模式

* revolution [?rev??lu:??n] n.革命彻底改变, 重大变革旋转; 运行, 公转 * trigger [?triɡ?] n.(枪)扳机 vt.引发, 引起(连锁反应) * cease [si:s] vt. & vi.停止, 终止, 结束

* devote [di?v?ut] vt.把…奉献(给), 把…专用(于) * integral [?intiɡr?l] adj.构成整体所必需的

* overlap [??uv??l?p] n.重叠的部分 vt. & vi.部分重叠

* rigid [?rid?id] adj.刚硬的; 僵硬的; 不弯曲的严格的; 死板的; 不变的 * unify [?ju:nifai] vt.使联合, 统一使相同; 使一致

* coherent [k?u?hi?r?nt] adj.条理清楚的, 连贯的; 前后一致的


* diminish [di?mini?] vt. & vi.(使)减少; 缩小减弱…的权势 * intermediate [??nt??mi:dj?t] adj.中间的; 中级的

* passive [?p?siv] adj.被动的; 消极的; 不抵抗的冷漠的, 不关心的 * route [ru:t] n.路, 路途, 路线, 路程

* violate [?vai?leit] vt.违反, 违背亵渎侵犯, 妨碍 * coincide [?k?uin?said] vi.同时发生相符, 一致 * distort [dis?t?:t] vt.歪曲, 曲解扭曲, 使变形

* manual [?m?nju?l] adj.用手的, 手工的 n.手册, 指南 * portion [?p?:??n] n.一部分, 一份 vt.把…分成份额, 分配

* scenario [si?nɑ:ri?u] n.(电影、戏剧等的)剧情说明; 脚本(行动的)方案, 纲要; (对可能出现的情况的)描述, 推测

* vision [?vi??n] n.视力, 视觉想像(力), 幻想, 幻觉, 梦想 Exercise

found diminish route bulk norm concurrent team accommodate mature qualitative 1. The _______________ of India's thriving movie industry is based in Bombay.

2. The little boy forgot to deliver a newspaper to one of the houses on his _______________, so he had to go back after supper.

3. He was really disappointed after his _______________ lost the game 10 - 1. 4. My grandfather helped _______________ this company over 75 years ago.

5. With people having fewer kids these days, the local school can easily _______________ all the children in the area.

6. Human speech is a vast _______________ expansion over animal communication systems. 7. Cooking and freezing do not _______________ the spicy heat of a hot pepper.

8. Kate is only 7 years old, but she is very _______________ for her age, and is often mistaken for a 10-year-old.

9. Falling to sleep to the sounds of bombs and gunfire has become the _______________ for many children living in war-torn countries.

10. The murderer is serving two _______________ life-sentences.

temporary scenarios confines refined ceased mediate distort analogy overlapping inherent

1. Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males _______________ names; these names were changed later as the boys developed character and showed courage in manhood.

2. In March of 1848, Niagara Falls _______________ flowing for the first time in recorded history, when an ice jam in the Niagara River caused the water to stop moving.

3. Vehicles may be closer than they appear in your car mirrors because the glass used to make these mirrors can _______________ your view.

4. The gas that surrounds a star acts as a blanket that _______________ the star's internal heat. 5. After having a fight with the boss, Kareem asked one of the other managers to _______________ their dispute.

6. Inequities of wealth and power were _______________ features of the traditional Chinese state. 7. Isaac Newton _______________ Kepler's model of planetary motion, but did not perfect it.


8. The management team looked at a number of different _______________ for how the company could expand over the next five years.

9. Men and women live out their lives in social worlds that are separate at some points and _______________ at others.

10. When my students worry that they aren't improving, I use the _______________ of my children's growth: I'm not aware of how much they've grown because I see them every day, but friends who see them infrequently certainly notice the change.

relaxation unanticipated controversial medium duration triggers passively incoherent sphere insightful

1. The more he drank, the more _______________ his speech became.

2. My mother practised some _______________ techniques to help her deal with the pain she suffered as a result of having cancer.

3. When studying for a test, it is important to review actively, not _______________.

4. English is used as a _______________ of instruction in more and more countries around the world.

5. Research suggests that a common cold will delay a child's growth for the _______________ of the illness.

6. During our book club meeting, Joan made a number of _______________ comments that really helped me to understand the novel better.

7. Research has shown that sex, angry outbursts, and strenuous tennis are among the _______________ identified as responsible for 17 percent of all heart attacks.

8. Throughout history, men have increasingly assumed dominance in the public _______________.

9. We often discuss _______________ topics in class because these topics always get people thinking.

10. Your budget should include a certain percentage for _______________ costs.

unified erode coincide integral military restrain converse assure subordinate portion 1. Airline seat sales rarely _______________ with peak travel times.

2. Heavy rainfall in mountainous areas can _______________ large zones in a short time.

3. The children _______________ with their mother in Japanese, and with their father in French. 4. The Internet has become an _______________ part of many companies' advertising campaigns nowadays.

5. China was _______________ under the Qing dynasty in 221 B.C.

6. I'm sorry I'm late with my homework. I _______________ you, it won't happen again. 7. Feminism seeks to change the traditionally _______________ position of women.

8. I put a _______________ of my salary into a savings account each month to use for our summer vacation.

9. In some countries, young men have to do 1 or 2 years _______________ service beginning around the age of 18.

10. Grace grabbed her friend by the arm to _______________ him after someone tried to start a fight with him in the bar.


violates preliminary commencing minimal intermediate device supplement ethics revolution attained

1. The winning car in the race _______________ speeds in excess of 200 kilometres per hour. 2. In geological terms, Mars represents an _______________ phase in planetary development which is transitional between a body like our moon and a planet like Earth.

3. Forty percent of the world's population lack access to even the most _______________ of toilet facilities.

4. Based on the _______________ findings of the study, researchers now say that the disease is quite different from what they had originally suspected.

5. Handicapped residents of the housing complex receive a _______________ to help with rent costs.

6. Sales tax in this province will be increased _______________ next month. 7. Hospitality is an important part of the Nigerian code of _______________.

8. Psychologists label behaviour as abnormal if it _______________ accepted standards of society.

9. In 1876, a spokesman for Western Union suggested that the telephone was a _______________ of no value.

10. Since Neptune's discovery in 1846, it has made about three-quarters of one _______________ around the sun.

rigidity manually format behalf devoted protocol mutually incompatible vision suspension

1. Mahatma Gandhi once said that honesty is _______________ with the making of a large fortune.

2. More than 10% of Kenya's total land area is _______________ to national parks and wildlife reserves.

3. We'll need to change the _______________ of our presentation, because they don't have the software to support a presentation of this kind in the meeting room.

4. George Orwell wrote that people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their _______________.

5. Belief in religion requires a _______________ of rational thought which I am not prepared to make.

6. There are numerous dialects spoken in Madagascar, but they are all _______________ understandable.

7. The _______________ of these structures makes them vulnerable to cracks in the event of an earthquake.

8. The accepted _______________ that one is expected to follow when there is an ambulance approaching is to pull over to the side of the road, and stop.

9. We need someone who has a _______________ of where this company should be headed for the future.

10. They _______________ moved over a ton of rock from their back yard to make a garden.


Sublist 10

* adjacent [??d?eis?nt] adj.邻近的

* enormous [i?n?:m?s] adj.巨大的, 极大的, 庞大的

* odd [?d] adj.奇怪的; 古怪的单的奇数的临时的余下的; 零头的 * albeit [?:l?bi:?t] conj.尽管, 即使

* forthcoming [f?:θ?k?mi?] adj.即将到来的现成的, 唾手可得的 * ongoing [??n?ɡ?ui?] adj.继续进行的; 不断前进[发展]中的 * assemble [??sembl] vt.装配, 组合 vt. & vi.集合, 收集

* incline [in?klain] n.斜坡, 斜面 vt. & vi.(使)倾斜, (使)偏向(使)认为, (使)倾向 * panel [?p?n?l] n.专门小组面; 板控制板, 仪表盘

* collapse [k??l?ps] n.倒塌, 崩溃 vi.倒塌, 塌下崩溃, 突然失败 * integrity [in?teɡriti] n.正直; 诚实, 诚恳完整, 完全, 完善 * persist [p??sist] vt. & vi.坚持, 固执 * colleague [?k?li:ɡ] n.同事, 同僚

* intrinsic [in?trinsik] adj.固有的, 内在的, 本质的

* pose [p?uz] n.姿势, 姿态装腔作势, 伪装 vt.提出 vt. & vi.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现

* compile [k?m?pail] vt.收集; 编辑, 编制

* invoke [in?v?uk] vt.援引, 援用; 行使(权利等)祈求救助恳求; 乞求 * reluctance [ri?l?kt?ns] n.不愿意;勉强

* conceive [k?n?si:v] vt. & vi.想出, 构想, 设想怀孕 * levy [?levi] n.征收; 征税 vt.征收(税收等) * so-called [?s???k?:ld] adj.所谓的,号称的 * convince [k?n?vins] vt.使相信; 使明白

* likewise [?laikwaiz] adv.同样地, 照样地也, 又

* straightforward [streit?f?:w?d] adj.(人或其态度)正直的, 坦率的; 老实的简单的; 易懂的

* depress [di?pres] vt.压下; 推下; 拉下使愁苦; 使沮丧使跌价; 使萧条 * nonetheless [?n?ne??les] adv.虽然如此,但是 * undergo [??nd??ɡ?u] vt.经历, 承受

* encounter [in?kaunt?] n.突然遇到 vt.遇到, 遭遇偶然碰到, 邂逅

* notwithstanding [?n?twiθ?st?ndi?] adv.尽管如此; 仍然; 然而 prep.(表示让步)〈正〉尽管

* whereby [hw???bai] adv.靠那个; 凭那个; 借以


nonetheless adjacent invoking conceive straightforward pose collapsing inclined ongoing encounter

1. Firefighters had to abandon their efforts to fight the fire, because the building was in danger of _______________.

2. If you _______________ a bear while hiking, the best thing to do is to back away quietly.


3. There is a beautiful little park _______________ to the house we're going to buy.

4. I usually find that Jasper doesn't really know what he's talking about; however, I'm _______________ to agree with him on this point.

5. By _______________ a clause in the contract guaranteeing a fixed price, management was able to avoid paying for the increase in fuel costs. r

6. I didn't need any help. The instructions were pretty _______________.

7. American politician Jesse Jackson once said, \my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.\

8. I lost the game, but I told myself that I had improved a lot _______________.

9. She was offered over a million dollars to _______________ nude in a magazine, but she refused.

10. There is an _______________ dispute between the two countries regarding fishing rights off the coast.

enormous integrity undergo panel colleagues albeit notwithstanding convincing reluctant levy

1. Back trouble _______________, Henderson had his best game of the season.

2. Janet and I were _______________ when I worked in the Department of National Defence.

3. He sent his girlfriend an _______________ bunch of flowers on her birthday.

4. The premier announced an additional _______________ on gasoline to pay for road maintenance.

5. She made a profit, _______________ a very small one, on her first investment in the stock market.

6. The students gave a _______________ argument for doing their presentations in groups rather than individually.

7. After the news tonight, we'll hear from a _______________ of experts on the effects of the government's new legislation.

8. _______________ in your business dealings means that you consider the needs of your client before your desire to make a profit.

9. In the past, many companies were _______________ to hire women professionals because they feared the women would quit when they got married.

10. Any animals brought into the country must _______________ a thorough examination to make sure they are not bringing any disease with them.

so-called likewise intrinsically disassembly whereby oddly depression compilation forthcoming persistence

1. Oliver, usually the biggest talker, was _______________ silent at yesterday's meeting. 2. Since 1951, 67,500 nuclear missiles have been built, of which 8,750 are currently active, and 1,250 are awaiting _______________.

3. Scientists have found chocolate has a chemical that helps fight _______________. 4. His wife is taking some silly course in this _______________ institute where they claim to teach people to read minds.


5. Research into second language learning suggests that _______________ is one of the most important learning strategies.

6. His latest album is a _______________ of some of his personal favourite, though lesser-known songs.

7. My boss told me that additional funds for the project would be _______________ within a few days.

8. The two countries have come to an agreement _______________ they will share the revenues from oil discovered in the disputed territory.

9. I believe that people are _______________ good, but may become bad due to a difficult childhood.

10. If you ever need any help, give me a call, and _______________, if I need some assistance, I'll let you know.