(пαê)2019-2020ѧÄê¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï Unit 1 Cultural relics Sect ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.


(1)amaze vt. (2)amazed adj. be amazed at/by sth. be amazed to do sth. (3)amazement n. in amazement to one's amazement ʹ³Ô¾ª£»¾ªÑÈ ¾ªÆæµÄ£»¾ªÑ鵀 ¶Ô¡­¡­¸Ðµ½¾ªÑÈ Òò×öijʶø¸Ðµ½¾ªÑÈ ¾ªÑÈ£¬³Ô¾ª£»¾ªÒì ¾ªÆæµØ ÁîijÈ˾ªÑȵÄÊÇ ¢ÙIt's an amazing experience for the students to listen to the lecture given by the famous scientist.

¶ÔÄÇЩѧÉúÀ´Ëµ£¬ÌýÕâλÖøÃû¿Æѧ¼ÒµÄÑݽ²ÕæÊÇÒ»´ÎÁîÈ˾ªÆæµÄ¾­Àú¡£ ¢ÚI am amazed to see(see) her great progress in studies. ¿´µ½ËýѧϰÉÏÈ¡µÃºÜ´ó½ø²½£¬ÎÒ´óΪ¾ªÆæ¡£

¢ÛTo my amazement(amaze)£¬I found several babies swimming in a pool with the help of their mothers.

ʹÎÒ³Ô¾ªµÄÊÇ£¬ÎÒ·¢ÏÖÓм¸¸öÓ¤¶ùÔÚËûÃÇÂèÂèµÄ°ïÖúÏÂÔÚÓ¾³ØÀïÓÎÓ¾¡£ [Ãûʦµã½ò]




To his amazement£¬we were not amazed at/by his amazing achievements.

ÈÃËû¸Ðµ½³Ô¾ªµÄÊÇ£¬ËûµÄÁîÈ˳ԾªµÄ³É¾Í²¢Ã»ÓÐʹµÃÎÒÃÇ´óΪ³Ô¾ª¡£ select vt. ÌôÑ¡£»Ñ¡Ôñ

(½Ì²ÄP1)The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.

Ñ¡³öÀ´µÄçúçêÉ«²ÊÑÞÀö£¬³ÊÏÖ·äÃÛÒ»ÑùµÄ»ÆºÖÉ«¡£ select...as/to be... select sb.to do sth. select sth.for sb. select from... ÌôÑ¡¡­¡­×÷Ϊ¡­¡­ ÌôѡijÈË×öijÊ ΪijÈËÌôѡijÎï ´Ó¡­¡­ÖÐÌôÑ¡ ¢ÙWe selected him as/to be our monitor because he was very responsible. ÎÒÃÇÑ¡Ëûµ±ÎÒÃǵİ೤£¬ÒòΪËûºÜ¸ºÔðÈΡ£

¢ÚSimon has been selected to make a speech at the opening ceremony. Î÷Ãɱ»ÍÆÑ¡³öÔÚ¿ªÄ»Ê½ÉÏÖ´ǡ£

¢ÛAfter a long walk£¬we selected a good place for our camp. ×ßÁ˺ܳ¤µÄ·ºó£¬ÎÒÃÇÑ¡ÁËÒ»¸ö¶ӪµÄºÃµØ·½¡£

¢ÜDaff was selected from the whole class to go(go) on the trip. ´ï·ò±»´ÓÈ«°àͬѧÖÐÑ¡³öÀ´È¥²Î¼ÓÕâ´ÎÂÃÐС£ design n. Éè¼Æ£»Í¼°¸£»¹¹Ë¼


(½Ì²ÄP1)The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. çúçêÎݵÄÉè¼Æ²ÉÓÃÁ˵±Ê±Á÷ÐеıðÖµĽ¨ÖþʽÑù¡£ (1)by design£½ on purpose (2)be designed to do sth. be designed for (3)designer n. ¹ÊÒâµØ£¬ÐîÒâµØ Ä¿µÄÊÇ×öijÊ£»±»Éè¼ÆÓÃÓÚ×öijÊ ´òËã×÷¡­¡­Óã»Îª¡­¡­¶øÉè¼Æ Éè¼ÆÕߣ»Ä±»®Õß ¢ÙWe must make it clear whether it happened by accident or by design.ÎÒÃÇÒ»¶¨Òª¸ãÇå³þÕâ¼þʵ½µ×ÊÇÅöÇÉ·¢ÉúµÄ»¹ÊÇÓÐÈ˹ÊÒâΪ֮¡£

¢ÚAs far as I know£¬the course is designed for beginners.¾ÝÎÒËùÖª£¬ÕâÃſγÌÊÇΪ³õѧÕßÉè¼ÆµÄ¡£

¢ÛThe programme is designed to help(help) the orphans.ÕâÏî¼Æ»®µÄÄ¿µÄÊÇΪ¹Â¶ùÌṩ°ïÖú¡£

decorate vt.×°ÊΣ¬×°ÐÞ

(½Ì²ÄP1)It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels£¬which took the country's best artists about ten years to make.


(1)decorate...with... (2)decoration n. Óá­¡­×°ÊΡ­¡­ ×°ÊΣ»×°ÊÎÎï ¢ÙThe girl decorated her room with pictures of her favourite stars. ÄǸöÅ®º¢ÓÃ×Ô¼º×îϲ»¶µÄÃ÷ÐǵÄÕÕƬװÊÎÁË·¿¼ä¡£

¢ÚDuring National Day£¬all the streets were decorated (decorate) with colourful flags£¬flowers and balloons.


¢ÛShe put some decorations (decorate) on the Christmas tree. ËýÔÚÊ¥µ®Ê÷ÉÏ·ÅÁËһЩװÊÎÆ·¡£ belong vi.ÊôÓÚ£»Îª¡­¡­µÄÒ»Ô±

(½Ì²ÄP1)However£¬the next King of Prussia£¬Frederick William ¢ñ£¬to whom the amber room belonged£¬decided not to keep it.

È»¶ø£¬ÏÂһλÆÕ³ʿ¹úÍõ£¬ëèÌØÁÒ¡¤ÍþÁ®Ò»ÊÀ£¬Õâ¸öçúçêÎݵÄÖ÷ÈËÈ´¾ö¶¨²»ÒªËüÁË¡£ (1)belong to (2)belongings n. ÊôÓÚ£¬ÊÇ¡­¡­µÄÒ»Ô± ²Æ²ú£»ËùÓÐÎÇ×ÆÝ ¢ÙDon't take things that don't belong to you. ²»ÒªÄò»ÊôÓÚÄãµÄ¶«Î÷¡£

¢ÚChina is a developing country belonging to the third world. ÖйúÊǸö·¢Õ¹Öйú¼Ò£¬ÊôÓÚµÚÈýÊÀ½ç¡£

¢ÛHaving sold most of his belongings (belong)£¬he almost had nothing left in the house.

ËûÒѾ­ÂôµôÁ˴󲿷ֲƲú£¬·¿×ÓÀXºõʲô¶¼Ã»ÓÐÁôÏ¡£ [Ãûʦµã½ò]

belong toÓ÷¨Á½×¢Òâ

belong toÖеÄtoÊǽé´Ê£¬¸Ã¶ÌÓï¼È²»ÄÜÓÃÓÚ±»¶¯Óï̬£¬Ò²²»ÄÜÓÃÓÚ½øÐÐʱ̬£»×÷ºóÖö¨Óïʱ£¬ÐÎʽΪ¡°...belonging to¡±¡£

in return×÷Ϊ±¨´ð£»»Ø±¨

(½Ì²ÄP2)In return£¬the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. ×÷Ϊ»ØÔù£¬É³»ÊÔòË͸øËûÒ»¶Ó×Ô¼º×îºÃµÄÊ¿±ø¡£ in return for in turn ×÷Ϊ¶Ô¡­¡­µÄ±¨´ð ÒÀ´ÎµØ£»ÂÖÁ÷µØ£»·´¹ýÀ´£»×ª¶ø ¢ÙTheory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. ÀíÂ۵Ļù´¡ÊÇʵ¼ù£¬·´¹ýÀ´ÓÖΪʵ¼ù·þÎñ¡£

¢ÚIn return£¬she received a sense of satisfaction and achievement. ×÷Ϊ»Ø±¨£¬ËýÊÕ»ñÁËÂú×ãºÍ³É¾Í¸Ð¡£

¢ÛHe didn't expect anything in return for his help. Ëû°ïÖúÈ˲¢²»ÆÚ´ýÈκλر¨¡£ remove vt.Òƶ¯£»°á¿ª

(½Ì²ÄP2)Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace£¬the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room.

ÔÚÄÉ´â·Ö×Óµ½´ïÏŬ֮ǰ£¬¶íÂÞ˹ÈËÖ»ÄÜ°ÑçúçêÎÝÀïµÄһЩ¼Ò¾ßºÍС¼þÒÕÊõÆ·°á×ß¡£ remove from... remove...from... remove into... remove sth.to... remove one's doubt/trouble ´Ó¡­¡­ÉϰῪ ´Ó¡­¡­ÉϳýÈ¥/ÒÆ×ß/È¥µô¡­¡­ °áÈë¡­¡­ °ÑijÎï°áµ½¡­¡­ Ïû³ýijÈ˵ÄÒÉÂÇ/·³ÄÕ ¢ÙAfter the customer left the restaurant£¬the waitress removed the dishes from the table.

Ôڹ˿ÍÀ뿪²Í¹Ýºó£¬Å®·þÎñÔ±ÄÃ×ßÁË×À×ÓÉϵIJ;ߡ£ ¢ÚThey're going to remove into a new building. ËûÃÇ×¼±¸°á½øÒ»×ùÐÂÂ¥¡£

¢ÛThe man was removed (remove) from the post because he broke the rules and regulations of the company on purpose.

Õâ¸öÈËÓÉÓÚ¹ÊÒâÎ¥·´¹«Ë¾µÄ¹æÕÂÖƶȶø±»¿ª³ýÁË¡£ worth adj.[¹Å]ֵǮµÄ



(½Ì²ÄP2)Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuanmingyuan in Beijing£¿Öؽ¨ÈççúçêÎÝ»òÕßÊDZ±¾©Ô²Ã÷Ô°ÕâÑùµÄÎÄ»¯Òż£ÖµµÃÂð£¿

sth.be worth doing be worth £« money be worth it ÖµµÃ×öijÊ ֵ¡­¡­Ç® ¡­¡­ÊÇÖµµÃµÄ ¢ÙThe jewel is worth about six thousand dollars. Õâ¼þÖ鱦¼ÛÖµ´óÔ¼6 000ÃÀÔª¡£

¢ÚThe new car cost me a large sum of money£¬but it is worth it. ÕâÁ¾Ð³µ»¨ÁËÎÒÒ»´ó±ÊÇ®£¬µ«È´ÎïÓÐËùÖµ¡£

¢ÛThe Great Wall is worth visiting.£½The Great Wall is worth a visit.£½It is worth visiting(visit) the Great Wall.³¤³ÇÖµµÃ²Î¹Û¡£


be worth doingÊÇÓö¯Ãû´ÊµÄÖ÷¶¯ÐÎʽ±íʾ±»¶¯º¬Ò壻±íʾ¡°ºÜ/·Ç³£¡±ÖµµÃ×öÒªÓÃwell¶ø²»ÄÜÓÃveryÐÞÊΡ£

(½Ì²ÄP1)Frederick William ¢ñ£¬the King of Prussia£¬could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.