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n?0,1,2,???(2)limana?a?????an. ?S,求:lim12n??bn??b?b?????bn12n解:令pnk?bka,k?1,2,???,n,tn?n,n?0,1,2,???,则满足条件:



k?1b1?b2?????bnn发散,且bn?0知,limpnk?limn??bka(4)limtn?limn?S ?0;

n??b?b?????bn??n??b12nn 由托普里兹定理得:limn???pnktk?lim?k?1nbka?k

n??k?1b1?b2?????bnbkn ?lima1?a2?????an?S.

n??b?b?????b12n01nnCnx0?CnZx1?????CnZxn例4.3.3 设limxn?a,Z?0,求lim.

n??n??(1?Z)nkkkkCnZCnZk?1,2,???,n解:令pnk?,,则满足条件:(1)p??0; nknn(1?Z)(1?Z)kk01nnCnZCn?CnZ?????CnZ(1?Z)n(2)?pnk?????1; nnn(1?Z)(1?Z)k?0k?0(1?Z)nnn(n?1)???(n?k?1)CZn(n?1)???(n?k?1)kk1?2???n?Z?Z (3)pnk?(1?Z)n(1?Z)n(1?Z)nknknkk ?Z?0; n(1?Z)(4)limxn?a,

n??kk01nnCnZCnx0?CnZx1?????CnZxn由托普里兹定理得::lim?pnkxk?x?lim?a nknn??n??(1?Z)(1?Z)k?0n

第17页 共18页





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Talking from the L'Hospital Rule

Author: XXX Supervisor: XXX

Abstract L'Hospital Rule is to solve an important limit undetermined type and simple way. From the L'Hospital Rule talk about, and then leds to Stolz Theorem and the Toeplitz Theorem, this article is divided into three main parts to explore these content: The first part gives out the two types of L'Hospital Rule and the proof, and with the L'Hospital Rule to solve problems of various types of undetermined type limits; the second part gives out proof of Stolz Theorem and its applications; The third part gives out proof of Toeplitz Theorem and its application. Keywords L'Hospital Rule Stolz Theorem Toeplitz Theorem Cauchy Theorem

第18页 共18页