2015小学英语人教PEP五年级下册新版课文 下载本文

Zip & Zoom: Welcome!

Koala: Thank you. Merry Christmas! Zip & Zoom: Merry Christmas!

Zoom: What do you usually do on Christmas Day Koala: I usually go to the beach and swim in the sea! Zoom: You swim in winter

Koala: Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas.

Zoom: Which season do you like best Koala: Summer. I like sunny days. Koala: Wow! A white Christmas! Zoom: Let ' s make a snowman. Zip & Koala: Great! Zip: Say “ cheese” ! Koala: Cheese!

Unit 3 My school calendar A - Let ' s talk.

Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party. Zhang Peng: When is the party

Mike: It ' s in April. We have a school trip, too. Zhang Peng: When is that Mike: It ' s in May. Zhang Peng: Cool! B - Let ' s talk.

Oliver: Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours. Chen Jie: I like autumn, too.

We usually have a school trip in autumn. Oliver: Great!

When is the trip this year Chen Jie: It ' s in October. We' ll go to the Great Wall. Oliver: Cool! I love the Great Wall! B - Easter Party

WHEN: April 12th, 7 p.m. WHY: Easter holiday WHERE: Wu Yifan's home WHAT: We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs.

We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny! RSVP: Will you come to the party Please send me an email by March 23rd. Robin@helpsu.cn. C — Story time

Zoom: Look at my summer vacation plan! Zip: It 's April now.

The summer vacation is still three months away. Zoom: Early planning is always good. Zoom: In July I 'll visit my grandparents. They live in Xinjiang. Zip: What will you do there

Zoom: We'll go to the Grape Valley. The grapes there are very sweet! Grapes are my favourite fruit! Zoom: In August, I

'll go to Huangshan Moutain.

The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful. Zip: Sounds great!

Zip: You have a great plan, but what will you do this weekend Zoom: This weekend

Zip: There is a maths test next Monday.