外研版三起小学英语四年级下册教案 下载本文

2. Do the Activity Book.Tell the Ss to bring a photo of themselves or their relatives to class. The photo should show them or their relatives when they were young. Then have the Ss come to the front to show and talk about their photos.


(五)小结Read and write the new words and sentences. Do Activity III. 板书设计:


Unit1 I was two then.

grandparents ╱ ╲ grandpa grandma hair then so who/hu:/ me/ mi: /



Grandparents are old. Grandparents were young. Lingling’s hair is long. Lingling’s hair was short.

Lingling isn’t two.

Module 5

Uint2 They were young.



Sentences: They weren’t old then. They were young.

Grasp the simple past tense. And using the past tense to talk about some changes.

Have the Ss say the chant. Have the Ss valve their time. 过程与方法:讲授、过去时 情感、态度和价值观:说曾经辉煌


Lingling was two.

德育目标:用适当的形容词修饰X K b1. C om

教学重点:Sentences: They weren’t old then. They were young.

教学难点:Grasp the simple past tense. And using the past tense to talk about some changes.

教学方法:讲授、过去时 教学过程:

(一)导入:Have the Ss retell the story. Check up Ss’ homework.( Activity IV)

Get the Ss to act out the dialogue. (Have the Ss interest in English) (二)探究新知Leading

Describe the photos or pictures with comparing the present and the past. Tell the Ss “wasn’t”and “was not” are the same. And “weren’t” is the same as “were not”.

Play the tape and have the Ss listen and find out the adjectives. And report them.( Review the adjectives and find out the differences)

Learn the chant.

First, get the Ss to look at the pictures and describe them.

(A small chick and two big fat hens.) Then play the spoken version of the chant and get the Ss to repeat the words then chant.

(三)巩固新知Listen and repeat. Chant and do the mimes at the same time. Have the Ss do Activity IV.

Look at the pictures. Compare “now” and “then”. Then describe the pictures. (Cultivate the Ss’ oral English.)

4. Do the Activity Book. Have the Ss work in groups. Sa will act out Sb who was in many years ago. Then Sc will introduce the two Ss. Find out some changes with the past and present tense.


(五)小结:接触一般过去时新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网 板书设计

Unit2 They were young.

They weren’t old then. weren't →were not They were young. wasn't → was not


A: Was it fat?

B: No, it wasn’t. It’s thin.

Module 6

Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday?


知识与技能:1、Words and phrases: old\\older young\\younger strong\\stronger than

2﹑Sentences: Samˊshorter than Lingling. 3﹑Grammar: Adj. comparison 过程与方法: 单词、课文和句型

情感、态度和价值观:对一类的人或物进行对比 德育目标:对比是用确切的语言、特别是形容词的用法

教学重点:Words and phrases: old\\older young\\younger strong\\stronger than

Sentences: Samˊshorter than Lingling. 教学难点:Grammar: Adj. comparison 教学方法:讲述、对话、对比 教学过程:

(一)导入:A: song: Monday Tuesdayw W w .X k b 1. c O m B: Free talk: Talk about two students like this: Lili is fat, Zhaoxin is thin.

(二)探究新知Write the adj. of the students using on the blackboard. (big small fat thin tall short)

Then tell students the adj. what we'll learn. Write them on the blackboard:

Old Young Strong

Learn to read and make sentences like this (Fengqi is strong.\\Zhongyao is old.)

Then let 2 students stand up, Then say :( Fengqi is strong, Wang kunpeng is stronger.)


Write “er” behind strong. Students will understand the meaning. Make sentences like this.(Wang kunpeng is stronger than Fengqi.)

(Xiaoxiao is younger than Lili.)(Lili is older than Xiaoxiao.) Show out the picture of Amy and Lingling, and handwriting: “Module 5 Unit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.”

Show out two bags and let Ss make sentences with (bigger than). Show out two rulers and use (longer than).

(三)巩固新知A game: Make more sentences about everything. (Eyes hands books and so on.)

(Step 3) Practise: (Exercise 1 of Activity Book. Talk about pictures and Ss.)

( 四)作业布置:

(五)小结:形容词比较级和句型:I am taller than Tom. 板书设计Designs:

Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday? older bigger younger smaller stronger fatter

thinner taller shorter

Module 6

Unit 2 Was it a big city then?



Words and phrases: Mount Qomolangma the Great Wall the Summer Palace Sentences: The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River. 过程与方法:看图说句子

情感、态度和价值观:对两个同一类的东西进行对比 德育目标:认识我国大河江山、从对比中发现她的美

教学重点:Words and phrases: Mount Qomolangma the Great Wall the Summer Palace