外研版三起小学英语四年级下册教案 下载本文

S3: Tomorrow we’re going to have a Music lesson. S4: No, I won’t.

Will和going to 的用法评出最好的一组。

(三)巩固新知Game:A: Two students play a game .They choose one food or one object and do the action.

S1: Will you take some noodles? S2: No, I won’t. S1: Will you take a cake? S2: Yes, I will.

B: Four students look some pictures and tale about.

A: We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow. I will take my coat and my hat. Will you take your swimsuit? (用CAI)

B: No, I won’t. I’ll take my coat, too. Will you take your gloves? C: YES, I Will?新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 D:

评出最佳一组给sticker (四)作业布置:

(五)小结:通过简短的幽默对话初步接触动词的一般将来时 板书设计Design:

Unit 1 Will you take your kite?

take We are going to have a picnic.

picnic Will you take your kite? great Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ball why because so

Module 4

Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?




1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy 2. Sentences: Will it be hot in Haikou? Yes, it will. / No, it won't. 3. Using “will” to describe weather in the future.

过程与方法:Describing weather in the future and talking about weather. 情感、态度和价值观:用英语进行对天气的预想 德育目标:养成学生有规律的生活习惯

教学重点:1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy

2. Sentences: Will it be windy in Beijing?

Yes, it will. / No, it won't. w W w .x K b 1.c o M 教学难点: Using “will” to describe weather in the future. 教学方法:对话、说唱 教学过程:

(一)导入:Warming up: Look say and act: hot cold rain sunny snow windy (复习学过的有关天气的形容词,为本课的学习打好基础)


Show a map pf China. Write city’s name on the map.

Show the cards of weather to students. And listen to the tape then point to the pictures.

Draw the simple pictures on the board. And write the words.

Learn the words and draw the pictures in the exercise books. (同时讲解 rain与 rainy 的区分)

Show the robot to the students and say “The robots will do everything. So the robots will broadcast the weather, too. Now let’s act. Listen again and repeat the text then act (表演机器人天气预报员,以小组的形式操练句型)

Show CAI to students. (看课件,模仿并跟读,引出本课的重点句子,板书句子。)

(三)巩固新知Practice: Game: Listen and stick. Listen to tape and stick the cards on map. ( 听一听,贴一贴的活动调动了学生的积极性,训练了学生的听做能力。它是让学生听到某地的天气情况,把相关的图片与城市连在一起。)

Do this game in groups or in pairs. Do the exercises in AB.


(4) Production: Look at the CAI and ask “What will the weather be?” (出示各种天气的课件,展开游戏,让学生运用 “Will it ______________? ” 来提问。)

In groups or in pairs to continue the game. (四)作业布置Homework :

(五)小结:问天气情况Will it be _________? 板书设计Design:

Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?


cold Will it be _______in_________? sunny Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. rain新课 标 第 一 网 windy snow

Module 5

Unit1 I was two then.



The Ss can describe the past.

Using the simple past tense. They were young then. I was two then. The Ss can grasp the new words and phrases.

Using the simple past tense of the irregular verb “be” to talk about the past.

Cultivate the Ss’ cooperation. 过程与方法:讲授、接触过去时 情感、态度和价值观:看图回忆过去 德育目标:有个家真好

教学重点:The Ss can grasp the new words and phrases.

教学难点:Using the simple past tense of the irregular verb “be” to talk


about the past.

教学方法:讲授、接触过去时 教学过程:

(一)导入:Sing the song

“OH, we love holidays.”( 调动学生的学习兴趣,营造英语教学气氛 ) Review some adjectives.

E.g. tall, short; fat, thin; big, small etc. Have the Ss make the sentences with the pictures.( 为后面的课文教学做铺垫)

3. Free talk

Have the Ss talk about countries and their capitals (the USA an d China) (二)探究新知Leading

Take out a photo of my family. Then introduce it. “It’s old. Because I was four then. Look, there are my parents. They were young then. But now they are old.” Point to me and say “I was fat and short then. Now you can look at me.” Then get the Ss to look at today’s story. ( 教师可以通过肢体语言及神情让学生领会这段英语的意思。)

Write the sentences on the board. And mark “were, are, was, is” ╱They were young then. ╱ I was four then.

╲They are old now. ╲ Now I am thirty. 新课 标 第 一 网 Explain to the Ss. We usually use “were, was” when it’s the past. And using “are, is” when we describe the present. (板书明确,再通过句式操练,学生更容易理解,并加深印象。)

3. Teach the words with the pictures. Then have the Ss say the sentences with the wards. “Grandparents are grandma and grandpa.”

e.g. “Who are they? They are my grandparents.” Compare “now” and “then”. Then say the sentences.

Teach “hair” with pointing to Ss’ hair. Explain “Cute means very lovely” Listen to the tape. Then repeat.

Have the Ss act out the story in groups. (三)巩固新知Point and say.

Using the multi-media. Have the Ss look at the pictures.

Then say the sentences with the present and the past tense. ( 教师运用多媒体课件教学,让学生感知语言内容,调动学生的视、听觉,参与学习中来。 )