六级笔试新题型模拟试卷01 - 图文 下载本文

M: I heard that when Doris was upset, she prefered to isolate herself from other people for a little while.

What does Doris probably do at this moment? [听力文本资源]

A) Learn chemistry.

B) Complain to her friends.

C) Stay alone for a short time. √ D) Cry over her chemistry exams. 答案: C 解析: 音频中女士说Doris化学考试没及格,所以想去安慰一下她。男士告诉女士,Doris伤心时,比较喜欢自己一个人呆着(isolate herself from others),因此,此刻,Doris很有可能是自己一个人呆着。所以选C。 5. [听力文本资源] M: We will go camping this weekends as the weather forecast said the weather would be fine. Do you want to come along? W: I hope I could. The head of the department asked me to work up some sample compositions and give them to the students next Monday. What will the woman probably do during the weekends? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

Stay in the department. Write some compositions. √ Go camping with her friends.

Discuss with some students about the composition.

答案: B


音频中,男士邀请女士去露营,但女士手头有些工作要做,所以去不了。她要忙着整理一些范文(work up some sample compositions),因为系领导要她周一将这些文章发给同学们。此题考察对于短语work up的理解,此语境中,work up 应理解为“逐步完善(文章,项目等)”。所以选B。

6. [听力文本资源]

W: I have faith in our school basketball team. They will become the champion in the school league.

M: Don't be silly. Didn't you hear the rumor that our school team is one of the most vulnerable ones in the league?

What does the man mean about their school basketball team ? [听力文本资源] A) The team has a lot of supporters regardless of gender. B) They played so well that all the students are the fans of them. C) Their school basketball team is easily to be defeated. √

D) There is a rumor saying that they will be the champion of the school league.

答案: C 解析: 此题考察词汇vulnerable。从男士的话里可知,女士说的“我们学校篮球队会成为篮球联赛的冠军”这话,是如此愚蠢。他听到的是,他们学校的篮球队是联赛里面最弱的(vulnerable)球队之一。换而言之,他们的篮球队很容易被击败。所以选C。

7. [听力文本资源]

W: Do you want to be my travel companion for the summer trip to Europe? M: Eh, I have been to many countries in Europe. Can you tell me some further information about the trip, like which cities you will visit, and how many days you will stay in each place?

Why does the man need some further information? [听力文本资源]

A) He would like to hear more details about the trip as he wants to join.

B) He wants to make some suggestions about the trip as he is an expert in traveling. C) He wants to know whether his schedule can fit with the trip plan as he is busy.

D) He needs to see whether the trip plan is suitable for him as he has already traveled around Europe. √

答案: D 解析: 因为男士已经去过欧洲很多次了,因此当女士提议要不要和她一起去欧洲时,男士才会提出要一些细节性内容的要求。所以选D。

8. [听力文本资源]

W: I really admire the sincerity of the president in that company. What he said in the orientation made no bones about the fact.

M: I totally agree with you. I was impressed by his comments on his company that they were there to promote social and economic development as well as to make money.

What can be inferred about the president of the company? [听力文本资源]

A) He was too money-conscious.

B) He was an excellent speaker with handful of talking techniques.

C) He is a man who is realistic in a truth-seeking way. √

D) He spoke highly of his company as it was to promote social and economic development.

答案: C 解析: 女士喜欢那个公司老板的真诚(sincerity),而男士则对老板对于自己的公司的评价印象深刻,老板说,“我们公司不仅要推动社会和经济的发展,同时,也是以盈利为目的的”。因此我们可以推断出来,这位公司老板十分实事求是。所以选C。