and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners ' aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I also encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1, strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspections in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full play to role of the police station, weaving \c security\ork and develop social security guard. According to the Park's various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Park's main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prevention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong ang Cheng in particular surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take \her than\nsional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities seriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b, Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.第一章 概论
1.组织(Organization): 从广义上说,组织是指由诸多要素按照一定方式相互联系起来的系统。系统论、控制论、信息论、耗散结构论和协同论等,都是从不同的侧面研究有组织的系统的。从这个角度来看,组织和系统是同等程度的概念。
2.组织行为学(Organization Behavior):作为行为科学的一个分支,组织行为学着重探讨个体、群体以及结构对组织内部行为的影响,从而运用这些知识来实现组织行为的有效性。
3.案例研究(case study):对个体、群体或组织整体的情况进行深入调查而得出结论的方法。这种研究对变量能进行一定的控制。案例研究样本有限,很难得出一般性和易于推广的结论,但是案例研究呈现的内容丰富,是人们发现和提出新的理论假设的前提和基础。
4.实际调查研究(field survey):是采用一定的方法对一定规模的样本对象(可以是个体、群体或组织)进行全面调查、收集和分析数据,从而得出结论的方法。这种研究对变量也能进行一定的控制。这种方法的缺点是不够深入。
5.实验室实验(1aboratory experiment):是通过建立一个完全人工的环境,研究者可以控制自变量,并观测、记录因变量,然后分析这些自变量和因变量之间的关系。
1.2 关键知识点
1. 组织行为学的介绍
2. 组织行为学的研究方法
3. 组织行为学研究步骤
4. 组织行为学面临的挑战 组织行为学作为现代管理体系的重要组成部分、工商管理的主干课程,其重要性日益
显现。尤其是在我国,正处于重新判断人的价值、改革经济和政治组织的转型时期,面临着众多挑战:全球化竞争,劳动力多元化,员工忠诚度减弱、趋向老龄化,失业形势严重,组织伦理道德体系的缺位,对产品质量和生产率要求越来越高……组织行为学可以为这些问题提供一些有意义的启示或线索第二章 组织中的个体差异
Community walkways were installed at the entrance gate, barrier closes automatically after 10 o'clock every night. Meanwhile, community peace volunteer, property security patrols day and night alternately in the community and co-operate with community police officers, professional security, increase its security community, park security cases decreased significantly. Four is to play the role of grass-roots party organizations, people-oriented, good service to area residents, so as to better carry out comprehensive management work. Investments of more than 20,000 Yuan made 44 of the CMC community governance and property management services related to publicity and peace-building work, in Jinhua city put up pilot district's danyuanlou building, community people can understand the community organization network architecture and community security patrol every day situations, thereby enhancing safety awareness, reduce the rate to ensure community safety, stability. 3, major renovation work to improve social security. Based on practical work, Tin Hau Kou West communities identified as key management areas of social security, according to stick to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, the principles of investigation, remediation, organized in-depth diagnostic to troubleshoot the jurisdiction, by way of carry on, held seminars, mobilize the masses to report, a comprehensive grasp of the area's serious public security issues. Period, in conjunction with the urban management department twice a week on days, XI Kou touch-bar regulation, identify problems in time, to solve. And actively cooperate with the police of new external personnel in information collection, the unified register and take a variety of forms, often talking with rental households and external personnel, remind them to take care of their valuables and installations, educate themselves and family members obey the law, increase safety awareness, suspicious personnel and timely reporting to the community or to call 110. Meanwhile, monthly with \ner\cial rectification actions, raids on Tin Hau, XI Kou, and achieved good results. o form the good situation of the people make concerted efforts, jurisdictions of law and order situation has been significantly improved to ensure the peace. 4, strengthen leadership, carry out the responsibility. Annual objectives of the development zone, is the inclusion of political and legal work, carefully planned, strategically, implement the plan. Formation of party and Government leaders assuming overall responsibility, members of the comprehensive management accountability system. Second is the development of the political and legal work and other work, and community, the Preparatory Office and relevant departments, enterprises in the zones, Internet cafes had signed the work goal responsibility (signing of up to 100%), such as effective governance, the rule of law to create comprehensive work into the grass-roots level, the implementation of specific responsibility. Third, joint meetings on a regular basis, careful analysis of stability of social security, study and solve difficulties and problems in the work. Four is to implement \ch, offices. Strengthening the building of grassroots organizations, adjustment equipped with strong leadership, community (Preparatory Office) the Director of the comprehensive management office, organization, promotion and implementation of grass-roots peace-building efforts. Five is the integration of resources, according to the \and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners ' aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I also encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1, strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspections in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full play to role of the police station, weaving \c security\ork and develop social security guard. According to the Park's various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Park's main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prevention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong ang Cheng in particular surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take \her than\nsional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities seriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b, Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.1.1、重要概念
1、个体差异度(individual differences):代表一个人适合一种或几种类型的程度。 2、能力(ability):反映了个体现有的能够完成给定要求的不同任务的技能。
6、控制点(locus of control):用来表征个人感觉在何种程度上能够控制自己的生活。如果相信事情基本由自己控制,
就是内控型,此类人对自己所发生的事情负责。如果认为命运的控制点是位于外 部世界的,如社会和自然条件,这样的人属于外控型。
约翰·霍兰德(John Holland)将职员人格特质和工作环境划分为六个类型:
很少有人恰好只适合一种类型,为此霍兰德引出个体差异度的概念,它代表一个人适合一种或几种类型的程度。 霍兰德理论是实践中最流行的职业适合度模型,被广泛用于职业咨询。尽管有一些研究支持霍兰德的假设,但它的个性类型仅代表了人格五因素模型中的开放性和外向性,而其他人格维度也必然与职业存在相关。此外,这一模型是否能推广到不同的文化背景中也值得研究。
所谓人格特质,是指一个人的行为中重复发生的规律性和趋势。学者戈登·奥尔波特(Gordon Allport)认为,在某一社会中长期所用的语言就应能包含这一文化中描述任何一个人所需的概念,所以他与其他学者于1936年从词典中选出近 1,8000个描述人格特质的词制成词表,美国卡特尔(Raymond Catell)教授又将之归类压缩为171个。但这么多的人格特质仍然无法在实际中加以利用,所以人们在多种分析甚至跨文化研究的基础上,进行了进一步的精简,发现五个核心的人格特质,并且能够利用它们能较好地预测工作中的绩效,这五项人格维度被称为“大五”(Big Five)或FFM(Five-Factor Model,五因素模型)。
Community walkways were installed at the entrance gate, barrier closes automatically after 10 o'clock every night. Meanwhile, community peace volunteer, property security patrols day and night alternately in the community and co-operate with community police officers, professional security, increase its security community, park security cases decreased significantly. Four is to play the role of grass-roots party organizations, people-oriented, good service to area residents, so as to better carry out comprehensive management work. Investments of more than 20,000 Yuan made 44 of the CMC community governance and property management services related to publicity and peace-building work, in Jinhua city put up pilot district's danyuanlou building, community people can understand the community organization network architecture and community security patrol every day situations, thereby enhancing safety awareness, reduce the rate to ensure community safety, stability. 3, major renovation work to improve social security. Based on practical work, Tin Hau Kou West communities identified as key management areas of social security, according to stick to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, the principles of investigation, remediation, organized in-depth diagnostic to troubleshoot the jurisdiction, by way of carry on, held seminars, mobilize the masses to report, a comprehensive grasp of the area's serious public security issues. Period, in conjunction with the urban management department twice a week on days, XI Kou touch-bar regulation, identify problems in time, to solve. And actively cooperate with the police of new external personnel in information collection, the unified register and take a variety of forms, often talking with rental households and external personnel, remind them to take care of their valuables and installations, educate themselves and family members obey the law, increase safety awareness, suspicious personnel and timely reporting to the community or to call 110. Meanwhile, monthly with \ner\cial rectification actions, raids on Tin Hau, XI Kou, and achieved good results. o form the good situation of the people make concerted efforts, jurisdictions of law and order situation has been significantly improved to ensure the peace. 4, strengthen leadership, carry out the responsibility. Annual objectives of the development zone, is the inclusion of political and legal work, carefully planned, strategically, implement the plan. Formation of party and Government leaders assuming overall responsibility, members of the comprehensive management accountability system. Second is the development of the political and legal work and other work, and community, the Preparatory Office and relevant departments, enterprises in the zones, Internet cafes had signed the work goal responsibility (signing of up to 100%), such as effective governance, the rule of law to create comprehensive work into the grass-roots level, the implementation of specific responsibility. Third, joint meetings on a regular basis, careful analysis of stability of social security, study and solve difficulties and problems in the work. Four is to implement \hree in one\ch, offices. Strengthening the building of grassroots organizations, adjustment equipped with strong leadership, community (Preparatory Office) the Director of the comprehensive management office, organization, promotion and implementation of grass-roots peace-building efforts. Five is the integration of resources, according to the \and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners ' aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I also encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1, strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspections in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in he ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full play to role of the police station, weaving \c security\ork and develop social security guard. According to the Park's various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Park's main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prevention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong ang Cheng in particular surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take \her than\nsional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities seriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b, Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.外向性(Extraversion)
合群的、精力充沛的、好表现、好交际的 羞怯的、有保留的、孤僻的
随和、得体、热情、令人愉快的、周到的 冷漠、独立、粗鲁、令人不快的
努力、有组织计划性、可靠、谨慎的 冲动、粗心、懒惰无条理的、不负责任的
冷静、稳定、平和、自信 焦虑、忧郁、喜怒无常的
易幻想、好奇、有创造性的 实际的、兴趣狭窄的、迟钝、想象力贫乏、刻板的
图 五因素模型
3、 梅耶斯-布瑞格斯人格特质问卷(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI)
布瑞格斯母女俩进而利用四个人格维度设置问卷: 一是内向性或外向性(introversion/extraversion),描述获得精力、能量的来源偏好。外向的人常有一个广泛的社会关系网络。但这种偏好与社交技巧并无关系。
Community walkways were installed at the entrance gate, barrier closes automatically after 10 o'clock every night. Meanwhile, community peace volunteer, property security patrols day and night alternately in the community and co-operate with community police officers, professional security, increase its security community, park security cases decreased significantly. Four is to play the role of grass-roots party organizations, people-oriented, good service to area residents, so as to better carry out comprehensive management work. Investments of more than 20,000 Yuan made 44 of the CMC community governance and property management services related to publicity and peace-building work, in Jinhua city put up pilot district's danyuanlou building, community people can understand the community organization network architecture and community security patrol every day situations, thereby enhancing safety awareness, reduce the rate to ensure community safety, stability. 3, major renovation work to improve social security. Based on practical work, Tin Hau Kou West communities identified as key management areas of social security, according to stick to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, the principles of investigation, remediation, organized in-depth diagnostic to troubleshoot the jurisdiction, by way of carry on, held seminars, mobilize the masses to report, a comprehensive grasp of the area's serious public security issues. Period, in conjunction with the urban management department twice a week on days, XI Kou touch-bar regulation, identify problems in time, to solve. And actively cooperate with the police of new external personnel in information collection, the unified register and take a variety of forms, often talking with rental households and external personnel, remind them to take care of their valuables and installations, educate themselves and family members obey the law, increase safety awareness, suspicious personnel and timely reporting to the community or to call 110. Meanwhile, monthly with \designer\special rectification actions, raids on Tin Hau, XI Kou, and achieved good results. o form the good situation of the people make concerted efforts, jurisdictions of law and order situation has been significantly improved to ensure the peace. 4, strengthen leadership, carry out the responsibility. Annual objectives of the development zone, is the inclusion of political and legal work, carefully planned, strategically, implement the plan. Formation of party and Government leaders assuming overall responsibility, members of the comprehensive management accountability system. Second is the development of the political and legal work and other work, and community, the Preparatory Office and relevant departments, enterprises in the zones, Internet cafes had signed the work goal responsibility (signing of up to 100%), such as effective governance, the rule of law to create comprehensive work into the grass-roots level, the implementation of specific responsibility. Third, joint meetings on a regular basis, careful analysis of stability of social security, study and solve difficulties and problems in the work. Four is to implement \ch, offices. Strengthening the building of grassroots organizations, adjustment equipped with strong leadership, community (Preparatory Office) the Director of the comprehensive management office, organization, promotion and implementation of grass-roots peace-building efforts. Five is the integration of resources, according to the \组织行为学 章节
重点 Page 3 of 27
and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners ' aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I also encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1, strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspections in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full play to role of the police station, weaving \c security\ork and develop social security guard. According to the Park's various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Park's main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prevention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong ang Cheng in particular surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take \her than\nsional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities seriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b, Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.从哪里获得精力?
外向性(E) 喜欢外出的 关于公开表现的 互动性强的 先发言后思考的 喜社交的
感觉的(S) 实际的 具体的 脚踏实地的 细节 有形的 如何评估和决策? 思维的(T) 分析的 清楚的 动脑筋的 公正的 规则的 判断的(J) 结构性的 时间导向的 决定性的 列表且使用 组织性的
内向性(I) 安静的 拘谨的 精力集中的 先思考后发言的 好思考的 直觉的(N)
一般性(思考)的 抽象的 心高气傲的 可能性 理论的 情感的(F) 主观的 和谐的 心灵的 仁慈的 情境的 感知的(P) 灵活性的 开放和扩展的
探索性的 列表而不用
第三章 个体行为的基础
1.1 重点概念
1.知觉(perception):是个体对从环境刺激进行选择、组织、理解、反思并赋予其意义的过程。 2.晕轮效应(halo effect):指人们在观察别人时,对这个人的某个方面、品质或特征有非常突出的知觉,起到了一种类似于晕轮的作用,从而影响了对这个人其他特征的知觉,造成以点概面、以偏概全的后果。 3.印象管理(Impression Management):指人们试图管理和控制他人对自己所形成的印象的过程。 4.归因(attribution):可以分为内部归因和外部归因。内部归因是指在个体控制能力之内的内部责任来源;外部归因是指在个体控制能力之外的外部责任来源。
Community walkways were installed at the entrance gate, barrier closes automatically after 10 o'clock every night. Meanwhile, community peace volunteer, property security patrols day and night alternately in the community and co-operate with community police officers, professional security, increase its security community, park security cases decreased significantly. Four is to play the role of grass-roots party organizations, people-oriented, good service to area residents, so as to better carry out comprehensive management work. Investments of more than 20,000 Yuan made 44 of the CMC community governance and property management services related to publicity and peace-building work, in Jinhua city put up pilot district's danyuanlou building, community people can understand the community organization network architecture and community security patrol every day situations, thereby enhancing safety awareness, reduce the rate to ensure community safety, stability. 3, major renovation work to improve social security. Based on practical work, Tin Hau Kou West communities identified as key management areas of social security, according to stick to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, the principles of investigation, remediation, organized in-depth diagnostic to troubleshoot the jurisdiction, by way of carry on, held seminars, mobilize the masses to report, a comprehensive grasp of the area's serious public security issues. Period, in conjunction with the urban management department twice a week on days, XI Kou touch-bar regulation, identify problems in time, to solve. And actively cooperate with the police of new external personnel in information collection, the unified register and take a variety of forms, often talking with rental households and external personnel, remind them to take care of their valuables and installations, educate themselves and family members obey the law, increase safety awareness, suspicious personnel and timely reporting to the community or to call 110. Meanwhile, monthly with \ner\cial rectification actions, raids on Tin Hau, XI Kou, and achieved good results. o form the good situation of the people make concerted efforts, jurisdictions of law and order situation has been significantly improved to ensure the peace. 4, strengthen leadership, carry out the responsibility. Annual objectives of the development zone, is the inclusion of political and legal work, carefully planned, strategically, implement the plan. Formation of party and Government leaders assuming overall responsibility, members of the comprehensive management accountability system. Second is the development of the political and legal work and other work, and community, the Preparatory Office and relevant departments, enterprises in the zones, Internet cafes had signed the work goal responsibility (signing of up to 100%), such as effective governance, the rule of law to create comprehensive work into the grass-roots level, the implementation of specific responsibility. Third, joint meetings on a regular basis, careful analysis of stability of social security, study and solve difficulties and problems in the work. Four is to implement \hree in one\ch, offices. Strengthening the building of grassroots organizations, adjustment equipped with strong leadership, community (Preparatory Office) the Director of the comprehensive management office, organization, promotion and implementation of grass-roots peace-building efforts. Five is the integration of resources, according to the \